A Message from Mayor Todd Rigby
Hey there Eastvale,
What another amazing month!
While I’m proud of what we accomplished in March and excited for what we'll do in April, I’m currently most excited for our upcoming International Food Festival! There will be plenty of information about the event in this edition, but if you’re unfamiliar with the International Food Festival, check out this quick recap video from last year’s event!
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Exciting March moments also highlighted in this edition include:
- Our Downtown Eastvale Groundbreaking Ceremony Recap
- A special Women’s History Month tribute
- Riverside County Sheriff's Department Updates and Safety Tips
Things to look out for in the coming months include:
- A brand-new episode of our Good Morning Eastvale podcast
- Information regarding our next Passport Day
- Information regarding our next Residential Clean Up & Paper Shredding
I have a feeling April will be an even greater month than March!
Mayor Todd Rigby
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International Women's Month
Did you know that March is International Women’s Month? Eastvale recognizes and honors women's contributions to history, culture, and society not only in March, but every day.
Before the month is over, we’d like to honor City Council Member Jocelyn Yow as she is the first and only female Mayor to serve on the Eastvale City Council! In 2020 she became the youngest woman of color to serve as mayor in a California city! She works each day to fight for our city and its inclusive, family-friendly nature.
We’d also like to thank and celebrate our female commissioners and team members for their determination and leadership.
We would not be the city we are without these women!
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Eastvale's International Food Festival is Back
Here we go again! Eastvale’s International Food Festival is back!
It may be hard to believe but this year’s festival will have even more unique food and craft vendors than last year, representing cultures and countries from around the world! So, get ready to celebrate and experience the extraordinary cuisine, crafts, and musical stylings of artists from around the globe.
This special event will also host a children’s activity area, international beer garden, a cultural public art display, and much more!
The festival will be May 20, 2023 from 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and May 21, 2023 from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Scholar Way between Citrus Street and Baltimore Avenue.
Admission and parking are free. Interested vendors can visit bit.ly/EVIFF2023.
See you soon!
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Downtown Eastvale Groundbreaking Ceremony
With golden shovels in hand, Mayor Todd Rigby and Eastvale’s dedicated City Council celebrated our Downtown Eastvale Groundbreaking Ceremony on March 8, 2023!
Downtown Eastvale will feature a new city hall, police station, third fire station, library, innovation center, housing, parks, and approximately 595,000 square feet of retail. Residents will be able to shop, walk, enjoy a meal, and spend time together in our future downtown site. It will be a place for everyone in and out of the city to shop, dine, and play!
At our ceremony, it was mentioned that the top of the Downtown Eastvale website says “Honoring Yesterday. Embracing Today. Looking Forward to Tomorrow. Thriving Together.”
One day we’ll walk around downtown and marvel at the way it honors our past and represents our future. It will perfectly capture this community. We’re always working, always growing, and always thriving together!
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Back by popular demand is our community favorite Residential Clean Up & Paper Shredding event!
Our next event will be Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Ramirez Intermediate School. Proof of Eastvale residency will be required so please bring a photo ID along with this flyer or a WM bill to the event.
For any questions regarding the event, please reach out to
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Heads up Eastvale!
Clara Barton is hosting a blood drive with American Red Cross on Thursday, April 20, 2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.! It will be at 7437 Corona Valley Avenue, Eastvale, CA 92880.
To schedule a lifesaving appointment, go online to RedCrossBlood.org and enter code: ClaraBarton or scan the QR code on the graphic to the right.
We hope to see you there!
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Eastvale Introduces Brand-New Podcast, Good Morning Eastvale
From all of us here at the City, we’d like to thank you for tuning in to the first episode of our brand-new podcast, Good Morning Eastvale!
Mayor Todd Rigby and Councilmember Clint Lorimore discussed the city’s future downtown site, financial stability, City Council misconceptions, and more.
We’re also excited to announce that the next episode of the podcast will be released on Spotify, Anchor, and YouTube on April 1, 2023 and will feature Mayor Pro Tem Christian Dinco and Lieutenant Esquibel!
Tune in as Mayor Pro Tem Christian Dinco and Lieutenant Ernie Esquibel discuss our safety rankings, catalytic converter theft, general safety tips, and more!
Don’t forget to rate, like, and subscribe to the podcast!
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Move Through Motivation's 5k
Scholarship Run is back!
Move Through Motivation’s Scholarship 5k Run is back! Last year MTM hosted its first-ever scholarship run and it could not have been a bigger success.
Not only did hundreds participate in the race, but they raised thousands of dollars for teen scholarships and are hoping for an even more successful year in 2023.
So please join MTM on Saturday, May 6, 2023 at 7:30 a.m. to get outside, spend time with the community, and raise money for our youth.
Registration for the race is $40 or individuals not able to participate can donate to the cause on their website.
To register for the race, please click here.
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Helpful Tips from Eastvale's Traffic Enforcement Team | |
Eastvale's Traffic Enforcement Team is always working to keep our residents safe. While they continue to take a proactive approach with traffic safety, they also have some helpful tips to share with residents to encourage additional safety!
- Leave home early to give yourself plenty of time to arrive at your destination
- Drop off passengers in designated areas
- Be a courteous driver
- Always be on the lookout for pedestrians and cyclists
- Most importantly, please obey ALL traffic laws
Thank you for helping our Traffic Enforcement Team keep our community safe!
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Eastvale's Special Enforcement Team Update
A big thank you to Eastvale's patrol deputies and Special Enforcement Team for responding to a recent call regarding screams coming from a residence. During their investigation, deputies encountered a drug dealer and were able to arrest them. The suspect was taken to the Riverside County Jail.
The team would like to thank the residents who called in the report. As always, if you see (or hear) something, say something. It may save a life!
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Eastvale’s Popular Passport Day is back!
Join us on Saturday, April 1, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. at Eastvale’s City Hall for our first Passport Day of the year! No appointments are necessary as we will take the first 100 parties!
Please be sure to bring the following:
A completed, but unsigned application in black ink. Forms are available at travel.state.gov
- Proof of identity
- Proof of U.S. Citizenship
- Appropriate forms of payment such as a personal check, money order, or cashier’s check
If you’re unable to attend Passport Day, the City hosts passport services Monday through Thursday, by appointment only. Please visit our website to make an appointment.
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Sign a Letter of Support for our Zip Code Advocacy Project
Did you know that the City of Eastvale is working hard to obtain its own ZIP code?
Over the last few months, many residents have asked us about the pros and cons of an independent ZIP code, how it will affect taxes, when we’re getting a post office, and many other questions.
Today, we’re here to answer as many questions as we can with a quick Q&A!
Question: What are some of the difficulties Eastvale has encountered when sharing ZIP codes 91752 and 92800?
- Eastvale is having difficulty attracting businesses as commercial developers and corporations’ base expansion decisions on trade areas that are examined by zip codes.
- In the event of a large-scale emergency, reaction attempts may be delayed
- Voter registration and election confusion
Question: What effect will a new ZIP code have on property taxes?
Answer: Changing ZIP code boundaries would not change property tax rates given that no official municipal boundaries would be changed
Question: When will we get a post office and why don't we have one?
Answer: It is entirely up to the United States Postal Service to establish a post office in Eastvale. While we can request one, like obtaining a ZIP code, it is in the hands of USPS.
Question: What effect does ZIP code affiliation have on insurance rates?
Answer: Many insurance companies consider ZIP Code 92880 to be Corona and base payments on Corona's sales tax. Corona has a sales tax of 8.75%, while Eastvale has a sales tax of 7.75%.
Question: I thought 92880 was reassigned from Corona to Eastvale. What changed?
Answer: According to Google Maps, the ZIP Code 92880 limits were altered without consultation with the City of Eastvale and now encompass the cities of Chino, Chino Hills, Eastvale, and Corona, as well as small portions of unincorporated Orange and Riverside counties.
If you have any further questions, please contact afung@eastvaleca.gov!
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Kiwanis and ERHS Key Club Earth Day Clean Up
The Eastvale Kiwanis and the ERHS Key Club are teaming up with many local organizations to host yet another Earth Day Clean Up on Saturday, April 22, 2023!
We invite everyone in the community to meet at Harada Heritage Park at 9:00 a.m. to receive roadway assignments and to join us back at the park after the clean up for lunch.
Thank you Kiwanis, Key Club, and all the organizations that have already agreed to participate in this amazing event!
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City of Eastvale's
Volunteer Program
Are you interested in giving back to your community while enhancing the quality of life of Eastvale residents? Then the Community Enhancement Volunteer Program is the perfect opportunity for you! The program allows residents to use their skills and experience to assist the City in delivering high-level services to the community.
Volunteers monitor commercial and residential neighborhoods to report City code violations. Volunteers will also provide educational materials to residents, report downed signs, potholes, safety issues, and other issues that impact the community.
Volunteers will play a vital role in community events and the day-to-day life of residents!
Click here to learn more or to apply!
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Eastvale's Spring Special Olympics Season has Begun
Exciting news Eastvale! Our Special Olympics Program is back for another season!
Last September we kicked off the program with a round of softball and are now transitioning into Track and Field! Practices include the 25-meter run, the 400-meter walking event, shot put, and several other races. We also offer a wheelchair race and several other lower ability level events.
Practices are held every Wednesday at River Heights Intermediate School from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and it’s not too late to sign up. We will continue to take athletes all season. You can register at https://www.sosc.org/athleteapplication.
We’re excited to announce that in addition to practices, there will be multiple competitions this season against local cities and we’ll be competing at the Inland Empire Region Games April 15, 2023!
This season we are looking for:
- Athletes
- Coaches
- Volunteers
- Athlete sponsors to help athletes receive the resources they need to participate
If interested in playing, coaching, volunteering, or sponsoring, please email CValenzuela@eastvaleca.gov or visit https://www.sosc.org/.
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