What's New in
Gambling Research
January 2020 | Issue 1
Welcome to What's New in Gambling Research, where we profile recently released research about gambling-related harm and problem gambling, and provide links to other useful resources and events.

National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms in Great Britain aims to move quickly and enlist a broad range of partners to reduce gambling harms. The two strategic priorities are prevention and education and treatment and support, which include four important enablers: regulation and oversight, collaboration, evaluation, and research to inform action. GREO, an organisation specialising in knowledge translation and exchange, will be supporting the National Strategy by applying our skills and expertise to support research to inform action. This newsletter is one way in which we can deliver the latest information in support of the National Strategy to your mailbox.

This inaugural issue features work by UK authors, with upcoming issues to include important research from international scholars as well.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter. If you have information to share with the UK gambling research community, please forward it to GREO for inclusion in an upcoming issue. We are collecting feedback about this issue of the newsletter by through a short survey which we invite you to complete.

You can also visit our microsite to learn more about GREO's program of activity in support of the National Strategy, including dissemination of research, applying research to policy, and international collaboration.
Highlights from Academic Articles and Specialised Resources
Open Access Dataset

This dataset offers a single consolidated list of publicly available gambling related transactions derived from the Ethereum blockchain. The data include over 1.4M individual transactions across 17,000+ unique addresses, which represents spending on decentralised gambling smart contracts. Given the historical opacity of data driven gambling research, the authors’ contribution is to identify, and make available in a simple form, the transaction data found on the Ethereum blockchain such that existing questions surrounding player spending can be explored, and differences between decentralised and traditional forms of gambling can be identified.
Scholten, O.J., Zendle, D. & Walker, J.A. (2019). "York Combined Transaction Set", https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/DHCYQ, Open Science Framework.

A preprint data paper, Decentralised Gambling: The York Combined Transaction Set , provides a detailed description of the dataset. 
Scholten, O. J., Zendle, D., & Walker, J. A. (2019, July 11). Decentralised Gambling: The York Combined Transaction Set. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/bvjwc 
Upcoming Conferences and Workshops

Within the UK

Theme: Behavioural addictions – from past to present
June 22-24, 2020 - Nottingham, UK

Outside the UK

March 22, 2020 - Bergen, Norway
Theme: Nordic register data and gambling research – data and methodology
followed by:
Nordic Gambling Conference
March 24, 2020 - Bergen, Norway 

March 23-25, 2020 - Frankston, Victoria, Australia
Theme: Every conversation counts

March 26-28, 2020 - Banff, Alberta, Canada
Theme: Freedom, justice and sovereignty in gaming

June 24-26, 2020 - Auckland, NZ
Theme: He haerenga – A journey from harm to wellbeing

September 8-11, 2020 - Oslo, Norway
Theme: Freedom of choice or limited opportunities

October 28-30, 2020 - Melbourne, Australia 
Funding announcement for
Open Access publications

Did you know that GREO provides support for Open Access publications? We believe that free and open access to scholarly journal articles removes barriers to access and allows a larger audience to benefit from new research evidence.

Until March 31, 2020 , we will fund up to four Open Access articles. Priority is given to meta-analyses, systematic literature reviews, and scoping reviews; manuscripts that directly address harm reduction; and, manuscripts that include policy implications for harm prevention, reduction, and/or mitigation. Authors must be affiliated with a UK institution. One award per year only can be held by a researcher or project group. For more information or to submit an application, visit the GREO website .
Don't forget to provide feedback via our short survey!
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