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E-News for Peer Recovery Professionals

ASAP-NYCB | July 2022

  • WELCOME new members of the Certification Board
  • JUST PUBLISHED; A Guide to Supervision for CRPA-Provisional; for peer recovery professionals and their supervisors
  • PREVIEW the ASAP Annual Conference in September; recovery track presentations with CE credits from ASAP-NYCB Board member, Malik Hutchinson, and ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry member, Aja Stubbs
  • Trainer Registry Members: Dona Pagan, former CCAR Core Trainer, discusses new CCAR protocols for CCAR authorized trainers (does NOT affect ASAP-NYCB training approvals) 


Visit the ASAP-NYCB Board and Certification Team here


"A Guide to Role Competencies for Peer Supervisors & Program Managers" click here

ASAP Annual Conference in September

Albany, September 11-14, 2022

Recovery Workshops from Malik Hutchinson and Aja Stubbs

information at  | CARC & CRPA CE credits

Veteran Supported Recovery (VSR):

A New Call to Service 

"Veterans transitioning to civilian life face unique challenges, and these challenges, including mental health issues, are increasingly recognized as complicated by the effects of substance use disorder. Effective responses require facing the dimensions of the problem and embracing innovative approaches to finding solutions."

Malik Hutchinson is a member of the ASAP-New York Certification Board and served as a subject matter for VSR.

Recovery In Color:

Elevating and Empowering BIPOC Experiences in Recovery

"Focusing on the four pillars of recovery—Health, Home, Purpose, and Community—this workshop will discuss how substance use and recovery support service providers can ensure that they are providing culturally competent support services to the BIPOC they serve."

Aja B. Stubbs is a member of the ASAP-New York Certification Board (ASAP-NYCB). See the Registry Directory.

CCAR introduces new trainer terms

Does NOT affect your ASAP-NYCB training approvals 

As a member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry, do you deliver CCAR trainings? If so, CCAR's new protocols/terms apply to you! 

ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry Governance Committee member, Lori Drescher, summarizes CCAR's instructions:

  • First, acquire the CCAR Recovery Coach Professional (RCP), CCAR's designation (not a professional certification)
  • Then, add the "Facilitator" (RCP-F) 

Quoting from a CCAR information session, Lori Drescher advises that registry members who want to continue offering CCAR training products follow these steps (in this order) as soon as possible:

  1. Complete the RCP Application ($149.99)
  2. Schedule a panel interview when invited by CCAR; Interviews are held mostly on Mondays. See details here.
  3. Take the 1 day CCAR Facilitator Training; upcoming dates are Tuesday, August 16 or Tuesday, September 20.  CCAR will schedule more dates soon. (Free)

Transition to these new protocols/terms has begun and will be compete by January 1, 2024. If this applies to you, you would be well advised to "get with the program" - now!

Questions? Email CCAR's Maysha Zakrevskyy at

Former CCAR Core Trainer Dona Pagan reflects on the new CCAR RCP-F program

Does NOT affect your ASAP-NYCB training approvals

A well known - and well respected - member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry, Dona Pagan, is honorary recipient of the inaugural CCAR Recovery Coach Professional designation presented at a special facilitator retreat in 2016.

Dona has served as a CCAR Core Trainer since the inception of its TOT program through its abolition this year. Read her reflections on the experience of delivering recovery coach training of trainers, nurturing a generation of trainers and what these new terms mean for the field here.

Editor: Ruth Riddick, ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry Program Manager,

Date: July 28, 2022

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