February 24, 2021
In this issue

Share Grounds Happenings 🍯

E-mail & Webpage Domain Change

Spring Produce Safety Grower Trainings

New Local Food Business & Share Grounds Webinars

Learning & Networking Opportunities
What's Happening at the
Share Grounds?
There's been a lot happening at the Share Grounds Commercial Kitchens and Distribution Centers these past few months, and we'd like to highlight some milestones, successes, and even a fond farewell. Read below for more details.
Say cheese! 📸

Or in this case simple syrup! Kaye Berjot, owner of Ready Made Remedies, recently produced a test batch of her lemon-flavored syrup at the Cleveland County Share Grounds kitchen in Rison. It's a great addition to tea or other hot beverages for a soothing, calming experience. We are excited to see Kaye continue to develop her products! Be on the lookout for a video of her production run coming soon.

Visit www.uaex.uada.edu/sharegrounds for more information.
Share Grounds: Creating Opportunities for Food Entrepreneurs

Check out this fun video of Dr. Tionna Jenkins working with the Share Grounds team on her granola recipe! Find out the steps clients go through to test and develop their food products and how you can become part of the Share Grounds.

Visit our YouTube playlist for more videos.
As it goes, all good things must come to an end, and that is our sentiment about the departure of Valour Taylor Cobbins as Share Grounds Facility Manager for the Woodruff County Share Grounds kitchen. Val has worked tirelessly over the past year to on-board a number of clients even amidst the pandemic. Her efforts ensured that the kitchens were maintained and that clients were receiving the support they needed. We wish her well in her new endeavors!

We are hiring for a new manager. For more information or to apply, view the job posting here.
E-mail & Webpage Domain Change
What is a domain? A domain is your location on the internet.
What will be changing? Our e-mail addresses and our webpages. Note that the webpages will include both domains.
Will anything remain the same? Yes, this will not affect social media or YouTube pages.
When did this take effect? The change officially happened on Feb. 15, 2021.
What do I need to do? Please update your contact list and webpage bookmarks.
sharegrounds@uaex.edu➡ sharegrounds@uada.edu
www.uaex.edu/localfoods➡ www.uaex.uada.edu/localfoods
www.uaex.edu/producesafety➡ www.uaex.uada.edu/producesafety
www.uaex.edu/sharegrounds➡ www.uaex.uada.edu/sharegrounds
Spring Produce Safety
Grower Trainings
Upcoming Remote Produce Safety Grower Trainings:

The training will be split into two days and will take place from 8:00 am to
12:30 pm both days. This training will be conducted live through Zoom.
Who should attend:
Anyone who grows, harvests, packs and handles fresh fruits and vegetables. Registration is limited to 20 participants. Sign up soon to reserve your spot.
Why you should attend:
On-farm food safety practices are vital in the produce industry. Many farms are now required to comply with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule. This training will educate growers on the Produce Safety Rule. Upon completion of this training, participants receive a certificate satisfying the requirement 112.22(c) in the Produce Safety Rule.*
What is required to receive a certificate:
You must attend both days of the training. Additionally, you must have the following:
  • Internet access
  • Zoom video conferencing software**
  • Web camera
  • Microphone
When is the registration deadline:
Registration closes at 11:59 pm on March 24th for the March/April training.
Registration closes at 11:59 pm on April 28th for the May training.

Training materials will be mailed to your residence. Registration closes seven days before the training to accommodate ordering materials and mailing them to you.
*Participant attendance and engagement will be monitored. Participants are only eligible for a PSA/AFDO Certificate of Course Completion if they are present for all modules of the course and have the physical training manual with them for the training.

**Once you receive the registration link, you will be prompted to download the free Zoom software. You do not have to create an account to participate.
New Local Food Business &
Share Grounds Webinars
Three webinars released in February, more to come in March!

These webinars provide valuable information for individuals interested in starting a food business in Arkansas and understanding how to successfully develop a food product in a certified food manufacturing kitchen such as the Share Grounds facilities.
Newly released webinars can be found below and also on our new webinars webpage and our YouTube playlist for all things local, regional and safe foods. 
Taking the Next Steps to Food Entrepreneurship
Dr. Renee Threlfall | UADA Food Science Department
Microbiology of Food Processing
Arkansas Food Innovation Center
Personal Hygiene and Sanitary Food Handling
Arkansas Food Innovation Center
Learning & Networking Opportunities
Calling Arkansas farmers and school child nutrition directors! Looking for a chance to connect with each other to learn more about selling food to schools? Then register for Farm to School Connection!

Brought to you by the Local, Regional & Safe Foods Extension team and the Arkansas Farm to School program, the event will include learning, networking, resource sharing, and next steps.

When: Thursday, 3/18 2-3pm CST

Where: Online

Cost: FREE!
Sankofa is a word from the Akan people of Ghana. It means “go back and fetch it” and reminds us of the importance of reaching back to knowledge gained in the past.

The Sankofa Series is a monthly webinar series sharing wisdom from the past 26 years of NESAWG conference panelists and presenters who are working towards an equitable and just food system.

When: Third Thursdays each month, 4-5:30pm EST

Where: Online

Cost: Varies, see Registration
The Pollinator Partnership has joined forces with the AR Natural Heritage Commission, AR Native Seed Program, Audubon Arkansas, AR Game & Fish Commission, AR Monarch Conservation Partnership, and Quail Forever to expand Project Wingspan into Arkansas. The project's goal is to enhance pollinator habitats by building a regional volunteer network that grows, collects, and distributes native wildflower seeds. There are four ways you can become involved in the initiative: 
  1. Sign-up to become a volunteer seed collector or a team lead.
  2. Own or manage property that has native wildflowers growing on it? Apply to be a collection site.
  3. Interested in enhancing land that you own or manage to support pollinators such as monarch butterflies? Apply to receive native plant materials for Spring 2022.
  4. Help spread the word by sharing these links within you networks!

Questions? Contact Sara Wittenberg
Arkansas NRCS Pollinator Liaison & Project Wingspan State Coordinator
Pollinator Partnership
sw@pollinator.org | 479-224-1789
Have a suggestion for a learning or networking opportunity to include in a future newsletter? Simply respond to this e-mail to have it considered.
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Looking for more resources? View our YouTube playlist and visit our website for more information.