Gull Lake United

Methodist Church

Nov. 20, 2023

This Week's Events: 

MONDAY-FRIDAY: Daily Devotions on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter

TUESDAY, November 21

10 am - Care Team


THURSDAY, November 23 - Happy Thanksgiving!


SUNDAY, November 26

10 am - Worship Service

11 am - Fellowship

Worship Servants for Sunday, November 26:

MUSICIANS: Craig Schroeder

SOUND: Joan Bosserd-Schroeder/Jim Kuch

RECORDING: Joan Bosserd-Schroeder

SCREEN: Julie Foster

LITURGIST: Joan Bosserd-Schroeder

SAFETY RESPONSE TEAM: Phil Mains/Kevin Flynn & Jeff Iler

USHERS: Jim George/Teri Dykstra & Todd/Rachelle Jenner

GREETERS: Bonnie Newburn/Connie Wise


Thank you all for your service to GLUMC!!

Thank you for your support of Pies for the mobile home park. We delivered 23 pies and cool whip today. Thanksgiving Day grew just a little bit brighter for that neighborhood.

Have you selected a gift tag from the Open Doors Christmas Tree? All gifts purchased must be returned unwrapped by Sunday, December 3rd. Wrapping will take place at 10 am on December 4. The mission team is grateful for your generosity to the residents of Open Doors. 


PIE SALE: There are leftover apple pies from the GL Grad Bash pie sale that are for sale for $20.00. They are frozen and have instructions to bake. Please contact the church office if you’d like to purchase one. 

HANGING OF THE GREENS ON SUNDAY, 11/26: Friends, please join us AFTER worship on Sunday, 11/26, for the Hanging of the Greens! If you are available and willing to help, please check with Cathy Henniges or Pastor Boley. Thanks & hope to see many of you there!

NEW CHURCH CONFERENCE DATE - 11/27 @ 6:00PM: Gull Lake UMC friends, please join us in the sanctuary at 6:00pm on Monday, 11/27, for our 2023 Church Conference! This will be our first in-person church conference since the pandemic, and all members are encouraged to participate. Childcare will also be made available in the nursery. If being a part of the church is important to you, then please be present with us! Hope to see you all there on 11/27!

SUNDAY CONNECTIONS: Sunday Connections will return for Advent on Sunday mornings 12/3/23-12/24/23 from 11:20-11:50 a.m. in Hamill Hall. Everyone, any age, is welcome to this weekly time of intimate fellowship and encouragement as we face the busy Advent Season. Quiet kids’ activities will be available so parents can participate.  

CARD SHOWER: We would like to "shower" Jackie Klepper with cards! Please pick up a note card on the table by the Upper Room devotionals in the Narthex. Write a quick note, put on your stamp, and mail! She would love to hear from her congregation! Upjohn Heritage, Hawthorn Room 336, 600 Golden Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49001


MUSIC OPPORTUNITIES: Only 2 Sundays until Advent, so it’s time to call all musicians to join in this wondrous season of God's church. Music offering opportunities include:


Instrumental solos or ensembles

Christmas Singers 

Vocal solos or duets 

Chimes (outreach and/or in worship)

Congregational singing


Our December 17th worship themes is "Caroling Around the World", then both morning worship and Christmas Eve on December 24th.

As always, I'll help with music selection and coaching as needed. This has been a fruitful way to invite and include newer attenders, friends and neighbors. 


I'll look forward to hearing from you about availability and how you might want to participate. Christmas Singers will sing on December 17th, most likely with a 30-minute prep time before service that morning. I'll share dates and rehearsal times as things unfold.


Craig Schroeder

Music Director 

Gull Lake UMC 





Unified Giving: 

  • Your weekly giving affects every aspect of our church mission. Beginning this week, we will be passing our collection plates during the service. Your donations go to support our day to day church functions.  
  • As of November 8, we have received 2024 pledge commitments of just over $127,000. We welcome any additional commitments through the end of the year. Thank you to those who have submitted pledges, with this information we have begun our 2024 budgeting process. Watch for more information as it becomes available. 

Mortgage Reduction: 

  • October was the kickoff of our Mortgage Reduction Campaign and we want to say “Thank you Gull Lake” for your generous giving to date! We are almost halfway to our goal! The churches we passed during October are now located in the Narthex for your continued donations.   

We are called to be good stewards. Your unified giving helps us to manage day to day church mission while the mortgage reduction helps us to be more fiscally responsible, so that our future can continue to build on our missional foundation. God bless you all! 


WEEK OF 11-19-2023

Joys: Schneider’s grandson moved back to Michigan; Peg Iler’s granddaughter served a veteran’s breakfast to her dad at their school’s event; Gavin Jenner received Honors Band designation; Richard Chamberlin participating in a meeting at the Nature Cener; Sue Paulson received a card from the Care Team; Mona offered joys for the Antia’s family recovery from Covid and for the development of vaccines and medications to treat it; All Saint’s Sunday; Bonnie’s twin great-granddaughters; Carley’s good pathology report; Baby Reese’s esophagus healed; Zack’s acceptance to WMU; GL Marching Band 4th place at Ford Field; the crew that moved the stone to the Butterfly Garden (Go see it!); joy of welcoming new members: Steve Patterson, Liz Lukeman, Nick & Ahna Falzon, and Jessica Boley; expression of love, joy, and comfort from church family; November birthdays; welcome to all new visitors & new faces!

World Prayers: prayers for real solutions to gun violence; prayers for people of Israel & Gaza; prayers for Nonviolent Love in response to hatred & warfare; people of Afghanistan; all parts of the world suffering from natural disasters; our planet & climate; mental health issues; violence & hatred; people of war-torn regions; all poor & marginalized people of the world.

Loss: Friend of Dolores; Shirley Hoeksema; Roger & Dollie Smith's son

Cancer Concerns: Diane Stuckey; Julie Rickert; Barry, relative of Mom’s; Dorothy, sister of Don Schultz; Matt Foster’s sister; Ron Smith; Amy, Greg Shanley’s daughter; Maggie, friend of Wise's; Sharon, friend of Kathy Ruger; Kyle Koestner (Faye’s son); Tanya Prather; Ann Swartout's friend, Mike; Gary VanderWeert; Sandy Wooldridge; Mary Ellen Bearden; Esther Ann Brown; Marilyn Kohler, cousin of Karen Morse; Lori Tupper

Recovering from Surgery: Doyle Sandefur; Angie Harvey-Flynn; Lori, Worgess' daughter; Len Schoenherr, knee surgery

Hospice: M. Koenig; John Kuch

Gratitude: grateful for regular involvement of kids & families in our ministry; family, friends & loved ones; God is always with us and is our Hope. Be the church in a world that always needs it.

Other Prayer Concerns: Bonnie Newburn; Zach’s Grandma; Peg Iler’s sister, Nancy; Carol Malpass’s sister, Martha; Daphne’s mother in-law, Patsy; Ted’s sister, Lorna; Sue Paulson’s sister, Patti; Jackie Klepper (Hawthorn Room #336); Duane Bagley & family; Bob Bosserd, brother of Joan; Carol, neighbor of Teri Dykstra; Jerry Mom’s Sister-in-law; Marge Waldo’s sister, Irene; Mike Morse; Sue Mains’ brother; Jaidyn, medical issues; Connie's sister, Carol; Sandy Woolridge; Walters family

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Sunday Worship: 11.19.23

Click here to view last Sunday's Bulletin!
Click here to view the manuscript from last Sunday's sermon!
Click here to view the  GLUMC  Stewardship 2024 PowerPoint Slides