20 September 2020
Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

~~Collect for Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Worship With Us at Trinity Church
All are invited to join our services online while the church buildings are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are now holding an 8 AM service of Morning Prayer in person, the Memorial Garden, weather permitting, or in the Nave.
Sunday, September 20: 16th Sunday after Pentecost
Morning Prayer in the Memorial Garden, 8 AM
Morning Prayer Via Zoom, Live at 10 AM:

The Rev. Dee Littlepage, Rector, Officiating and Preaching at both services.

This is a Standing Meeting. The log-in and password are the same every week.
Meeting ID: 810 5750 5696

Password: 780651

Dial in by phone
Meeting ID: 810 5750 5696
Password: 780651
Thursday, September 24
Noon Prayer Via Zoom, Live at 12 PM:
George Chien, Officiating

This is a Standing Meeting.
The log-in and password will remain the same each week.
Join Zoom Meeting via computer or tablet
Meeting ID: 597 938 892
Password: 323842
Dial in
929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 597 938 892
Password: 323842
I’m Here!
Greetings Trinity!

I am so excited to finally be here and serving as your Rector. You will hear much more from me in the coming weeks, but for now I wanted to let you all know the best ways to contact me. My email address is Dlittlepage@trinityhartford.org , my cell phone number is 860-986-3289, and you can also leave me a voicemail via the main church number, 860-527-8133, ext. 202. In general, email or text is probably the best way to reach me because I sometimes forget to check my voicemail! I typically try to respond to emails and texts within 24-48 hours with the exception of Fridays which are my sabbath day, but in the case of a pastoral emergency I will respond as quickly as I possibly can. I look forward to meeting as many of you all as I can in as short of a time frame as I can manage, but if there’s something that you would like to share with me or talk to me about, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
In Peace,


Please RSVP for 8:00 am Service!

A reminder that we have 40 seats for our 8:00 am service.
Please rsvp your attendance for the 8:00 am service either by email to office@trinityhartford.org or call 860-527-8133 ext. 204 no later than Saturday, September 19th at 3:00 pm.
Masks are required to be worn by the congregation. A limited supply of masks will be available for those who do not have one.
Entrance and exit to the Memorial Garden will be through the Sigourney Street garden gate only.

Upon entrance, an Usher will ask you if you have registered for the 8:00 am service.
IMPORTANT: Please sign-in using the book by the garden gate entrance.
Chairs are set up with 6 ft distance between. Please sit in one of the open spaces, keeping 6 feet between you and others not of your household.
Restrooms in the Narthex are available if needed.

If you are not feeling well, running a fever, coughing, etc., you should not attend church until you are well and have completed a 14-day self- quarantine. The same is true for those who have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. If you have, you must complete a 14-day self- quarantine before attending church. Those in vulnerable populations should carefully consider whether or not to attend Sunday public worship.

Sunday, September 6, Trinity Church. Morning Prayer in the Garden.

Please Be Mindful

In this time of pandemic, with reduced foot and auto traffic in the Asylum Hill area, there has been an increase in the incidence of vandalism. We have experienced vandalism on our campus, and have learned that other area churches have also had damage done to their buildings and grounds. The police are as present in the neighborhood as they are able. If you need to be on the Trinity campus, it is important that you follow our protocols: let the Church Office know when you will be present, sign the log book when you enter the building (there's one at each entrance) and be mindful during your time on campus.

How Will You Meet Our New Rector?

           The time we’ve been waiting for is finally here – Rev. Dorothella Littlepage will officiate at her first services as Trinity’s 13th Rector on Sunday, September 20. If you come to the 8:00 a.m. service in the Memorial Garden, you’ll have a chance to say a quick “hello” in person – but wearing a mask and staying a safe 6 feet away. She will also officiate on Zoom at 10:00 a.m. 
            There will be two options for you to meet Dee: you may come to the Memorial Garden for small-group meetings at pre-arranged times, or you may participate in a small group meeting on Zoom. In order to arrange these meetings, we need to know how many people prefer meeting Dee in person and how many would like to use the Zoom option.
           Please take a moment to complete a simple form on our website’s Rector Transition page (TrinityHartford.org) letting us know what option you prefer. Click here to go directly to the Page.


Moving Forward !!

We are pleased to announce that the office is now officially staffed from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday through Thursday. It is closed on Friday.

Access to the campus and the office remains by appointment only throughout the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic period.

To make an appointment, contact Barbara Roos, Assistant to the Rector, at 860.527.8133 or office@trinityhartford.org

One year ago at Trinity Church.

Consider Becoming a
Trinity Academy Student Sponsor!

Trinity Academy’s main mission is to reach children from the Greater Hartford’s lowest income areas and help them achieve lifelong success through education, enrichment, and sense of community.

By sponsoring one of our students, you will be greatly impacting their lives and their future. Every child deserves the opportunity to reach for the stars and embark on horizons they might not have been able to do without your support.
Key Facts about Our Student Sponsorship Program:
·  · An annual contribution of $5,000 covers the sponsorship of one student. Your contribution can be paid in a lump-sum, semi-annually or quarterly. While it costs over $10,500 to educate a student at Trinity Academy each year, we also rely upon other sources of funding such as grants, as well as individual and corporate contributions to cover the difference between the sponsorship cost and the annual cost per student.
·  · There is also no time commitment expected of sponsors—however, our sponsored students would love to hear from you or meet you from time to time, if you wish. You will also receive annual reports of your student’s academic achievements. Each sponsored student sends his/her sponsor notes at various times of the year, such as the holidays. We also hold a few events throughout the year when sponsors can come in and enjoy a special lunch with their sponsored student. Its just a nice way for our students to connect to the people that have positively impacted their lives. Of course, this is all optional - some sponsors wish to remain anonymous.
·  · Sponsors can be individuals, families , social groups, or were ever there is a common interest of providing a positive educational influence on a student’s future!
For more information about Trinity Academy and our Student Sponsorship Program please contact:

Trinity Academy’s Development Office at 860-251-8337 or email us at Development@TrinityDay.org.

Update on the Director of Music Ministries Search

The search committee has just completed first-round interviews, via Zoom, with eight highly qualified candidates (from many who applied for the position). Four finalists are being invited to come to Trinity for in-person interviews and auditions. These will take place at the end of September, with the Rector, wardens, and search committee members. The candidates have an impressive breadth and depth in skills and experience. We anticipate that Trinity's music ministries will be in good hands!

Assistance Available to Apply for Food Benefits
and Husky Medical Benefits

As more Connecticut businesses close, and without renewed federal pandemic relief from Washington, more and more people are unable to fund their basic living expenses. If because of the pandemic you have lost your job or had your hours cut, or if you are self-employed and your income has significantly decreased, and you are worried about buying food or paying for medical care, please contact Anne Rapkin at a.rapkin@snet.net or 860-521-5992.  Anne, or a member of Trinity’s “public benefits team,” will work with you to:
(1) determine whether you may be eligible for SNAP (government financial assistance to purchase food) or HUSKY (government health insurance providing free medical coverage, including both prescription and over-the-counter drugs), and
(2) complete an online application for SNAP and HUSKY benefits.
Please note: Our conversations with you are COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL.

Weekly Calendar
Sunday, September 20th   – Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
        8:00 A.M. Morning Prayer – Memorial Garden
      10:00 A.M. Morning Prayer– via Zoom
Monday, September 21st
Tuesday, September 22nd 
     5:15 P.M. Bible Study – via Zoom
     6:00 P.M. Choir School - via Zoom
Wednesday, September 23rd 
     7:00 P.M. Regathering Committee – via Zoom
Thursday, September 24th
   12:00 Noon Noonday Prayer – via Zoom
     6:00 P.M. Choir School – Bell Ringing – Memorial Garden
Friday, September 25th
Saturday, September 26th
     10:00 A.M. Sanctuary Stitchers
Sunday, September 27th - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
         8:00 A.M. Morning Prayer – Memorial Garden
      10:00 A.M. – Morning Prayer via Zoom

120 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06105