May 2, 2022
Your News from Lancaster City Schools...
Brodie Bosworth, LHS Junior, places first at National Video Contest
Brodie Bosworth is the national winner of the American Bankers Association (ABA) Foundation's Lights, Camera, Save! teen video contest. This is a national and free contest that encourages teens ages 13-18 to communicate the value of sound money management in a video that is 30 seconds or less. Over 85 banks hosted 100 contests in 39 states. Bosworth's video was selected after two rounds of judging at the national level, including public voting via Instagram. His video reminds viewers that while 'money doesn't grow on trees,' people can still meet their financial goals if they spend and save wisely! Amazing work, Brodie!

To watch Brodie's video, click here.
To see ABA announce the winner, click here.
LHS Student and Claypool Pre-Apprentice, Branson Lee, featured on Spectrum News
Branson Lee, LHS senior, was featured in an interview with Spectrum News reporter Dennis Biviano. Lee is currently learning electrical, plumbing, and mechanical skills in the classroom with instruction through Hocking College at the Fairfield County Workforce Center. He is also getting real-world experiences with Lancaster-based Claypool Electric. As graduation approaches, Lee plans to stay with Claypool Electric for a good while, but his ultimate goal is to become his own electrical contractor. Way to go, Branson!

To watch the interview, click here.
What's Happening in Our Schools...

Over the weekend, Gorsuch West teachers attended the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fairfield County - Bowl for Kids Sake fundraiser. They brought home the traveling trophy, again!

To see more pictures, click here.

Tarhe Trails hosted the Splash of Fun art night on Friday! Male students and their female role models had the opportunity to paint, bowl, and participate in raffle drawings!

Congratulations to the following students for winning the DARE Essay contest: Ella Anderson, Kamryn Crites, Nykole Hupp, Keeli Leadbetter, and Kori Anderson!

Mt. Pleasant's fourth graders went on a field trip to Alley Park! Check out this collection of photos to see how much fun they had.

To view more pictures, click here.

There are still flowers available to purchase! The money will go to educational programming and also to purchase outdoor seating for outdoor classroom activities.

To purchase flowers, click here.

Before spring break, General Sherman hosted their annual staff vs. student volleyball and dodgeball games! The students won both games, and everyone had a blast participating and watching!

To see more pictures, click here.

Fairfield County Workforce Center has an open house on Thursday, May 5th! If you are interested in Ready-to-Work Programs this summer or Pre-Apprenticeships for next school year, please plan to attend!

LCS high school students enjoyed their pep rally in preparation for Prom weekend!

To view more photos, click here.
May 24: Regular Board Meeting | 4:30 p.m., 111 S. Broad St., Large Meeting Room
May 27: Last Day of School for Students
May 28: Commencement Services
May 30: Memorial Day
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