saint pauls u m c and wesley foundation logo
pastor greg sits on a sofa in the education building
scrabble tiles that spell out the word lunch

First Sunday of the Month Lunch

This Sunday, Feb. 2nd, is our First Sunday of the month lunch. Our meal (pulled pork and a vegetarian option) will follow our 10:30 AM worship service and will take place in the Social Room. Bring a side/salad or dessert to share. We look forward to gathering around the table and sharing a meal together!

an assortment of canned and packaged food items

February Food Bank Donations

The first Sunday of the month (Feb. 2nd) is a "Food Bank Sunday" at St. Paul’s. To see what items are currently needed, go to There are tubs marked “Food Bank” at both the College Avenue and Calder Way entrances of the church to put your donations in. Please, no baby food or formula, expired food, or opened food packages. The food bank truly appreciates the help you give to their clients and thanks you for your donations.

text that reads we are hiring

Part-Time Position Available

As you may have heard, Linda Heverly is retiring after nearly 28 years as our Administrative Assistant and Office Manager. We are so grateful for her decades of faithful service! Her departure leaves us with a need to hire a part-time administrative assistant and receptionist for the Church Office. If you are interested in learning more about this position, please contact Pastor Greg.

text that reads 20 ways you can participate in black history month

Black History Month

The General Commission on Religion and Race of the United Methodist Church has published a list of 29 ways you can participate in Black History Month (and you can check out their website for lots of other great resources). Every little bit we move towards understanding, reconciliation, and justice is part of the "movement towards new expressions of love and service" that is part of our vision! We will be featuring preludes, postludes, anthems, and more music by Black composers during our worship services this month, so let us listen and learn together!

messenger newsletter logo

Messenger Newsletter

The February 2025 issue of The Messenger newsletter is available for download from St. Paul's website. Looking for a back issue of The Messenger? Check out the archives at

thumbnail of poster for gimme shelter

Benefit Concert

A pay-what-you-will benefit concert is being held at South Hills Business School on Thursday, Feb. 6th, from 6:00 to 9:00 PM to support agencies that are working in our community to alleviate housing insecurity. Organizations this event will benefit include: Out of the Cold, Centre Safe, Housing Transitions, State College Community Land Trust, and the Centre County Youth Service Bureau. Acts include Eric Ian Farmer, The Nittany Knights, Jason O of My Hero Zero, and Biscuit Jam.

cover of the book an altar in the world by barbara brown taylor

A Book for Lent

This year, Lent will begin on March 5th, and we will be using Barbara Brown Taylor's book "An Altar in the World" as a companion for our Lenten journey, as she helps us to see the ways that God is near to us in the ordinary practices of our lives. You may want to read this with your small group, or simply on your own, as we share the journey together!

the word lent next to a cross

District Lenten Worship Service

The Mountain Valley District will be holding a Lenten worship service for clergy and laity on Tuesday, March 18th, at 6:30 PM at Greater Buffalo Run Valley UMC (112 Trinity Court, Bellefonte). A special offering will be received for the Sierra Leone initiative.

St. Paul's United Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation
250 East College Avenue | State College, PA 16801 | 814-237-2163 |