Worship This Sunday

Oct 2 - 10:30 a.m.

Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost

A Service of Universal Peace

and Holy Communion

For those unable to join us in person, there will be a live videocast

 of the worship service at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays.

Go to the church's website, or use one of the links below.

If you miss the live service, you can find it archived on YouTube.

Watch on YouTube
Download Bulletin
Watch on Facebook
Visit our website for more information about what's happening at PUCC

Pastor Note: from the Rev. David Pattee

It’s Gonna Be A Great Day!

This coming Sunday, October 2, is World Communion Sunday when we will share and celebrate the sacrament in solidarity with Christians in every land and culture.  Also this Sunday, as Christians, we will open ourselves to a Universal Communion with all who worship the God Who Is One. 

Our friend Lori Rivera of Jazz on High has been a student of Universal Sufism for over 35 years. Within our celebration of World Communion Sunday, Lori will be leading us in a Service of Universal Peace, created by Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan over 100 years ago. This service, which honors many of the world's spiritual traditions on one altar, seeks to encourage inter-religious unity, harmony, and mutual respect.

AND… Following worship, our developer partners will be presenting architectural plans for the Peace Village housing project.  After years of discussion and careful development, we’re on the cusp of realizing this dream… and it’s exciting!

I’ll see you in church.


Please attend this Sunday – In person or online


We invite our congregation to gather Sunday, October 2 after worship at noon in the Sanctuary or online* for our developers’ special presentation of our Peace Village housing project: Our project’s architectural designs are taking shape, and our developer team is preparing to submit our completed Peace Village proposal to the City of Santa Cruz for approval.

Five years of efforts in the making, the details of our exciting project design will be revealed. Questions will be addressed, and comments will be received for consideration as our project plans are refined.

We’re at an important milepost in our journey toward realization of the most forward-looking building project our congregation has undertaken since we completed construction of our present church campus in 1957. By mid-2025 we hope to welcome new friends and families into high-quality housing they can afford in Peace Village.

Our Peace Village project will be a transformational contribution to our public ministry for the future of our community. Our Housing Implementation Project Committee is delighted to present the fruits of our faithful work.  

*If you attend online, you will simply use the same YouTube or Facebook streaming option you normally use. After worship ends at around 11:30 and the streaming ends, simply log back in at noon.

Watch on Facebook using this LINK

Watch on YouTube using this LINK

Come share in the good news! It’s big!

Jim Weller

Church Representative

HIP Committee

Christianity 101

Whether you’re “ready to decide” or “just looking,” come learn more about our church and make new friends at Christianity 101 gatherings immediately following worship on four Sundays this fall. Adapted from courses taught by Pastor Dave in colleges, churches and other settings, this condensed introduction to Christianity is organized around widely held questions and concerns. It’s an opportunity for those who are new to the faith or want to take a fresh look at their faith, and is especially encouraged for any who may be interested in joining as members of Peace UCC.

The current series began two weeks ago. We started with, What Is Religion? on the 18th, and continued with What Is Christianity? on the 25th, but each session stands on its own and you are welcome to join for any of the two that remain:

Oct. 9 – Living Faithfully

Oct. 23 – The Possibilities and Politics of Pluralism

We’ll meet from Noon - 1:15pm in the fellowship hall and sanctuary. If you’re interested in membership, there’ll also be an opportunity at these gatherings to set up a time to meet personally with Pastor Dave.

Our next occasion for new members to join the church will be during the Sunday morning worship service on October 30th.

Peace High and Dry


The generous gifts to the High and Dry Fund totaling $92,142 have provided us the assurance that we can proceed with the work on the fascia and gutters before the rainy season. If you haven't had a chance to give, it's not too late!

How can you contribute?...

  • With a one-time - OR - recurring payment via PayPal using this LINK

NOTE: If you choose to break up your donation into smaller, recurring payments, please inform the office of the full commitment by email so that we can account for it in the budget! office@peaceunited.org

  • With a check made out to PUCC (memo "High & Dry") in the offering basket on Sunday or by mail to the church office.

For more info about the campaign click here to READ MORE

To see pictures of the damage to the gutters and fascia, CLICK HERE

Mark Your Calendars!

Our next Spiritual Retreat will be on Saturday, December 3rd from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Come, and retreat into quiet spirituality and contemplation here on our church campus, with disciplines of prayer and lots of open time for refreshment and renewal, paying attention to your soul and, if you need to, letting some things go. Lunch and dinner are included.

Contact: lanakilaiesu@yahoo.com.

Z-Club Free Meeting

Let’s celebrate fall!

  Tuesday, October 4th, 2022

At Peace UCC 900 High St.

From 6:00-7:30

The autumnal equinox was on September 22, 2022. Let’s appreciate the change of seasons, however mild that change is here in Santa Cruz. Let’s do an autumn wreath tile.


As usual, basic supplies will be provided. You can bring whatever coloring media you would like to use. I’ll have colored pencils and maybe some markers in addition to the usual Zentangle tiles micron pens and pencils.

For more info, contact Lisa


Ensemble Monterey Presents

"Favorites for Winds" 

Saturday, October 8th, 7 PM

Peace United Church, Santa Cruz

Join us for the first concert in our 30th Anniversary Season - Favorites for Winds. In 1784 Mozart wrote a ground-breaking work for 13 wind instruments: the Gran Partita. This 50-minute masterpiece is Mozart at his transcendent best. 30 years ago, Ensemble Monterey began its first concert with this work, and now, to celebrate the beginning of our Anniversary Season, we are proud to perform it again. Ensemble Monterey only plays the Gran Partita once every ten years, so don’t miss it this time! On this concert we also include AntoníDvořák’s masterful Serenade in D minor for Winds and Strings, which features delightful settings of familiar folk melodies. 

Maestro John Anderson will present "Notes from the Conductor" at 6 PM.

Join us for insights and stories about the music. 

Tickets and more information at www.ensemblemonterey.org.

Snacks for Sunday Socials

Sundays Peace Church offers Beverages and Snacks before and after our 10:30-11:30am worship. Friendly socializing builds community!

Use THIS LINK to sign up to bring a tasty and healthy snack item to one of our Sunday Socials. Each week we like to share baked goods, fresh fruit, and always something for those on low sugar and gluten free diets.

Second Sundays are special Birthday Month Celebrations, so bring special Birthday Treats!

Drop off in the kitchen anytime between 9:30 and 10:30am. THANK YOU!

Contact Jane Heyse, Sunday Kitchen Coordinator with questions: janeheyse831@gmail.com or 831-252-9247.
We Want to Hear Your Voice
Sign Up to Be A Liturgist!

We would love to have you as a liturgist (reader) in one of our Sunday morning worship services. It's a wonderful way of serving!

Sign up for a Sunday to read live and in-the-flesh and we'll connect with you by e-mail on the Tuesday prior, sending all the information you'll need for getting ready.

If you'd like to give it a try, click on this link to choose a date.

Who's Check Is This Anyway?

Have you, or do you plan to give a gift to PUCC via your retirement, or donor advised fund? We have recently received a number of gift donations from these types of funds that have no identifying attributes.

We would love to be able to acknowledge these gifts, so please include a memo with your check -OR- email the office with: your name and where the funds are to be directed!

As always, thank you so much for your generosity and commitment to PUCC! 

Poetry at Peace

Many thanks to Chrissi Brewer for this insightful poem on kindness and service. Are we watchful for that “hopeful connection”? Can anyone else relate to being "too stubborn to accept their gift"? 

Poems at Peace meets on zoom 9 am Thursdays and in-person 9 am on Sundays in the ‘upper room’.  

Friends, I will be taking a break from providing these poems to "What’s New" for the next six months, as I begin another life adventurer. It’s been an honor to provide you with the inspiring words we enjoy in community during these last several years. Blessings and Peace, Rev. Bonnie Lange 


Posted by Paula Gordon Lepp | Jun 24, 2021 | 


It was a little thing, really, 

this offer to fill my tire. 

I was unscrewing the valve cap 

and heard a voice behind me. 

‘Here, I’ll get that for you” 

“Oh that’s ok, I’ve got it” is what I 

normally say to such overtures, 

this knee-jerk reaction to refuse. 

I am the one who offers to help, 

I am the one who serves.

Perhaps it was the eager spirit 

on his face or his brown eyes 

full of hopeful connection that 

caused me to say ok. 

I felt the vibration of

his unspoken benediction-

I can’t do much for you 

fellow weary traveler, 

but I can do this. Lay 

your burden down and

I will carry it for a bit, 

and I couldn’t help but wonder 

how many times I have denied 

someone the blessing of serving 

because I have been too stubborn 

to accept their gift. 

As I was standing there in 

the sun drenched gas station 

parking lot, the hiss and tick of 

the air pump sounded very much

like a psalm. I watched his hands, 

a few shades lighter than that 

Goodyear rubber, filling more than 

just my tire with air, while goodness

and grace swirled around us

stronger than the fumes of gasoline.

Many Blessings,

Bonnie Lange

bonniep357@gmail.com | 360.921.7629

 "Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day,

if you listen carefully, you can hear her breathing." 

~ Arundhati Roy

Prayers for Peace

Lead Us


Lead us from death to life,

From falsehood to truth.

Lead us from despair to hope, 

from fear to trust. 

Let us focus on our hearts and hold these prayers of concern and celebration:

  • Continuing prayers for Tony Phillips who passed away peacefully; his beloved wife, Leona and their children.
  • Remembering Elizabeth, daughter of Charles and Julia Clancy-Smith, who died last week. We wish peace to her parents and son, Miles. 
  • On-going prayers for Linda and Dale Bisby
  • We pray for a complete and easy recovery from Covid for Bill and Lynn Walton, as well as others who have Covid
  • Deep gratitude for a wonderful art show at PUCC featuring Ukranian artist, Natalia Aandewiel
  • We pray for those struggling with mental health challenges and drug addictions, their families and caregivers. 

Let peace fill our hearts, our world and our universe.

Let us dream together, pray together and work together, 

To build one world of peace and justice for all.

In your holy name we pray. Amen

Bonnie Lange

bonniep357@gmail.com | 360.921.7629

What About Masks?

Committed to caring for our neighbors and offering hospitality, we require that you wear a mask while indoors on the church campus. If you forget to bring your own, we have masks available in the sanctuary and in our meeting rooms and classrooms. Please remember that not everyone is vaccinated and that vaccines are not perfect protection against Covid. Wearing a mask is a sensible and easy way to inhibit the spread of this disease. Thank you for your kind consideration of the health and safety of our entire community at PUCC.
We Want Your Face!

Most of us cringe when we see ourselves in photos, but you probably have one photo that shows your face the way you would like other people to see it. We want that photo for our records! Pastor Dave especially is interested in having a pictorial record because there are so many of you he hasn't yet been able to meet in person.

Here's how you do it...please email Devon a digital photo of yourself and she will take care of the rest! Thank you. We look forward to "seeing" you soon.
Office Hours!

Some days we're on campus, some days we're remote, but 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, staff are attending to the business of our church office: monitoring e-mail, answering telephones and/or responding to messages, working on the dozens of different projects and connections that keep our ministry moving forward. As on-campus activities increase in the months ahead, so will our in-person presence in the church office, Monday through Thursday.

If you plan to come into the office, please call ahead to schedule a time when we know someone will be in to assist you. You can reach us by e-mail using the list below or by phone, 831-426-2010.

Pastor Dave works from the church office, Monday through Thursday, and most weeks will have office hours on Saturday too, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Friday is his day off. In case of emergency, the pastor is available by cell phone, 773-255-8095. If you would like to schedule a meeting or would like to "drop by", please contact us via email using this link to make an arrangement.
Small Groups and Ministries of Outreach
Use this link to find information about our various small groups and
ministries here at PUCC.
Peace UCC Facilities Calendar
To view our availability or request space on our campus click here!
Support Peace UCC
Donate securely to Peace UCC through our website! Learn more or donate at: www.peaceunited.org/giving.

We're registered on Amazon Smile! Learn more and designate Peace UCC as your chosen charity to receive 0.5% of your Amazon Smile purchases, at no cost to you, here.

Our conference staff and the offices have
moved to a new address. The new address is
1320 Willow Pass Rd., Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520
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