What's New in Old Town? February 4, 2021
In this Issue:
  • Legislative Update with Congressman Mike Quigley
  • Social Media Strategy with Sue Koch
  • Orleans Street Park Community Survey
  • Wells Street Corridor Text Updates
  • Stay Safe and Support the OTMRA with Old Town Face Masks
  • Upcoming Member Promotions and Events
  • IDFPR & SBA Webinars: Paycheck Protection Program
  • BACP: Host an Employer Vaccination Site
  • BACP Workshop Webinars
  • Membership Information
Legislative Update with
Congressman Mike Quigley
Wednesday, February 17th, join the OTMRA and Congressman Mike Quigley for a legislative update. The roundtable session will cover updates from the U.S. House of Representatives. You can submit questions for the roundtable and register below.
Social Media Strategy with Sue Koch
Whether you navigated 2020 with a solid plan, or never developed a social media strategy, no doubt, today’s world has turned not only your business model on its head but the demands on your social media savvy as well.

A new year is a perfect time to revamp that plan!

Get hands-on with a strategy workbook in this webinar so that you can continue to grow, adapt, and build.

This session offers tools and tips that will help you either launch a successful social media strategy or advance your existing strategy through a proven step-by-step process.

This two-part workshop is FREE to OTMRA Members!
Orleans St. Park Community Survey
The Old Town Merchants & Residents Association, together with The Lakota Group, is looking for your opinions on the design of the new North Orleans Street Park! OTMRA has started the engagement process to gather input from community members to help guide the design of this future community space. We need your input – Tell us what you think!

Your feedback will create the foundation for the final design of the North Orleans Street park!
Wells Street Corridor Text Updates
The Old Town Merchants and Residents Association and SSA #48 Old Town are developing a corridor plan for Wells Street, which will focus on enhancing the quality of life for residents, merchants, and visitors and providing stability for new and existing businesses.
Stay Safe and Support the OTMRA with
Old Town Face Masks
The OTMRA is offering a fun and colorful way to stay safe in Old Town: Old Town Face Masks! Learn more and purchase a mask for $12 below.

Send in photos of you wearing your Old Town Mask to be featured on OTMRA social media! Email to Rachel: rrubinson@oldtownchicago.org.
Upcoming Member Promotions & Events
A Red Orchid Theatre presents MISSED CONNECTIONS-a live interactive online play, conceived for virtual experience.

Running now through Feb 28th, this show is an intimate & immersive evening of story and magic where things imagined become real and connection is possible through the shared experience of wonder.

OTMRA members will receive a 25% discount on tickets for performances on February 23rd & 25th with the code "OTMRA"

Vision Boutique offers experienced, caring optometry services for the entire family. We provide a range of treatments and solutions to protect your eyes and maximize your visual health. Book your annual eye exam today!

Learn from top trainer, Natasha Tsoutsouris, how to build a bomb training business. Natasha is a veteran trainer at the FFC Old Town location. In addition to being a top performer, Natasha holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, a sport in which she competed for nearly a decade.

This workshop is virtual, yet offers hands-on training and accountability!

Register for this two-part workshop by February 12.
IDFPR & SBA Webinars:
Paycheck Protection Program
The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) and the U.S. Small Business Administration are teaming up to present webinars for small businesses and lenders on the next round of PPP from the federal government. 

The webinars are free and open to the public!

The webinar for lenders will be Tuesday, February 9 at 10 am. The webinar for small business owners will be Wednesday, February 10 at 1 pm. 

BACP: Host an Employer Vaccination Site
Chicago began Phase 1b of vaccination on Monday, January 25, but vaccine supply is limited and patience will be key. We expect it to take at least through February and March for frontline essential workers to get their first dose of vaccine because of limited supply and the number of providers who are able to administer the vaccine. Employers with employees in prioritized essential worker groups have three main ways to help their employees get vaccinated:

  1. Enroll as a vaccinator. Your facility must meet several requirements to enroll your site as a vaccinator, so this option is best for large facilities with healthcare staff. For more information, visit www.chicago.gov/covidvax and go to the Employers tab.
  2. Partner with a vaccinator. If you have partnered with a pharmacy or clinic to offer onsite flu clinics in the past, please reach out to existing contacts first to schedule vaccination. Please note that these services are in high demand. This option is recommended for businesses with more than 250 employees. A short list of third-party providers is also available at www.chicago.gov/covidvax on the Employers tab.
  3. City of Chicago POD sites. If you represent an essential business with less than 250 employees in all Chicago locations, you can fill out this survey for vaccination at a City of Chicago Point of Dispensing (POD) site. Only one representative from the business (e.g. the business owner or other management) should complete the survey on behalf of all employees. Include all employees, including temporary or contract staff when completing this survey.

The survey is for businesses in one of the following industries:
  • Phase 1b priority – food and agriculture (including veterinary health), manufacturing, grocery stores, public transit, education, child care
  • Phase 1c priority – transportation and logistics, waste and wastewater, food service, construction, finance, information technology and communications, energy, legal, media, public safety

Employees can also get vaccinated through their health care provider, including their primary care provider, health clinic, or hospital where they have received medical care in the past, or their pharmacyPlease note that most health care providers will be giving priority to those ages 65 years and older. Employees should reach out directly to their providers to schedule appointments. Pharmacies each have their own registration link which can be found at the following links: Walgreens

For more COVID-19 vaccine information, please visit chicago.gov/COVIDvax.
BACP Workshop Webinars
Friday, 2/5/21 Webinar at 9:30 AM

Growing Your Business in Uncertain Times

Presented by Shelby Parchman, Managing Partner, InUrban Strategies

Growing a business can be challenging in the best of times and can seem almost impossible during the challenging times that we are currently facing. However, many businesses are thriving and experiencing strong growth in revenue. What is the secret to their success? It may be easier than you think. Join us for tips on how to develop growth sustainable and effective strategies for your business.

Become a 2021 Member
The Old Town Merchants and Residents Association has revamped our membership program for 2021.

We now offer memberships designed for residents, businesses, non-profits, and residential buildings. Benefits include marketing and sponsorship opportunities, positions of engagement, discounts on OTMRA events, and more!

See below for information on each membership or to become a member!

See what else is going on in the Old Town neighborhood by checking out the

Submit to the calendar by filling out this form.