Welcome to the 2024 Legislative Session!
January 2 starts our new regular session, with Opening Day scheduled for Wednesday, January 17. We will mail a Legislative update soon, including Rep. Poepoeʻs legislative package and other important information. To learn how you can follow legislation, be alerted to upcoming hearings, provide testimony, and keep track of the legislative calendar, please register for one of the Public Access Roomʻs free Training Sessions.
Visit the Public Access Room webpage here: https://lrb.hawaii.gov/par/
Use Your Voice at the Legislature
“Your Voice” training focuses on advocacy at the State Capitol. A variety of information will cover everything from suggesting an idea for a new law to asking for hearings, testifying, and following bills through the legislative process.
Thursday, January 18, 6:00 p.m. Register here
Get to Know the Legislature’s Website
The Hawaiʻi State Legislature’s website is a great portal, providing useful advocacy tools. The website’s interactive features, search tips, and more will all be covered.
We offer this Zoom training at three different dates/times. Plan on 45 minutes (with time for questions) and get yourself prepared for the session!
Thursday, January 11, 6:00 p.m. Register here
Tuesday, January 16, 12:00 noon. Register here
Legislative Calendar and Deadlines
Learn to read the legislative calendar and know the deadlines and how they affect the legislation you’re following.
Thursday, January 18, 3:00 p.m. Register here
Questions? Need more information? Contact the Public Access Room at 808/587-0478 or par@capitol.hawaii.gov.