Do You Have What You Need?

Many people contact me to get my suggestions on what to do to prevent the coronavirus. So I decided to go beyond the standard recommendations and give you additional natural advice (not often recommended in hospital settings.) In fact, I talked to a medical doctor yesterday, and he actually thinks using vitamin C to prevent or treat a virus is quackery. So I told him he probably considers all the things I do is quackery, even though I am suggesting natural remedies used by functional medicine doctors.

As I said in my January newsletter, our body has to be a willing host to get a virus to attach to our cells. If you make your cells uninhabitable for viruses, they won’t attach. You know to wash your hands so any viruses will be washed off with soap. Also drink plenty of fluids, because a dry mouth will keep a virus attached. Fluids help wash viruses away. Are there other things you can do? Yes, there are actually many options:

Many functional medicine doctors are recommending extra vitamin C (starting with a low dose and building up to 4000 mg per day) or take whole food antioxidants like Juice Plus+. I am taking a double dose of Juice Plus+ capsules right now for my antioxidants to strengthen my immune system.

Take extra vitamin D3. I usually recommend 5000 IU during the winter as a minimum, especially when you live in the north where we can’t be outside in the sun often. Vitamin D3 works as well as a flu shot to prevent the flu if you have enough in your body.

Take other antioxidants like elderberry, turmeric, olive leaf extract, oregano, and garlic. I recommended zinc and elderberry lozenges. Do you know if you are low in zinc, these lozenges will taste good? When you have enough zinc, the lozenges will begin to taste nasty. Zinc is beneficial for our immune system. 

Of course, as a homeopathic doctor, I have my favorite homeopathic remedies. I have one classical remedy called Arsenicum album 30c in pellet form that is specific for viruses similar to the coronavirus symptoms. I have a specific protocol on how to use this remedy preventatively, and if you have been exposed. 

Other homeopathic remedy combinations are good too. Actually, I have been testing many clients who want to find out which remedies are best for them. These are virus detox and drainage remedies. If you have the flu or another virus, you can get the symptoms cleared up much quicker if you use remedies to move the leftover toxins out of your tissues so that you don’t develop a secondary bacterial infection.

Many people are having flu and other viral situations (not specifically coronavirus). If you do and have trouble getting over the symptoms, contact me, and I can do testing, either in my office or remote muscle testing over the phone. I coached many people the last few weeks on getting over flu symptoms, and even though I ran out of remedies, I have re-stocked my supply.  

As they say in the commercial – “What’s in your wallet?” I often ask my clients, “What’s in your cupboard that you can use when you begin feeling sick?” A natural pharmacy is helpful to have on hand when needed. I can help make recommendations and let you know what is necessary in the moment.

Most important Stay positive! . Recently I read a mind-body manual that states viral outbreaks come at times of mass negativity. Do you think we have too much fear and other negative messages going on right now? Rise above any negative thoughts you may have and take positive action toward believing in your own healing ability and support it with your activities. Focus on the blessings in your life and create positive conversations.

Stay healthy!

Jane Oelke, ND, PhD
Natural Choices, Inc
Natural Choices, Inc.
815 Main Street, Suite 17, St. Joseph, MI 49085