NJ4S Union County is dedicated to impacting the community.
February Webinar Series Wrap Up
We just finished up our February Webinar Series, Your Heart Matters. We had some amazing and informative presentations from our Prevention Consultants.
Abuse Isn't Physical
Prevention Consultant Jeancy Salomon gave an informative presentation on the types of abuse within relationships and shared resources on how to spot signs of different forms of abuse and information on how to leave an abusive relationship.
Consent and Boundaries
Prevention Consultant Armando Beleno gave a great breakdown of consent and boundaries. It was an amazing interactive presentation that fostered great conversations and understanding.
Relationship Losses
Prevention Consultant Jeancy Salomon gave a great presentation on how to deal with the ending of relationships by sharing amazing coping skills.
Fostering Healthy Relationship
Prevention Consultant Karen Yanni did an amazing presentation educating the audience on behaviors and signs of healthy relationships and how to maintain healthy platonic and romantic relationships.
NJ4S Open House
On Feb 27th we hosted an Open House for School Representatives to learn more and ask questions about our programming. We had a great turn out!
Join the Community Advisory Board!
The Community Advisory Board is a body made up of students, parents, community leaders, and school representatives to act as a guiding voice for the curriculum of the NJ4S initiative. We want to work collaboratively with the community to make sure we are covering the issues they care about and want to be educated on. If you or someone you know would be interested in being a part of shaping the curriculum of the NJ4S Union Hub please fill out or share our interest form and flyer.
Did you miss a webinar presentation? No worries! Go on over to the Prevention Links YouTube page and click on the NJ4S Union Hub playlist to catch up on all the amazing and informational presentations we host. We will be uploading all of our webinars to this playlist so stay tuned. Click the box below to watch!