Ebenezer United Church Of Christ

November 2022 Eagle Newsletter

***December Eagle articles due November 15***

Pastor's Corner

Monday night as I was doing some church work at home on the computer, I had the television on waiting for the Monday night football game to start. After a few minutes I stopped working, found the TV remote and PUNCHED THE MUTE BUTTON! I couldn’t take the constant political ads demonizing one candidate or the other from senator to governor to dog catcher, and it’s still two weeks to go to the election! Really, does your political opponent seriously want to see senior citizens starving, the police force abolished or dogs running wild in the streets? Please, let’s sit down and take a few deep breaths. I’d like to say a few words about life after the election. What will we do after the election when one group of people is sure the country is being redeemed and the other group of voters is sure the country is on the road to destruction?

I am drawn to Jesus’ conversation with a lawyer in Luke 10:25-28. “Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. ‘Teacher,’ he said, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ He said to him, ‘What is written in the law? What do you read there?’ He answered, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.’ And he said to him, ‘You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.’” I see the past several months of rich discussion and shouting accusations as a time when we have been preparing to test each other. Now, with the campaigns nearing their end we are about to discover if we can, on Wednesday morning November 9, live out the teaching of Jesus to focus on God and love one another.

First, let’s take a step back from the commercials and journey to church on Sunday, November 6. Many churches throughout the nation celebrate Holy Communion that day. This will be an opportunity to remember that we are a forgiven and forgiving people. When Jesus, the disciples, and others celebrated the Passover meal they did so knowing that many of the disciples didn’t understand most of Jesus’ teachings. The disciples argued about the important issues of the day and some tried to convince Jesus that they were better than the others and they, not the others, should sit at Jesus’ right hand in heaven. Jesus welcomed them to the table. He continued to speak to them. He blessed them. He knew that in just a few hours they would twist his words, curse his name, and fight not for him but for themselves. In the midst of all this Jesus forgave them and fed them. Please come to church November 6 and sit at the Lord’s Table with fellow Christians to be fed, to forgive and be forgiven.

Next, let’s turn off our TV’s and other electronic devices that keep us in touch with the world and also allow those advertisements to infiltrate our worlds. Let’s sit in silence for a while and seek God’s will for us for the future. I believe that the Greatest Commandment is still the best word for us to carry in our hearts as we move into the coming years. There will be new issues which will become all-important. The political commentators will always have something to talk about; always have something that is “threatening the very fabric of society.” Instead of listening to them, find a time and place where you feel closest to God and journey through prayer, seeking God’s will so you can best love your neighbor.

Finally, come to church November 13 (hopefully, we’ll have the final results from Tuesday’s vote). We’ll take time to thank God for our elected leaders.

The world we live in is occasionally difficult place to be. We find our hearts, minds, and souls pulled in many directions, many of which are unhealthy for individuals and for the community. The church is the place to encounter the One who loves us and helps us to become whole people. We find that here, with other believers, Jesus is working to reconcile all people to God. This is a healthy place to be.

“What must I do to inherit eternal life?’ He said to him, ‘What is written in the law? What do you read there?’ He answered, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.’ And he said to him, ‘You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.’”


Peace and Grace,

Pastor Mike

Usher Schedule for November/December

Nov. 6- Council

Nov. 13- Ralph

Nov. 20- Mark

Nov. 27- Ken

Dec. 4- Council

Dec. 11- Kelly

Dec. 18- Andy

Dec. 24- Council

Dec. 25- Council

Reader Schedule for November/December

Nov. 6- Lexi Pagel

Nov. 13- Pastor Mike

Nov. 20- Aubrey Plate

Nov. 27- Jeniffer Pringle

Dec. 4- Natalie Adamietz

Dec. 11- Pasor Mike

Dec. 18- Addison Brown

Dec. 24- Pastor Mike

Dec. 25- Pastor Mike

Office Hour Changes

Please note the office hours are now changed to the following for

Mondays and Wednesdays:     9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Ashley Dorzok- Administrative Assistant

I'd like to introduce myself to the rest of the church family I have yet to meet! I am Ashley, I live in the Holylands in St. Peter with my three kids (Jonathan, Karlie, and Lilah) and our dog, Rosie. I am familiar with the area as I have previously lived in Kiel for a few years prior to buying our home in St. Peter.

I have a love for nature and being outdoors. I also love to take long baths when feeling stressed or overwhelmed. I don't have much free time for myself to have hobbies when I work and care for our home and my children solo. We were unfortunately struck with loss and grief when my significant other of 10 years and my kids' father passed away unexpectedly in 2018. Through his loss, however, I experienced my fall from religion, but also a deeper, newfound love of Jesus. I now instill the gospel into my children's lives to hopefully raise three humble, respectful, happy children for the next generation. When I get lost in my purpose for life, I resort back to the people I am leaving behind in this world.

I am happy to be here and look forward to meeting more of you as the time progresses!

Daylight Savings Time Ends

Just a reminder that Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 6. So before you go to bed on Saturday, November 5, be sure to turn the clocks back one hour. 

Now would also be a great time to replace batteries in all your smoke detectors. It could save your life!

Mission Education News

The Mission Committee will be collecting children's pajamas, socks, and underwear for the Salvation Army Toys for Tots campaign. We will have a tree in the Narthex with ornaments stating an age & boy or girl. Pick an ornament and buy something appropriate. Place under the tree!

The collection will run from November 1 to December 4.

Buy 1 item or several! The children thank you!!

Questions, Call 1-920-203-4137

Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service

Bethlehem United Church of Christ will be holding their Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at 7 p.m. for those of you that are interested in attending. 

Their address is:

Bethlehem UCC

11608 Lax Chapel Rd.

Kiel, WI 53042

Welcome Skylar!

We welcomed into our church family Skylar Jo Alten through the sacrament of baptism on Sunday, October 23. Skylar is shown here with her parents, Brandon and Samantha Alten, Pastor Mike, big brother Braven, and sponsors (Brittany Slatter & Chris Beckman). Congratulations to everyone!!

Bell Choir Notes

Ebenezer Brass has been working very hard on music for our holiday concert set for Sunday, December 11th, at 3 p.m. Our theme this year is “These Are A Few Of Our Favorite Songs”, so

save the date and join us for our handbell concert on December 11!

More details will follow in

the December “Eagle”.

Anyone interested in joining the bell choir for this event, please contact Jill Sippel at 920-418-1534 or just show up on Wednesday night when we practice at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

Anyone is welcome to join us.

Notes From the Music Corner

Song selections for the service music ( Prelude, Meditative Music & Postlude) is usually chosen to coincide with the scripture theme or special day. The meditative music for Sunday, October 30 will be “Variations of ‘Luther’s Theme’”. This is Reformation (modern term – Reconciliation) Day. The song will have ‘snippets’ of Martin Luther’s well known hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” (written in 1529) interspersed in an intriguing melody. Besides translating the Bible into German so all the people could read it, Martin Luther also wrote 37 songs that the people could sing to God.

The meditative selection for Sunday, November 6 will be to recognize All Saints Day when six members who passed away this last year will be remembered.  The text for “I Sing a Song of the Saints of God” was written in 1929 to help children understand that not all saints lived, or died, in the distant past. While the meditative music is intended for a time in the worship for each individual worshipper to absorb, reflect, personalize the meaning of the music without all the words. For this particular song, the hymn # will be listed so everyone can contemplate the meaning. The major point is that everyone can be a saint. This is the final verse: “They lived not only in ages past, there are hundreds of thousands still. The world is filled with living saints who choose to do God’s will. You can meet them in school, on the road, or at sea, in a church, in a train, in a shop, or at tea; for the saints are folk like you and like me, and I mean to be one, too."

November Upper Room Booklet

Both regular print and large print versions of the November Upper Room are available in the narthex book rack. With Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas coming up, please help yourself to a copy for your personal, daily devotion. Many times, the selection speaks to your immediate life circumstances.  

Flower Pot Distribution

The flower pots distributed around Chilton were picked up on Monday, October 17 for winter storage. A grateful thank you to Ralph Schmid and Vern Gasch for tackling this job! There were 20 planters distributed around Chilton. All the businesses were pleased with the plants and hopefully will participate again next year. 

Bakeless Bake Sale

The Mission Committee has decided to do the Bakeless Bake Sale again this year to support our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM). It was such a great success last year and took the stress off of what is already a hectic time of the year for everyone by supporting this sale instead. 

Please make checks payable to Ebenezer United Church of Christ/Missions and send them to 44 W Washington St., Chilton, WI 53014. You can also drop cash donations off at the church office during office hours which is Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

Deadline for donations is Monday, Dec. 19

Thank you for your past support and we hope to have another successful fundraiser for OCWM. Questions? Please contact any of these committee members: Ruth Aebischer, Janet Andrews, Karen Cmejla, Jeanne Keuler. 

Annual Reports Due!!

Please start handing in your information for the Annual Report as soon as you can. Since this is new for Ashley, she will need time to put this all together. Please have the reports in by Friday, Dec. 16. 

Thank you.


**If you are unable to meet this deadline, please let Ashley know by either calling or emailing her at 920-849-4331 or [email protected]

Serve on the Council

Our church council will be looking for two people to serve a three-year term beginning in January, 2023. The Council meets monthly and is responsible for authorizing and paying bills, discussing any ongoing matters within the congregation, and serves as a liaison with one of the Ebenezer committees. If you are interested in serving our church in this way, please contact:

Stacy Freund at (920) 509-1817 or any other council member

Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign

Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign will begin shortly and here are a few important dates:

Sat., Nov. 12- Official Kickoff- Stockbridge Match Day will be held jointly with SHS Craft Fair. A Red Kettle will be available for your donations at the school entrance. 

Fri., Nov. 25- Reinl Accounting Match Day (Chilton)- All monies collected will be matched by Reinl Accounting.

Fri., Dec. 2- Sherwood Match Day- at Dick's Family Grocery, Sherwood. 

Sat., Dec. 3- Chilton Business Match Day- at all sites. 

Bell ringers are an important component to the Red Kettle success. Feel free to sign up for designated time slots at any location at registertoring.com or if you have free time, just pick up a bell and ring whenever there is no one ringing. If you need help to sign up, contact me at [email protected] and I will get back to you. I thank everyone in advance & God Bless.

Free Meal Delivered to Your Door

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Deadline to order is Friday, Nov. 18 by 3 p.m.

*Delivering to Calumet County & some parts of Manitowoc, Sheboygan, and FDL Counties.

*Meal orders can be made by calling & leaving a voicemail at (920) 340-5227 M-F 9-3. Or by email at [email protected].

*Please provide Full name, Phone Number, Street Address, Number of Meals, and Special Instructions.

*Confirm with recipient that they will be home to receive them. 

*To donate or volunteer please see the church bulletin board for more information. *

Virtual Service

If you are unable to make it to service, you are welcome to view the service LIVE on Facebook. As a reminder, you can always tune into 95.5 within a block of the church during service.


If you are in need of Scrip, please let Kelly know. If you are interested in re-loadable cards nd direct pay to avoid contact, there is a small fee for credit card charge and bank withdrawal.

Kelly Brown


[email protected]

~ Arlene, Audra, Audrey, Da'Monique, Da'Nisha, Dennis, Diana, Ellie, Eric, Eugene, Glen, John & Janet, Jim, John S., Kari, Pastor Sue, Rebecca, Rod, Stephanie, Steve, Tod, Tony, Vern, and Vernon. ~

November Birthdays!

Nov. 1- Kathy Kuhn

Nov. 2- Alex Greuel

Nov. 6- Adam Gasch

Nov. 7- Don Sattler

Nov. 7- Pam Schneider

Nov. 8- Ashley Porsche

Nov. 11- Bruce Alten

Nov. 13- Lake Pingel

Nov. 15- Jean Reichwald

Nov. 15- Janene Van Hoorn

Nov. 17- Ruth Aebischer

Nov. 17- Linda Edington

Nov. 20- Ella Bechlem

Nov. 22- Pastor Sue

Nov. 22- John Schroeder

Nov. 27- Stephanie Adamietz

Nov. 27- Amy Kuhn

Nov. 27- Joseph Kuhn

Nov. 30- Delilah Kuhn

Administrative Assistant

[email protected]

(920) 849-4331

Monday & Wednesday 9:30a.m.-2:30p.m.

Pastor Michael Safford-Kennedy

[email protected]  Cell- (920) 286-1956

  • Nov. 10 @ 8:30 a.m. is Men's Breakfast Group at 7 Angels.
  • Church Council meeting on Sunday, Nov. 20 at 8 a.m.
  • Women's Guild meeting at 7 Angels at 9 a.m. on Nov. 17.
  • Ecumenical Service- Nov. 23, 7 p.m. @ Bethlehem UCC Kiel 
  • Eagle articles due Nov. 15
  • Deadline to order Thanksgiving Day Express Meals is Nov. 18 by 3 p.m.
  • Salvation Army Toys for Tots Mission begins Nov. 1-Dec 4. Grab an ornament from the tree in the Narthex.
  • Bakeless Bake Sale runs Nov-Dec. 19

October 16, 2022 EUCC Church Council Minutes

Click here to view document.

Ebenezer UCC Church Council Minutes

October 16, 2022


Members present: Joan Woelfel, Mark Rusch, Don Pingel,, Dennis Winkler, Dean Papendieck, Stacey Vernon, Karen Cmejla and Pastor Mike.

Meeting was called to order by Vice President Joan Woelfel at 8:00 AM

Dennis Winkler made a motion to approve the agenda and last months minutes and Don Pingel, seconded it. Motion carried.

Dean Papendieck gave the treasurer's report:

Revenues for September: $11,897.65

September expenses: $4891.82

Checkbook balance: $78,423.91

Money market account: $252,131.25

Cash equity: $81,015.18

Cambridge investment: $47,187.21

The Jim Pagel Scholarship monies will be transferred from the World Church Funds to the General Fund this week in the amount of $7000.18

Dennis Winkler made a motion to except the treasurers report and approve the bills list and Mark Rusch secondary it. Motion carried.

Ministers report: Pastor Mike did not have one as of yet


Committee Reports:

Property Committee: it was mentioned that the bills for materials of the bathroom tile is due and should be paid out 

Mission committee will be meeting after church service today to discuss the next projects with Christmas around the corner.

There were no other committee reports.


Old/Continuing Business:

Pastor Mike informed us that he has completed signing up for Medicare Health insurance Parts A and B. Dean Papendieck will arrange a time to meet with the health insurance company to get together with a few of the council members and discuss benefit costs, etc.

There has been no update on the timeframe for remodeling of the bathrooms.

No updates on the stained glass project.

Sidewalk repair will be tabled until spring time due to colder weather setting in soon.

New Business:

Council members and Pastor Mike met to interview a candidate for the office administration position for Ebenezer in St. John churches. They have approved to hire Ashley Dorzok at $15 per hour. She will be working at Ebenezer UCC on Mondays and Wednesdays and  St. John’s UCC on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 until 3:30 each day.

Dean has been approached by a member who has asked if their quilting group from the Brothertown area would be allowed to use our church fellowship hall for their quilting gatherings. Dean will get further information in the near future about this.

We will be looking for three new council member volunteers for the upcoming year.

There was no other new business.


Next months council meeting will be held in the lounge on November 20 at 8 AM before church service.

Don Pingel made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Mark Rusch seconded it. Motion carried.

Closed with the Lords Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Cmejla, Council Secretary

November Events

*Click Calendar to enlarge*