Volume 58 | September 2023

What's Happening?

Fall is around the corner, and this is the time of the year when the Grants team begin creating the office "To-Do" list for the upcoming year...time flies! The Grants Office has a lot planned for 2024, so far: we'll be finalizing some big projects we had to take a pause on; planning new trainings, and streamlining or reformatting others; overhaul of the Grants website, and planning a BIG SWGMG Summit! As things unfold the team will be sharing things here in our new and soon to be improved monthly edition of the SWGMG Newsletter.

As always, if there is anything you'd like to see in the monthly newsletter, let us know!


image by jaygannett

Did You Know? - Colorado Edition

The Grand Mesa is known as the largest flattop mountain in the world. Spanning hundreds of square miles and standing more than 10,000 feet above sea level, the Grand Mesa is home to various wildlife, distinct geologic features, a national forest, beautiful views, and a national scenic byway.

Source: UnCoverColorado.com Image: Jay Gannett

Grant Updates

State Grant Office Hours

August 29 was the first official State Grant Office Hours. We had a strong turn out and had a lot of great discussions. Some of the topics of discussion were: policies vs best practices; small group discussions and/or work groups; grant agreement templates for state funded grants and more. Our team is looking forward to the next office hours, see below for a schedule of upcoming meetings and click the link to join:

All meetings are from 2:00 - 3:00pm

October 25

December 27

February 28

Want to be kept in the know on all things state grants? Want to be part of the team and help build tools and work toward strong state gramt policies? Complete the form to be added to the list!

SWGMG Summit 2024

Call for Presenters!

The SWGMG Grant Summit is back, May 2024! Do you have any grant best practices you'd like to share with your peers? Do you have any specialized grant processes you've been wanting to share with others? We are looking for presenters to join us in delivering some great tips, updates and best practices. Complete the form to submit your ideas!

We've got big plans for the Summit and can't wait to share! Be on the look out for more SWGMG Summit 2024 updates.

Did You Know? - Grants Edition

There are currently 202 definitions in the OSC Colorado Grants Management Grant Terminolgy and Definitions Guide...and we're not done. This is a living document and is updated regularly with the newest grant definitions.

Have any definitions we're missing?

Let us know!


SLFRF Compliance Upates

New and Updated Compliance Resources

If you haven't already seen our extensive library of SLFRF Compliance Resources, you're missing out! There are currently over 30: guidance documents, how-tos, resource tools and more. We are frequently updating the current documents and adding new ones almost every week.

The page will be undergoing some changes to organize the documents into categories for easier access and viewing. Take a look at what we have available (see green banner labeled: SLFRF Compliance Resources).

Updates to the SLFRF Agency Assignments

The SLFRF Agency Assignments have recently been updated.  You can access the updated SLFRF Agency Assignments by visiting the ARPA website

Office Hour Changes

The monthly SLFRF Office Hours will be changing to a quarterly cadence beginning December 21, 2023. OSC Compliance and Reporting teams have noticed the flow of updates and information regarding ARPA has slowed. Additional office hours will be added as necessary.

No need to hold your question until SLFRF Office Hours! Reach out to your OSC Compliance and Reporting contact or send your questions to the ARPA email address.

In case you missed it...

August 16 - SWGMG

SWGMG Slide Deck

SWGMG Recording

SLFRF Office Hours

August 17 Recording

September 21 Recording

Upcoming SLFRF Events

October 18, 2023 - SLFRF Grant Manager 101

(Registration required)

December 21, 2023 - SLFRF Office Hours

(Use link to join)

Upcoming Grant Event

November 15, 2023 - November SWGMG Meeting

(Use link to join)

December 20, 2023 - Grant Manager 101

(Registration required)

Know someone who should be receving the SWGMG Newsletter? Forward this newsletter and point them here to SIGN UP!

The Grants Team!

Stacey Alles



Gina Salazar-Love



Website: https://osc.colorado.gov/grants