Worship This Sunday,

February11, 2024 10:30 AM


Mark 9:2-9J


Sermon by Pastor Dave

For those unable to join us in person, there will be a live videocast 

of the worship service at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays.

Go to the church's website, or use one of the links below.

If you miss the live service, you can find it archived on YouTube.

Watch on YouTube
Sunday Worship Bulletin
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Visit our website for more information about what's happening at PUCC
Use this link to view the most recent Prophets Of Hope Newsletter

Peace Village in the News

Santa Cruz Sentinel
Lookout Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Local 

Second Sunday Student Soup and Sandwich Superbowl Lunch...

OK, that's a bit much for the alliteration, but whether you're for the 'Niners or the Chiefs, or you couldn't care less, we're inviting college/university students... please do join us this Sunday, February 11, for our student lunch immediately following worship. 

We'll gather in the "Upper Room" around Noon for good food, fun, and great company, finishing with hours to spare before the game starts. Also, there'll be updates on the latest developments with our Peace Village housing project (on the agenda of the SC City Council meeting next Tuesday) and other service and advocacy initiatives of the church.

Ashes... drive-up and otherwise

Ash Wednesday, February 14, Pastor Dave will be offering the sign of ashes, and prayers of blessing from 8-10 in the morning and 7-8 in the evening.

In the morning, you can drive-up in our lower parking lot (follow the signs) pull over by the stairs and remain in your car to receive the sign of ashes, a prayer of blessing, and a devotional guide for Ash Wednesday and Lent.

In the evening, 7-8pm, come to the narthex (entrance area) of the sanctuary for ashes and blessing. At the same time, Vlada Moran will be offering prayerful organ music in the sanctuary and meditation guides will be available. Drop in any time during the hour. Stay to pray or come and go as the Spirit moves.


A three-week conversation about our experience with death and dying


February 15, 22, and 29 – 11 a.m. by Zoom

Hosted by Matt Broadbent with Nick Piediscalzi

Zoom Link Below:



Week One:   We all know we are going to die. Shouldn’t we acknowledge our relationship with death.
Week Two:  Are we prepared for the inevitable? Do we have an adequate theology of Death? 
Week Three: What is our experience of death and dying? What does this have to say about how we live, how we cherish today?

Wednesday Nights in Lent

Especially when we see so much alienation and estrangement in the world around us, Lent is an invitation to reconnect with God and neighbor, a call to each of us to (re)orient our lives in the way of healing and wholeness. Beginning Wednesday, February 21, and continuing on Wednesdays, at 7pm through March 20, Pastor Dave and Luke Shepherd will offer A Lenten Guide to Clarity, Healing and Peace.

Gathering in the Sanctuary, Wednesdays, 7 to 7:59pm, there’ll be music, scripture and guided meditation, a chance to share, and prayers for healing. Along with these traditional elements of the Lenten spiritual journey, our gatherings will be informed by a secular sage, David Brooks, and his latest book, How to Know A Person: the Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen (Random House, 2023) which you are encouraged to read. (Widely available in local bookstores and online.)

The essence of Lent is less about “giving up” things than it is about “focusing in” on what matters most. Join our focusing on the way of clarity, healing and peace.

Welcome Tables


What happened to our Supper Clubs?


We used to have Supper Clubs and those were lots of fun. Your Council decided to revisit the idea of small group gatherings with open meetings of church members to enjoy each other's company.


We have groups that meet for breakfast, lunch, or dinner every other month. If you would like to sign up, or get more information, contact Lisa using the email below.


Lisa Hoesing, [email protected]


Peace Village Housing Project - January 29, 2024

We came through with flying colors when the Santa Cruz Planning Commission heard the appeal of the city’s decision to approve our Peace Village Housing project on November 30,2023. The Commissioners voted unanimously to re-approve our project and to deny the appeal outright.

The Planning Commission sent a very strong message that night. The chairman told the appellants directly and in so many words: Stop appealing and wasting everyone’s time!

Nevertheless, a further appeal has been filed, which will now entail a City Council hearing, set for February 13, 2024, beginning at some time after 11:00 am. We will know the specific time that will be set a week beforehand. At this point, the appellants must comprehend that the city council will not sustain their appeal. Public support for our project couldn’t be stronger. The only sense there could be in this further appeal is that it would be a necessary step if the appellant were to sue the city to reverse its approval of our project. So far, there have been no outright threats of litigation, but we’re not taking anything for granted. The current appeal alleges that the city’s decision to allocate part of the density (housing units) allowed by the General Plan for our 3.735-acre church campus parcel to our new 2.215-acre development parcel was made without any legal authority to do so. The appellant is wealthy and may be litigious.

Therefore, in order to ward off any litigation, we have made a minor modification to our submittals that will be presented to the City Council. We will be submitting an analysis of recent state “density bonus” law that supports our right to a double density bonus that would allow more than the 40 units we’re proposing on the smaller parcel, without any density reallocation reducing the density permitted on the larger parcel. We had not relied on any state density bonus before. Now we will. This is a bulletproof approach that we believe will pre-empt any legal action, at least on that issue.

We are confident that the City Council will deny the appeal and give our project final, unappealable approval on February 13. We need to marshal the same showing of public support at the upcoming hearing as we did on November 30. So, please plan to show up at City Hall, 809 Center Street, on Tuesday February 13, 2024!

May God speed our work!

Jim Weller

17 Peace members joined over 100 COPA leaders to engage candidates Standing Room Only -- 100% candidate commitment to our issues

Over 140 people attended our Candidate Accountability Assembly from more than a dozen COPA institutions. Peace members Karen Cozza, Ken Thomas, Elizabeth Schilling, Jim Weller and Pastor Dave all had significant roles. The 15 candidates for Santa Cruz City Council and Santa Cruz County Supervisor were visibly impressed by the crowd and moved by the stories describing struggles with housing and access to mental health care. All the candidates agreed to work with us on our proposals and to meet with us within six weeks of taking office, if elected.

Peace members committed to several Get Out the Vote (GOTV) activities.

  • Starting this Sunday, we will have voter registration information for the March 5th election.
  • Elizabeth Schilling will host a precinct walk from her home in Live Oak on Saturday, February 17
  • from 10 am to noon.
  • Several members have expressed interest in encouraging Peace to becoming a 100% Voting
  • Congregation, as our COPA friends at Temple Beth El have done.
  • Some of us will attend the GOTV training at Holy Cross this coming Sunday from 2-4 p.m.

Please let us know if you'd like to participate: Cathy Sarto at

[email protected] or (831)234-1397.

Save the dates!

Calling all ocean lovers! Peace is entering its 7th year caring for Natural Bridges State Beach through the Adopt A Beach program at Save Our Shores, and if you want to join in the fun and fellowship, you have three chances this year!

Tuesday, March 26 at 10:00 am

Friday, July 5 at 10:00 am Tuesday, October 29 at 10:00 am

Hopefully, this will give everybody who wants to participate a chance to place one or more dates on their calendars in advance. Watch these newsletters for more information as the times come nearer. Here's to a happy, healthy 2024 for everyone we love, including our baptismal beach and the planet!

Santa Cruz Warriors Faith & Family Night

Friday, February 9th at 7 pm

Discount tickets are available ($28). 

We can all sit together in a block. Let's have some fun together! 

Use the QR code below to get your ticket.

So he went down and immersed himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the word of the man of God; his flesh was restored like the flesh of a young boy, and he was clean. 2 Kings 5:14

  • Prayers for all of us who are “othered:” poor, incarcerated, unhoused, ill, addicted, shamed, at the effect of prejudice, domestic and other violence, and war.
  • Prayers for all of us who “other” parts of ourselves: carrying secrets and burdens alone, wearing masks, hiding our light, succumbing to fear.
  • Prayers for good outcomes for Peace Village on Feb. 13, voting registration, COPA leaders, Chili fundraising, volunteers stepping up to join or lead church teams.
  • Continued prayers for David Hamilton’s parents, Tom Postlewaite, Lisa Johnson’s grandson Dustin, Gemma, and Bill & Lynn Walton’s son Johnnie.

With gratitude

  • For all who lead with integrity, in countries, states, counties, for all who are involved and all who vote, all who serve the Common Good and work to bring the Kindom of God.
  • For those who serve the Good in their paid and unpaid work, stepping up to lead in churches and community services.

Thank You, in Jesus’ Holy Healing Name, Amen!  

You may request prayers by emailing [email protected],

calling Lynn Walton (600-7343), or calling the church office (426-2010).

We Want to Hear Your Voice

Sign Up to Be A Liturgist!

We would love to have you as a liturgist (reader) in one of our Sunday morning worship services. It's a wonderful way of serving!

Sign up for a Sunday to read live and in person and we'll connect with you by e-mail on the Tuesday prior, sending all the information you'll need for getting ready.

If you'd like to give it a try, click on this link to choose a date.

Watch Out For Scammers

Peace United staff and leaders will never solicit you by e-mail, asking you to purchase or send gift cards or electronic funds for any purpose. Contact the church office if you have any concerns about emails you may receive.

Read More

Office Hours!

Monday through Friday, from 9 am - 2 pm staff are in the office, attending to the business of our church: monitoring e-mail, answering telephones and/or responding to messages, working on the dozens of different projects and connections that keep our ministry moving forward.

If you plan to come into the office, please call ahead to schedule a time when we know someone will be in to assist you. You can reach us by e-mail using the list below or by phone, 831-426-2010.

Pastor Dave works from the church office, Monday through Thursday, and most weeks will have office hours on Saturday too, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Friday is his day off. In case of emergency, the pastor is available by cell phone, 773-255-8095. If you would like to schedule a meeting or would like to "drop by", please contact us via email using this link to make an arrangement.

Small Groups and Ministries of Outreach

Use this link to find information about our various small groups and

ministries here at PUCC.

Peace UCC Facilities Calendar
To view our availability or request space on our campus click here!
Support Peace UCC
Donate securely to Peace UCC through our website! Learn more or donate at: www.peaceunited.org/giving.

Our conference staff and the offices have
moved to a new address. The new address is
1320 Willow Pass Rd., Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520

Sign up here to further peace and justice around the world

Find out more about global ministries here.

Get a daily devotional here.
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