Bolstering its ability to deliver essential services during emergencies, the County of Sonoma has completed the first phase of an initiative to install 13 large generators at major evacuation centers and other important public facilities.

The County’s Department of General Services and District 3 Supervisor Chris Coursey marked the completion of the initiative’s first stage with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Santa Rosa Veterans' Memorial Building. The event celebrated the recently completed installation of a 100-kilowatt generator to supply the County’s largest evacuation center with electricity during power outages.

“This building is not only a community center and a veteran’s memorial; it is a safe haven in disasters. During fires, floods and power shut-offs, this is a place where people come for safety, cooling, electrical power and centralized services,” said Supervisor Coursey. “The Board of Supervisors has responded to the community’s needs by approving funding for projects like this at veterans’ buildings in Petaluma, Cloverdale, Santa Rosa and Sonoma,” he said.

While this first phase of the project ensures that a diesel generator is available for immediate use, the County is working on securing green energy sources to further the resiliency of Veterans' Memorial Buildings. Presently, the General Services Department is working on grant applications to invest in solar energy and a battery storage technology.