Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre | October 2023 | View as Webpage

A Home. A Job. A Friend. A Neighbourhood.

We Remember Sheila Koffman

We remember Sheila Koffman. Sheila Koffman was enormously compassionate and caring, deeply believing in the community. Sheila donated proceeds from the sale of her house to create the Sheila Koffman fund. This fund helped PARC purchase four buildings between 2019 and 2021. We miss her every year, but her legacy lives on meaning so much to so many.

Read more about Sheila Koffman.

PARC Annual Impact Report- 2022-2023

On September 28, 2023, we held our 43rd in-person Annual General Meeting (AGM), and we were happy to welcome everyone back in the Drop-in.

This year's annual report marks another year of incredible work, commitment, and support from our members, staff, volunteers, funders, and donors!

Read Annual Impact Report.

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, observed on October 17, reminds us of individuals in our communities who struggle with poverty. Almost all PARC members live in poverty and struggle with homelessness and food insecurity. In the past year, PARC housed 152 tenants in our supportive housing and provided 194,453 meals. The poverty impact is complex. We focus on the systemic practices that produce poverty. Our vision is for everyone to live with dignity and safety, with enough resources to explore and achieve their potential. 

Follow PARCtoronto to get regular updates!

Members to Volunteers

PARC members, as the community, contribute to PARC in many ways. We have over 45 members who have registered to become volunteers. We have 12 – 15 member volunteers in the Drop-in and Kitchen. Since August 21, 2023, Volunteers have donated over 260 hours to the Drop-in and Kitchen.

Stay tuned for our announcement in November for volunteering opportunities. 

Read More here.

Winter Essentials

Winter is nearing, and the weather is getting colder; the demand for essentials is growing. 

To serve the specific needs of our community, we put together a winter "essentials" list for goods donations at PARC.

We welcome any questions about new items you want to donate at [email protected].

Thank you for your generosity and for thinking of us this Winter!

A Community where People Rebuild Their Lives

Visit us online: | @parctoronto

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