Worship This Sunday

Sep 17, 2023 - 10:30 AM



Ephesians 4:25 – 5:2, Matthew 18:21-22

The Quality of Mercy

Sermon by Pastor Dave

For those unable to join us in person, there will be a live videocast 

of the worship service at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays.

Go to the church's website, or use one of the links below.

If you miss the live service, you can find it archived on YouTube.

Watch on YouTube
Sunday Bulletin
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Visit our website for more information about what's happening at PUCC
CLICK HERE to view the latest Prophets of Hope Newsletter

COPA Training 9/13

Join others from across the county for COPA’s Congregational Development Training

The capacity to walk side-by-side with people in my congregation and in the community to fix what's broken is one of the best parts of being a member of Peace. One of the great traditions of the UCC is the concept of the town hall-style meeting where people from all segments of the community come together to listen, discern, and act together. 

The COPA core team (our group of Peace members which takes leadership in COPA planning and organizing) is growing! And we are excited about the buzz that was generated by our 20th Anniversary Convention on May 20th. 

To continue to amplify our regional efforts, we are offering a series of three evenings of training in Congregational Development (also referred to as Institutional Development since not all COPA members are faith-based). You'll get to meet people from other institutions across Santa Cruz County, learn about strategies to develop our membership, and find common interests we wish to work together on.

We've planned a sequence of three consecutive Wednesdays, all from 6:30 to 8 p.m. They are meant to build upon each other, but you don't need to attend all three. The first one was last Wednesday.

Please see the attached flier.

The next one will be Wednesday, September 20th at Resurrection Catholic Community in Aptos.

The final will be held at Peace on September 27 in the upper room of the CE building.

Please invite a friend, and please RSVP! (Please see the attached flyer for info on the 1st training. More info on the 2nd and 3rd trainings will follow.)

On behalf of the COPA Core team: Karen Cozza, Jane Heyse, Cathy Sarto, Elizabeth Schilling, Ken Thomas, and Jim Weller

Senior Perennials

It is time for our over 55 group to resume!

We will be meeting after church this Sunday, September 17th. Please save the date and plan to join us! 

We usually meet from 11:45-1:00 p.m. in the lounge.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Lote Sanderson & Lynn Walton (lwalton@rawbits.com)

Welcoming Tables

Coming soon: an opportunity to join a group, similar but different from Supper Clubs which were held in the past. We will be gathering around Welcoming Tables to break bread, share our stories, and build relationships. The groups will meet every two months in the homes of members. Each group will decide whether to share a meal (at home or at a restaurant) or simply share appetizers or desserts. There will be no agenda other than getting to know each other in deeper ways while sharing hospitality. Each group will have a facilitator, to help the flow of conversation.

Sign-ups will be available soon. Watch for our Table on September 24, Homecoming Sunday.

Mary Lois Comeskey maryloisc@gmail.com

Pat Lindstrom

Peace Prayer Team

We are going to resurrect our prayers for the church community through the Peace Prayer Team.


Lynn Walton will take the requests for prayers by e-mail (lwalton@rawbits.com) and phone (831-600-7343).  

Lynn will determine if you want prayers:

  • Just from people on the prayer team
  • to be mentioned in the prayer list in the newsletter
  • given only to Pastor Dave

The office, Dave and Devon, will also forward requests they receive to Lynn.


Anne Rogers will manage the prayer chain, now called the Peace Prayer Team. We will ask via the newsletter and in a church announcement, for people willing to pray for others and Anne will then create an e-mail group. 

Please see Anne or e-mail her at prayers@peaceunited.org if you want to join the team. She will contact the group weekly, or as the need arises.


Anne & Lynn

Peace United Friends & Family Pizza

and Game Night is Coming Back

People have been asking, “When is the Game Night coming back?” Join us

September 29th from 6:00 to 8:30. Bring your friends. There will be Corn hole, ping pong, Blokus, Mexican Train, Scattagories, and Backgammon and much more.

While playing how about some Figgy Piggy or Big Sur Pizza from Pizza My

Heart. You may bring beer or wine.

Bring a game you like and there will be others there to play with you. Help with

set-up and/or clean-up. For more information contact Tom Postlewaite at

tapostlewaite@icloud.com or text 831.325.4235.


Let’s get together

The Resource Center for Non-Violence is hosting a new event, and they would love to see you there!
La Ofrenda Annual Dinner & Community Celebration honoring RCNV’s social justice past, present, and future will take place on Saturday, October 7, 2023 from 4-6:30 pm at The Resource Center for Nonviolence (612 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz California). We are looking to raise funds, shine light on those who have passed, build community, and celebrate inspiration from our keynote speaker, Mandy Carter.
The public is invited to celebrate our long legacy of social justice work in our community by honoring leaders past present and future. In addition to a traditional Mexican banquet, guests will enjoy music from Musical Soulmates Performers Collective, and a keynote presentation by Lesbian Black activist Mandy Carter on Nonviolent Resistance and Resilience. All proceeds from the event will be used to support the work of the center.

Register soon because space is limited. Use this LINK to register.

We hope you’re able to join us!

From Kevin, who sings in our Chancel Choir...

We Want to Hear Your Voice

Sign Up to Be A Liturgist!

We would love to have you as a liturgist (reader) in one of our Sunday morning worship services. It's a wonderful way of serving!

Sign up for a Sunday to read live and in person and we'll connect with you by e-mail on the Tuesday prior, sending all the information you'll need for getting ready.

If you'd like to give it a try, click on this link to choose a date.

Watch Out For Scammers

Peace United staff and leaders will never solicit you by e-mail, asking you to purchase or send gift cards or electronic funds for any purpose. Contact the church office if you have any concerns about emails you may receive.

Read More

Office Hours!

Monday through Friday, from 9 am - 2 pm staff are in the office, attending to the business of our church: monitoring e-mail, answering telephones and/or responding to messages, working on the dozens of different projects and connections that keep our ministry moving forward.

If you plan to come into the office, please call ahead to schedule a time when we know someone will be in to assist you. You can reach us by e-mail using the list below or by phone, 831-426-2010.

Pastor Dave works from the church office, Monday through Thursday, and most weeks will have office hours on Saturday too, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Friday is his day off. In case of emergency, the pastor is available by cell phone, 773-255-8095. If you would like to schedule a meeting or would like to "drop by", please contact us via email using this link to make an arrangement.

Small Groups and Ministries of Outreach

Use this link to find information about our various small groups and

ministries here at PUCC.

Peace UCC Facilities Calendar
To view our availability or request space on our campus click here!
Support Peace UCC
Donate securely to Peace UCC through our website! Learn more or donate at: www.peaceunited.org/giving.

Our conference staff and the offices have
moved to a new address. The new address is
1320 Willow Pass Rd., Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520

Sign up here to further peace and justice around the world

Find out more about global ministries here.

Get a daily devotional here.
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