St. Matthew's Lutheran Church
Weekly Announcements
February 7, 2024
Souper Bowl Sunday
Super Bowl Sunday is coming up. For us here at St. Matthew's, that means it's almost Souper Bowl Sunday! This Sunday, February 11 following worship, you'll see your LYF members at each door with their traditional soup pots to collect money for Pennridge FISH. If you cannot make it, go to St. Matthew's donations page under "Local Benevolences" to donate to the Souper Bowl cause! Don't forget to bring food donations to worship for FISH (see below for ideas).
Ash Wednesday Worship February 14
There will be two opportunities to worship on Ash Wednesday, February 14. At 12 noon,
we will worship with traditional liturgy including imposition of ashes and holy communion in the sanctuary. At 6:30pm, experiential worship will take place in the welcome center with soup, sharing of holy communion and imposition of ashes. This time of worship will include activities for children.
Kellers Church Reads Book Club
Join us at Panera Bread, Quakertown, on Monday, February 19, at 7 pm to discuss "The Violin Conspiracy" by Brendan Slocumb. “… Ray McMillian, a young Black musician is preparing to take on the world-famous Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. However, his life takes a turn for the worse when he discovers that his priceless Stradivarius violin has been stolen from his hotel room in New York. The theft is quickly picked up by the FBI and the press, and Ray knows that there are two likely suspects in the theft: the Marks family and his own blood relatives. “
Pennridge FISH Food Pantry
Much needed items: salad dressing, jelly, mayonnaise, canned items (cream soups, pasta; beets, spinach, corn, green beans, peas, carrots, fruit), meal helpers (hamburger, tuna, Rice-A-Roni®), French fried onions, shelf stable meals (Hormel® Completes), SPAM®, boxed pasta, pancake mix, pancake syrup, hot chocolate, coffee, bar soap, dish soap, detergent, tissues, toilet paper, paper towels, diapers sizes 3-4T-5T-6T, sizes 3-7 style Pull-Ups®, trainers & nighttime, baby wipes.
Other items needed: apples, oranges, onions, potatoes, oatmeal, applesauce, white rice, brown rice, sugar, salt, pepper, dry beans, boxed mashed potatoes, pickles, cooking oil, shelf stable grated cheese, alfredo sauce, spaghetti, canned items (soup, vegetables, beef stew, chicken, sardines), shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste. Here are some other ideas on what to donate.