Resize and Revise
Find out when your local waste management district is hosting bulky trash and hazardous materials collections and plan your garage cleanup to coincide. Freeing yourself of unneeded and expired paint, duplicate tools and other odds and ends is an effective and necessary first step in any workshop overhaul!
Use Vertical Space
Hang bikes and kayaks from the ceiling and larger tools on the wall to clear floor clutter. This is a particularly helpful strategy if you plan to use the space for vehicle storage.
Group Like Items
Label bins and shelves for toys, tools, sports gear and other items. Your space will stay organized longer and it will be easier for family members and children to help with clean ups.
Rolling carts and racks allow for flexibility and make it easy to bring a project outside when necessary. Look for racks with locking wheels and sturdy shelving for safety.
Stash Supplies
Keep a broom, dustpan, rags and cleaning supplies in your garage or shop. Take care of spills and messes quickly and avoid spreading them around or leaving them for later.