Starting next week.........
Register on the signup sheets in the Foyer
Sampling the SpiritGroup Experience & Welcome Newcomers to Unity
Hosts: Carol Schultz (LUT) and Lea Ann Cornman
Meet at: Unity Founder's Wing Classroom
Day and Time: Tuesday 7 - 8:30pm
Open group. For details contact Carol or Lea Ann.
Building Community and Connection Through the Inspiration of Music and Poetry
Hosts: Ray Hopkins and Lana Garrett
Meet at: 4108 Gray Fox Ct, Columbia
Day and Time: Tuesday 1-2:30pm
7 spots available. For details contact Ray or Lana.
Book: Coming Apart For Awhile
Hosts: Kristin Cherry and Mike Gnagi
Meet at: 100 Shad Brush Dr, Columbia
Day and Time: Thursday 6:30-8pm
Open group. For details contact Mike or Kristin.