What's Next for Great Start to Quality
July 2021
Pilot 2 Complete
On July 2, the second round of Quality Indicator pilots was closed. 129 programs from 91 cities participated in the second round, providing valuable feedback and getting us closer to final indicator revisions and rating options to be launched in fall of 2022.

We are grateful for the programs who took time to share their thoughts and each will be provided with a $200 stipend for their efforts.
GSQ/CLASS® Overview Training for Programs-Second Opportunity Added
We are happy to share that a second offering of the GSQ/CLASS Overview training will take place on Thursday, September 9 from 7pm – 8pm. This one-hour interactive training can be located on the MiRegistry Training Events page. The event number is 89622 and is open for registration.  
Click HERE to access the MiRegistry registration link. 

If you have question about this opportunity, please email [email protected]
Continued Work of the Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee continues to meet monthly to discuss the results from the two Quality Indicator pilots as well as make recommendations on details of a rating model that is more focused on quality improvement. Current topics for discussion and recommendations are:

  • Order of and steps in the rating process
  • Coaching and consultation support
  • Evidence required for rating

Learn more on our webpage, What's Next for Great Start to Quality.
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If you are thinking about how to maintain or continue making quality improvements, or if you’re ready to learn more and need help, contact your local Great Start to Quality Resource Center by calling 1-877-614-7328 or visit www.greatstarttoquality.org.
Funding from the Office of Great Start within the Michigan Department of Education supports the implementation of Great Start.