Children's Ministry at Pines
In This Issue:

* Family Advent Night
* Advent Devotionals
* Christmas Progressive Dinner
* Worship Bags

Family Advent Night Presents...
        "Operation Baby King"            
On Sunday, November 26th at 5:30pm!

We will have a rehearsal in the sanctuary at 4pm for some of the actors - more details to come by email!
Enjoy a chili hot dog dinner, a delightful pageant and top it all off with Christmas carols outside when we light our outdoor tree. Feel free to invite friends and family - the more the merrier!
Sign up now for Pines' Annual Progressive Christmas Dinner!  Contact Julia James or Liz Buelow for more information.  Cost is $7 per person.  This year, the entire party will be at Pines and sitters will be available for babies through 5th grade. The children can join the adults in the Fellowship Hall for dessert at the end of the evening. 

Family-Style Advent Devotionals can be picked up from the Children's Wing Information Table outside Room W14 beginning Sunday, November 26th.  This year, the booklets come with a poster of the Nativity Scene and children will add a sticker from the booklet each night to the poster.  This is a fun and interactive way to enjoy Advent together as a family and keep the focus on the birth story of Jesus. Please be sure to take one home in late November!

Worship Bags for Children :

The worship bags have new materials for Advent beginning Sunday, November 12th.  Children can enjoy activity booklets, Christmas books, coloring pads and more.  There are also some new Christmas books and Advent resources on display in the Children's Library.  All are welcome to use the library, check out books and enjoy the new Advent materials.  Please help the children return the bags to the Narthex rack after each use so that everyone can continue to enjoy them throughout the season.  Thank you!
Pines Presbyterian Church
12751 Kimberley Lane
Houston, Texas 77024