This picture is named Mother Earth at Play by artist Jim Warren. !!

This is Jim's website at Jim Warren - Jim Warren - Grammy Award Winning and Disney Fine Artist. Award Winning and Disney Fine Artist. 

Gail of Gaia 

Free Range Productions

Dear {First Name}

Welcome to all of our new members!!!

Thank you all for your patronage, love, support and donations.

As our world is changing, we are providing you with special insightful guests, videos, sponsored products and articles to help you with your wellbeing spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically.

We would like to announce that we are building a Patreon channel at this time to enable us to continue this important work. It will help us to keep trolls and bots out of some of our chats as well.

We are making every effort to make this a positive experience for all members. Health and Holistic Wellness videos and downloads maybe available for members!!!

We are a work in progress lol :)

You Tube Channel

         Odysee Channel


   Rumble Channel

Backup You Tube Channel     (856) The Dot Connector - YouTube

**** Please note, we currently have 2 strikes on the Gail of Gaia You Tube Channel. If we get 1 more it will be gone. We will provide teasers on you tube and updates in this newsletter for you. Please use the links above to see the full show.

We thank for your support. it is needed more than ever during these times to enable us to continue this important work.

We need to maintain our presence on you tube, so please subscribe to The Dot Connector channel. This is where our lively interactive chat family talks the most. 

Please note all links to video and social media platforms, our website, and emails for Gail are present in the description below the videos on these platforms.

We appreciate the support you provide by visiting the affiliates we diligently research for you.

Please share the link to sign up for our newsletter and our videos to help get the information out to as many people as we can:

Thank You and Have a Beautiful Day

Videos Since Our Last Newsletter:

Drakes Double Take on the Grand Illusion with Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE - short version You Tube

Drakes Double Take on the Grand Illusion with Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE - full show Rumble

Alobar Jones & Jenny Lee Return to Discuss Traveling the Realms with Gail of Gaia on Free Range

Rick Jewers and Gail of Gaia Discuss Spirituality, New Earth and the Transition

Resist The Great Reset Or Bust with Frank Jacob and Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE

08-23-2022 Discussion with Gail of Gaia - Wellness, Health & Technologies

Jessica Arael Marrocco / AndronETalks  please subscribe to her channel

LinkedIn Share This Email

Hemp Paste

Inventory is restocked!

We've officially settled into our new location

And everything is back in stock! We are hosting a 25% off sale for the entire shop to celebrate our new location! If you'd like to extend this offer to your customers, have them use code "STOCK25" at checkout. The sale runs from Aug 24-31, 2022. INCLUDES SOS meal replacement shake.

Thank you all for bearing with us as we moved the company across the globe! Luckily, we were able to ship 2000mg Hemp Paste jars during the move, but we'd be lying if we said that's all your customers want! During the pre-order week, we had A LOT of people interested in the CannaSleep. Read below for a big announcement regarding CannaSleep.


On top of adding more CBN to our very popular 500mg 1oz size, we are also adding a new bigger size jar to our product line! Launching Labor Day weekend, we will have a 1000mg 2oz jar available! This 1000mg jar will include 232mg of CBN and over 1000mg of CBD.

500mg CannaSleep - $49.95

1000mg CannaSleep - $74.95

That's 100% more product for only 33% more money!

Hemp Paste

Gratitude donations are deeply appreciated and help support the channel, allowing Christine and myself to share what we do freely.

We thank you who have come forward to assist us with video uploading, editing, and as moderators.

If anyone would like to join this family of volunteers, please email me at

We love to interact with out CHAT FAMILY. You are amazing and supportive!! What great questions and interactions, multiplying the conversation itself. Thank you all for actively participating and helping us to build Community here!!!


Cash App:$gailofgaia

Postal money orders or cash please to this address:

Mail to: Gail Ross

P.O. Box 20971

Sedona, Arizona, 86341

We appreciate your support and work hard to get the best information to you !!! :)

This newsletter has been created for you by Christine Fredericks aka The Dot Connector and Gail of Gaia