7 Days 7 Events.. Coffee & Conversation 9AM (M-F) + Friday 5pm Happy hour... Something for everyone - on Zoom .. Great Events .. Wonderful Speakers .. Current Issues of the Day
What's Next:
Meeting & Events this week for
Democrats, Liberals and Progressives
@ NWSOFA-Indivisible A Guide for the week
July 3rd - July 10th (times vary by event)
Your Everyday Source: Meetings, Events, Hero's,
Truth Telling, Deep Dives into the Facts .. you choose:
Just click on the image on the right to see a complete calendar of events from NWSOFA-Indivisible ---->>>>>
Have a Happy 4th of JULY
Independence Day
Monday thru Friday Daily @ 9 AM
Start Your Day off with great conversations.. We talk“Stuff” of the Day!.
NWSOFA's Twin Snowflake Organization allows for our 24 all-volunteer leads to work Independantly or as a Co-Leads in our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups
NWSOFA's 24 all-volunteers - Lead our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups - 9 Progressive Issue and Electoral Group leading our 5,000 member organization