Worship This Sunday
March 31 - 10:30 am
Easter Sunday
Isaiah 25:6-9
Now What?
Sermon by Pastor Dave
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For those unable to join us in person, there will be a live videocast
of the worship service at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays.
Go to the church's website, or use one of the links below.
If you miss the live service, you can find it archived on YouTube.
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Easter Brunch at Peace!
Join us for Easter Brunch! Continue the festivities of the Easter Service with a
joyful sharing of tasty bites and friendly conversation. The kids will search for hidden eggs while the older set fills their plates. Then everyone gathers to munch the brunch!
We’re planning a *Potluck-Plus*!!
Bring a dish to share, or just bring yourself.
(Donations are appreciated). We’re planning on PLENTY. The expected fare will include hard-boiled eggs, deviled eggs, quiche, frittata, cakes, Easter cookies, hot cross buns, veggie salads, fruit plates, veggie plates, cold cuts, and dips. Regular beverages (coffees, teas, and filtered water) will be available in larger-than-usual volumes.
Surprise additions to the table are welcome. Bring what you’ll enjoy sharing.
Volunteers are also needed to help set up the furniture, set out the food and beverages, and clean up.
Contact - Jane Heyse janeheyse831@gmail.com, Congregational Support Committee Chair, to volunteer to help make 2024 an Exceptional Easter at Peace UCC.
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Kids' Night Out
Our most recent Kids’ Night Out (KNO) was a “JoyForAll!”
On the third Sunday of the month, 5:30 to 8pm, we get together for games, story, song, food, and lots of fun. Our theme last week was Palm Sunday and preparation for the festival service coming up this Sunday, March 24. (Come early on Sunday so your kids can be part of the opening celebration.)
We built our own pizzas and played games. Then we went to “the forest” to gather branches for the Palm Sunday procession. We gathered in the sanctuary to hear the biblical story of Jesus entering Jerusalem and to learn a song, Prepare ye the way of the Lord. From there, we went down into the “catacombs” of the church with flashlights, pulling out treasures that will help us to tell the story on Sunday, and then we came back into the sanctuary by way of the secret spiral staircase to close with an Easter story.
We’ll have two more Kids Nights Out in this program year, April 19th and May 17th, after which we’ll break until autumn. If you’d like to participate, contact Maryse by e-mail: PastModerator@PeaceUnited.org.
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Climate Change Advocacy and Fellowship
Lisa Hoesing and Dr. Pam O’Dell are working to connect Peace United members with spiritual events and volunteer efforts to fight climate change. Dayenu Interfaith Climate Action will be holding events on a regular basis and we are informing and encouraging our members to attend.
Save the Date:
The first event is April 5, 7pm at Temple Beth in Santa Cruz. This is a Interfaith Climate Service-more info coming soon!
Getting Involved:
Meanwhile, interested church members should send an email to Pam at pamodellgovaffairs@outlook.com. We are looking for a Santa Cruz based coordinator that can team up with Pam to coordinate local efforts. Please let us know if you are interested.
Pam is temporarily located in Sacramento and may be coordinating climate action there if there is sufficient interest.
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Authentic Living, Loving Service:
An Exploration of Joy, Community, and Service
with the Expressive Arts
10:30 am - 12:30 pm for four Tuesdays - April 16 - May 7
Joy shared is joy multiplied. When our authentic passions merge with our desire to make a difference, the delight grows exponentially! It is no accident that you love what you love in this life - it's an integral part of who you are and a resource for purposeful living.
You're invited to join this 4-week series, using the expressive arts to explore how the things that bring you joy integrate with your way of being and serving in community. We'll play with movement, sound, drawing, and writing as expressive media, discovering and rediscovering what makes us come alive and how it can gain fuller expression. You don't need any prior artistic training or experience - just a willingness to play, enjoy, and learn something new.
To register please contact Lanakila@lanakilamusic.com.
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Peace’s Congregational Support Committee
Hospitality is this committee’s mandate, but that means more than support for Sundays at Peace. Have an idea for an initiative or change or enhancement to our Congregation? Bring it to Congregational Support!
Ideas that were seeds, but now grow on their own: Peace Publicity, Welcoming Tables, Sunday Florals, Peace (brand) coffee for Sunday Socials, Jan’s Honey Raisin Muffins.
We work together, and are always welcoming if you’d like to join us.
Jane Heyse, Chair
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Save the dates!
Calling all ocean lovers! Peace is entering its 7th year caring for Natural Bridges State Beach through the Adopt A Beach program at Save Our Shores, and if you want to join in the fun and fellowship, you have three chances this year!
Tuesday, March 26 at 10:00 am
Friday, July 5 at 10:00 am Tuesday, October 29 at 10:00 am
Hopefully, this will give everybody who wants to participate a chance to place one or more dates on their calendars in advance. Watch these newsletters for more information as the times come nearer. Here's to a happy, healthy 2024 for everyone we love, including our baptismal beach and the planet!
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Lord our God, keep us in the Amazing Grace that is ours through Jesus Christ
Prayers for Matt Broadbent, who is recovering from back surgery.
Prayers for Nick Piediscalzi’s brother Fred, who had a stroke.
Prayers for Art Alm’s neighbor Kristin, dealing with late-stage cancer, for her husband and children.
Continued prayers for Dorothy Creely’s peace of mind, Mary Coneway’s heart valve replacement, Lisa Johnson’s grandson Dustin for cancer treatment, also Gemma, and Bill & Lynn Walton’s son Johnnie, in need of a kidney and repair of his leaky heart valve.
Prayers for all who grieve the loss of loved ones and homes are at the effect of violence and war, all who are oppressed and bullied, unhoused and incarcerated, experiencing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual illness, addicted, and at the effect of fear.
With gratitude
For the healing we receive in our bodies, minds, and spirits.
For the extravagant beauty of Spring blossoms this Holy Week.
For those who serve the Good in their paid and unpaid work, stepping up in churches and all forms of service to others.
Thank You, in Jesus’ Holy Healing Name, Amen! Lord our God, keep us in the Amazing Grace that is ours through Jesus Christ
You may request prayers by emailing Prayers@PeaceUnited.Org,
calling Lynn Walton (600-7343), or calling the church office (426-2010).
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We Want to Hear Your Voice
Sign Up to Be A Liturgist!
We would love to have you as a liturgist (reader) in one of our Sunday morning worship services. It's a wonderful way of serving!
Sign up for a Sunday to read live and in person and we'll connect with you by e-mail on the Tuesday prior, sending all the information you'll need for getting ready.
If you'd like to give it a try, click on this link to choose a date.
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Watch Out For Scammers
Peace United staff and leaders will never solicit you by e-mail, asking you to purchase or send gift cards or electronic funds for any purpose. Contact the church office if you have any concerns about emails you may receive.
Read More
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Office Hours!
Monday through Friday, from 9 am - 2 pm staff are in the office, attending to the business of our church: monitoring e-mail, answering telephones and/or responding to messages, working on the dozens of different projects and connections that keep our ministry moving forward.
If you plan to come into the office, please call ahead to schedule a time when we know someone will be in to assist you. You can reach us by e-mail using the list below or by phone, 831-426-2010.
Pastor Dave works from the church office, Monday through Thursday, and most weeks will have office hours on Saturday too, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Friday is his day off. In case of emergency, the pastor is available by cell phone, 773-255-8095. If you would like to schedule a meeting or would like to "drop by", please contact us via email using this link to make an arrangement.
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Small Groups and Ministries of Outreach
Use this link to find information about our various small groups and
ministries here at PUCC.
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Peace UCC Facilities Calendar
To view our availability or request space on our campus click here!
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Our conference staff and the offices have
moved to a new address. The new address is
1320 Willow Pass Rd., Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520
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Find out more about global ministries here.
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Get a daily devotional here.
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