9 January 2025

Worship With Us at Trinity Church

Sunday, 12 January

The First Sunday after the Epiphany:

The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord

10:00 AM

Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Church

and live-streamed via YouTube

Trinity Church YouTube

In This Week's eVoice















Trinity's Sunday Guest Presider / Preacher

The Rev. Dr. Nancy Wright

Tour of Trinity - 12 January

A Message from the Transition Prayer Team

Advent Giving Tree Gifts

Marsha McCurdy Adell Announced as Director for Lay Vocations & Ministry

ACF Bible Study - Starting 19 January

Exciting News: Transition Team Committees Formed!

Book Group - 31 January

What is Godly Play?

Join Our Choir! You’re Invited!

Open Position at Trinity

Prayer List Requests


News from the Diocese

During this time at Trinity we will be blessed to welcome visiting priests as presiders and preachers for our Sunday services. In order for you to get to know a bit about them before they arrive on Sunday, please take the time to read their biographies.

Please Welcome the Rev. Dr. Nancy Wright

The Rev. Dr. Nancy Wright is a Lutheran pastor and teacher. Most recently, she served as Pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church, S. Burlington, VT for sixteen years, prior to moving to Seabury Life Community, Bloomfield, CT in July 2023. Her congregation developed the "Watershed Stewardship Manual," based on its work on Lake Champlain.

Pr. Nancy currently serves as Pastor for Creation Care for the New England synod of the Evangelical Lutheran church in America. She preaches and teaches congregations and pastors to address the current crises of a besieged Earth and threatened democracy and the need to re-experience the wonder of God’s creation. She has a passion for justice and creation care and believes that reconnection to nature can heal communities and re-invigorate the church.

Her degrees include: M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary, NYC; M.A. in Environmental Conservation Education from New York University; Doctorate of Ministry in Transformational leadership from Boston University School of Theology.

She is currently enrolled in the Graduate Certificate Program in Eco-spirituality at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace.

Previous ministerial posts include Program Associate at Earth Ministry, Seattle; Minister of Spiritual Direction, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, NYC; Founder and Executive Director of the Westside Ecumenical Ministry to the Elderly, NYC.

She has co-authored Ecological Healing: A Christian Vision (Orbis Books, 1993) and published articles in the field of Religion and Ecology. 


Tour of the Trinity Church Campus

JANUARY 12, 2025


Where is the Library? Why is our gathering space called “Goodwin Hall?” How old is our sanctuary? Where are our Sunday bulletins created and printed? What, exactly, is an undercroft – and do we have one? I thought the Vestry was a group of people who provide leadership to our parish, so why is there a room called a Vestry?

If you are not sure how to answer some of these questions, why not join Mark MacGougan on a tour of our buildings and our campus (weather permitting) following the 10 o’clock Eucharist on Sunday, January 12? Mark is a long-time member of Trinity Church and has become well acquainted with our physical plant as a former warden and capital campaign co-chair.

Watch the eVoice and Sunday Bulletin for details about where to meet Mark on January 12.

A Message from the Transition Prayer Team

As we continue to lift Trinity Church and our pastoral transition in our prayers, all are invited to join the Prayer Team for a few minutes of prayer in the Memorial Chapel immediately following the Postlude each Sunday.

Members of the Prayer Team include George Chien, Nancy Crandall, Cathy Rowe, Kate Smith and Peter Vreeland.

If you want to join our Prayer Team via Zoom on Thursday mornings at 8:00 am, send an email to Cathy at crowedy@yahoo.com and I will send you the Zoom link. Drop-ins are welcome. 

Advent Giving Tree Gifts


Thanks to your generosity, Trinity was able to provide gifts for 26 children from our Advent Giving Tree. Here is a note from Covenant to Care:


Dear Trinity Episcopal Congregation,

Today we all take a breath and recall the Joys as well as the challenges of the Holidays. The families that we serve would not have as many Joys to cherish in their memories without your generosity. From their Hearts and mine thank you and may your New Year be filled with Love and Joy!!




Catherine Haugh, Adopt A Social Worker Program Coordinator

Covenant to Care for Children

Marsha McCurdy Adell Announced as Director for Lay Vocations & Ministry

ECCT is delighted to welcome Marsha McCurdy Adell as Director for Lay Vocations & Ministry. In this newly created position, she will work closely with the Reverend Rebekah Hatch (Canon for Lay & Ordained Vocations) to provide vital support and resources for the development and formation of lay leaders across the diocese.

Continue Reading on ECCT News


Adult Christian Formation


JANUARY 19, 2025


The Adult Christian Formation team is pleased to announce that Rev. George Chien will lead a Bible Study on the third Sunday of each month, beginning after the Eucharist on January 19.

The study will focus on the scripture lessons for the day, and will be an informal discussion.

No homework! No pressure! Just an opportunity to explore in greater depth the lessons prescribed for the day. Plan to join us in the Library following the service.

Exciting News: Transition Team Committees Formed!

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in the Transition Meeting, whether in person or in spirit, led by Rev. Cn. Tim on Sunday, November 24. Your presence, prayers and engagement are a testament to the strength and unity of our parish.

During the meeting, we invited volunteers to join four key committees to guide us through this important time of transition. We are thrilled to announce that this call to action was met with tremendous enthusiasm! Many parishioners have stepped forward, and we are deeply grateful for their willingness to contribute their time, talents and faith to this vital work.

As we move forward, we are especially grateful for the Prayer Committee and their commitment to lifting our parish and its work in prayer. We ask that you keep the entire Transition Team in your prayers as they begin this meaningful journey.

Below is the list of committee members who have graciously volunteered to serve:

Anne Rapkin (may she rest in peace)

Martha Freimuth

Susan Post

Everett Post

Kevin Rennie

Casey Rousseau

Amy Arlin

Peter Green

Penny Pearson

Linda MacGougan

Alan Rice

Liz Kirkpatrick

Kate Byroade

Mark MacGougan

Betty Plumley

Paul Zimmerman

Cathy Rowe

Nancy Crandall

Kate Smith

George Chien

Leslyn Odom Clark

Jacqueline Lucier

Thank you again to all who have stepped up to support our church community during this time of transition. Your dedication is truly a blessing, and together, we trust that God will guide us every step of the way.

With gratitude and hope,

Jacqueline Lucier and Leslyn Clark

Wardens, Trinity Church

Book Group - January 31

Trinity's Book Group kicks off the new year with the book The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese. Spanning the years 1900 to 1977, the book is set in Kerala, India, and follows three generations of a family that is part of a Christian community that traces itself to the time of the apostles. The meeting will be on Friday, January 31st, from 7-9 pm, at the home of Steve Zhitnik in West Hartford. Everyone's welcome to attend Book Group meetings, whether it's regularly or just once! We start with dessert, and the book discussion follows. Please let Steve know if you plan to attend (s.zhitnik@snet.net) so he'll know how many goodies to prepare; some may even be from Kerala!  

What is Godly Play?


Godly Play is a wonderful way to tell stories of faith—Bible stories, baptism, church seasons, and others in ways that allow us to enter the stories as “children”, and discover the riches that are waiting there for us all.

The stories are told very simply with simple props and without interpretation or moral instruction.

After a story is presented, we work with the story props, or create whatever they choose in response to what they feel most important or most interesting in the story.


What a gift to bring to our families!


Our Godly Play room is on the second floor of the Education building and welcomes students 2 1/2 and up into our multiage classroom every first, second, and third Sunday.


To comply with safe church guidelines we must have two adults 18 yrs and older in our class.


If this is a ministry you would like to explore, please contact Nancy Crandall in person or by texting at 860-503-3353

Join Our Choir! You’re Invited!


We know you’ve heard it before, but we want to remind you: Everyone is welcome to join our choir! Whether you’re a seasoned singer or just love to make a joyful noise, there’s a place for you here.


Why Join?

  • Share your love of music
  • Build friendships within our church community
  • Enrich our worship experience together


When: Rehearsals every Thursday, 7:00 -8:30 p.m.

Where: The Choir Room 


Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to connect and contribute! If you have any questions or want to learn more, feel free to reach out to the Director of Music, Markus Centola, email: mcentola@trinityhartford.org.

Position Open at Trinity Episcopal


Trinity Episcopal Church is looking to fill an anticipated opening for a Part-time Parish Administrator. Spread the word if you know someone that might be interested in applying for the position. The job requirements and application materials can be found on the ECCT website: https://www.episcopalct.org/open-positions/parish-job-listings/

Prayer List


Should you like a name added to the Prayer List, please contact the office at office at Trinityhartford.org or 860-527-8133 ext. 204.


Please note that unless the office is otherwise notified, the name will be on the list for 4 weeks and then removed.

Weekly Calendar
Find upcoming events HERE .

News from the Diocese

Click the link below to read up on what's going on in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut.


ECCT Newsletter - January 1, 2025

eVoice Deadline

All announcements should be submitted to the office at office@trinityhartford.org by Wednesday 9am for publication that week. Announcements that are submitted late will be held until the following week’s edition.

120 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06105
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