ACCA doesn't take a summer vacation! Our volunteers continue to provide food, emergency financial assistance, and other services throughout the summer. Some of our committees take time in summer to reflect on the past year and to plan ahead for the upcoming year.
Family Emergency Assistance
The ACCA Family Emergency Assistance Team met to plan their upcoming work. In FY2021 this team and their many helpers processed over $3M in financial assistance to needy families in the Annandale/Baileys/Lincolnia areas. Pictured above: Dave Roycroft, Virginia Torsch, Nancy Walker, Asst. Program Manager and IT specialist, Kimberly Bellem, Patti McGuire, Lorni Dillon, Marie Markey- Program Manager.
Scholarship Award
In honor and memory of ACCA founders Emily and Fred Ruffing, we award a scholarship each summer to local high school graduates who have overcome disabilities.
Genesis Chavez Almendares is ACCA’s Ruffing Scholar for 2022. Genesis is a graduate of Justice High School where she was on the Honor Roll. She was active in a feeding the homeless program with her church. Genesis was also recognized for being a peer tutor for her classmates. Find out more.
Genesis wrote us the following note after being selected for the scholarship:
"I can’t thank you enough for the Ruffing Scholarship, giving me this big opportunity and selecting me. With my disabilities I’ve had a difficult time but everyday I reminded myself to never let anything ruin my dreams. This scholarship has made a big impact on me to continue achieving my goals, and will take off a lot of financial stress. After high school I look forward to studying at Northern Virginia Community College and focusing in Nursing and Anesthesiology. Much appreciated!"
We received this lovely message from one of our recent clients and wanted to share her story. This is just one of many families we were able to help last month.
"My food donation just came in and I'm sitting on my couch sobbing with gratitude. I cannot thank all of you enough for this kind gesture. The volunteers, the organization, everybody!
I've been trying to navigate my way to support five kids, 7, 11, 12, 13 and now an 18 year old while my sister is recovering. It truly takes a village to raise a child and because of earth angels such as yourselves, you make me look like a super hero! So God bless every single one of you, I am so grateful and I pray that one day we can pay it forward. You all are amazing, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Thank you – Stuff the Cruiser
We received nearly a ton of food, cash, a gift card, and checks, including a $500 check from the Bailey’s Crossroad’s Rotary Club for shampoo, deodorant, and other like items at the Giant Food in Annandale on Saturday June 18. Thank you to everyone for helping with this important ministry.
ACCA/Rebuilding Together - Arlington/Fairfax/Falls Church 35+ Year Partnership
ACCA put together two teams this year as we have done for many National Rebuilding Days during our 35+ years as partners in safe and healthy housing. ACCA teams included volunteers ranging in age from college students to retirees. Find out more. See the photos from Team #1 and Team #2
Support ACCA Child Development Center and Kisima Academy
What: Race or Volunteer at the Charity Triathlon Family Event
Time: 7:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.
The race is at Sleepy Hollow Recreation Association, but you will park at Sleepy Hollow Bath and Racquet (The 2 side by side pools on Sleepy Hollow Road).
Sign up today to guarantee shirt size. Register or Volunteer here! Every racer gets a medal, tech shirt, ice cream for adults! Volunteers get it all, too (except for the medal). 100% of proceeds support kids - locally at the ACCA Child Development Center and globally at Kisima Academy in rural Kenya. We have raised an average of $10k to donate in the past and hoping to exceed that this year. Find out more about FTKI.
Volunteers perform all of the work that you've read about here, our critical needs right now are Drivers for transporting seniors. Please contact us and we'll give you the details.
Yard Sale Aug 6: Register NOW
Peace Lutheran Church at 6362 Lincolnia Rd. in Alexandria will hold a joint yard sale on August 6th, from 8:00 am until noon on the grounds of the church for the benefit of Bethany House, where women and children receive refuge from domestic abuse. To participate in the sale, rent a space on the parking lot, bring items you to sell, keep your own proceeds (or donate your proceeds to Bethany House) and take unsold items home at the end of the sale. Download the form here to reserve a spot and email to or call 703-354-5233.
Boys Clothing Needed
The Annandale United Methodist Church Heritage Mission center distributes clothing to local families in need. Right now boys clothes are needed in all sizes from 2T to 14. Summer clothes are preferable now. Clothing may be dropped off at the mission center at 7901 Heritage Dr. in Annandale in the two boxes outside the double red doors or with a volunteer who is onsite M-F from 11-6.
Monthly Ministry Updates for June
Food Pantry
In June the pantry provided food for 98 households and 322 individuals which is a considerable increase from the previous month. We also received over 6,000 lbs. in food donations, which included almost 2,000 lbs. from the Rotary Club and Police Cruiser Food Drive and also included over $600 in cash donations. Also we received 400 lbs. of diapers from HomeAid of Northern Virginia. We are concerned about the increased number of food requests (almost double in June) and in July we have continued to be busy. In addition our food cost are up considerably from a year ago, with some items costing nearly twice as much. Find out what items are needed most.
Family Emergency Assistance
This team provided rental assistance for 27 households with 86 individuals during June many of whom owed for several months. We distributed funds for rent assistance in excess of $25K.
The furniture team had 39 volunteers working on two Saturday mornings in June and they delivered much-needed furniture to 11 households composed of 36 persons. A newly-arrived Afghan Family received a delivery that helped their empty apartment become a real home for them. The summer will be used to check over the contents of the warehouse and do other required maintenance. This September will begin a new work year and pickups and deliveries usually happen on the 2nd and 4th Saturday mornings and finish by early afternoon. Please consider volunteering for this important mission. Contact for details.
In the month of June, the joint ACCA-Shepherd’s Center transportation program provided 47 rides, including one ride to an ACCA client. It was unable to fill 4 rides, a considerable improvement over last month. Volunteers are needed for this important ministry.
Neighbor to Neighbor
We have an ongoing need for tutors who have an ESL background and others who would like to volunteer with our program. Contact Nadia Fitzcharles ( for more information.
The 2022 Annandale CROP Hunger Walk will be held October 15 at Lake Accotink Park. Registration will start at 8 a.m. near the marina and the walk will begin at 8:30 a.m. Our route this year will be on the east side of Lake Accotink, returning to the marina on the same trail. All ages are welcome to participate in the CROP Hunger Walk and walkers raise funds through sponsors and the funds benefit ACCA as well as Church World Service. A virtual meeting for team leads is planned for Thursday, August 25 at 7 p.m. For information or questions, please contact or .
Annandale Christian Community for Action