The Canadian Chamber of Commerce released a new report March 5th, showing that while Canada has made some positive strides in advancing equality for women in business, there is much work to be done if we are to achieve the success seen in other countries around the world.
"Women in Canada face not one glass ceiling but several, and not one broken rung in the promotion ladder but many—all of which hinder their ascent to full equality. The data show that barriers for women persist most prominently in management positions and in boardrooms." – Marwa Abdou, Senior Research Director with the Business Data Lab.
While women have made gains in overall employment, rising from 43% of total jobs in 1987 to 48% in 2023, they fare worse in senior-ranking positions. In 2023, the share of women across all management occupations, which includes middle managers, was only 35%; this share falls to 30% for senior managers, and less than 25% in the boardrooms of corporate Canada. If current trends persist, national parity will not be achieved within this century.