Weekly Announcements
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church
May 24, 2023
Children's Message
Preschool and elementary age children (and their parents) will be invited to come forward to experience a children's message and sing a song during the worship service every week. In addition, next Sunday, June 4, kids will have the chance to go to our bi-weekly Children's Church program to learn about baptism and will return to observe an infant baptism. Katie will bring the children back into worship during the hymn following the sermon and sit in the front rows on the piano side so that children may observe closely. A parent/grandparent is asked to come forward at this time to accompany their child/children. They can return to their usual seat when the baptism family returns to their seat.
Beloved Community Garden
Volunteers are needed to prepare and plant the raised beds of the Beloved Community Garden on Saturday, June 3, beginning at 8:30am. A BIG THANK YOU to those who delivered and donated the additional garden soil, and to the volunteers who helped to fill the beds. Please contact the church office if you are able to help on June 3.
Graduate Recognition Sunday
St. Matthew’s will be honoring 2023 graduates on Sunday, June 18 during 9:30am worship. It is our hope that graduate families will be able to attend worship for this special occasion. If you have not already shared graduation information with the office, please send it to office@kellerschurch.org by June 8 so it can be included in the bulletin and in the weekly announcements.
Holy Communion will be offered in two ways beginning on June 4.
1. You may continue to pick up a wafer (regular or gluten-free) and wine or grape juice from the tables in either narthex as you enter church and partake of the communion elements at your seat after the invitation to commune is given.
2. The second option is to receive communion at the altar. When the invitation to commune is given, form a line in the center aisle and proceed to the altar. Pastor Jerry will place the wafer in the palm of your flattened and extended hand when you get to the altar (alternatively, you may help yourself to a gluten-free wafer which will be available on a table next to him) and say the words "the body of Christ, given for you." Eat the wafer and move to either side to select wine or juice from the tray held by an assistant and receive the words "the blood of Christ, shed for you." The empty cup can then be placed in the basket at the front of either side aisle as you return to your seat by that aisle.
Help Wanted: Many Hands Make Light Work
We still need volunteers to make the return to communion at the altar happen. Please either: 1) Check boxes on the help wanted form and leave by the offering bins in church, or 2) Send an email to the church office stating where you would like to help, and/or 3) Sign up to help on the sign-up sheet in the round room. We need lots of hands to make light work.
Kellers Church Reads Book Club
Whether you're an avid reader or want to start reading more, or prefer to listen to audiobooks, you're welcome to join us. We meet next on Monday June 19, 7pm, at Panera Quakertown to discuss "The Nest" by Cynthia Sweeney.
Care Packs
Care Packs are available in the Round Room. These were prepared at our Cinco De Mayo Taco Lunch. Please take one to share with someone in need.
Pennridge FISH Clothing Room Appeal for May
In honor of mothers and women in May, please consider donating kitchen towels, dish cloths, gently-used women's clothing, used kitchen items and household goods to the Pennridge FISH Clothing Room. Place the donations at the carport entrance with the Food Pantry donations, and they will be delivered to FISH each week.
Pennridge FISH Pantry
Urgently needed items: laundry detergent, dish detergent, paper towels, toilet paper, tissues and disposable razors.
Much needed items: salad dressing, jelly, mayonnaise, canned items (pasta; beets, spinach; soup; fruit), meal helpers (hamburger, tuna, Rice-A-Roni®), SPAM®, boxed pasta, hot chocolate, coffee, bar soap, baby wipes, diapers sizes 2, 3, 4T, 5T, 6T and sizes 4-7 style Pull-Ups®, trainers & nighttime.
Other items needed: apples, oranges, onions, potatoes, oatmeal, applesauce, misc. nuts, white rice, brown rice, flour, sugar, salt, pepper, dry beans, boxed mashed potatoes, pickles, cooking oil, shelf stable grated cheese, alfredo sauce, spaghetti, shelf stable meals (Hormel® Completes), canned items (soup, vegetables, beef stew, chicken, sardines), shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste. Here are some other ideas on what to donate.