What's Poppin'?
Here is the latest news from the NNJC Popcorn Kingdom!
Ye Olde Pop-Corner

Meet Sir Aquarius Bubblestein, the self-proclaimed "handsomest Knight in all the realm". He's travelled far and wide to bring us some special announcements about the popcorn sale!

#NNJCPopcorn2020 #NNJCPopCorner
2020 Fill-Up Sheets Promotion!

We are excited to bring back the fill-up sheets promotion! Scan and email your completed Take Order forms to jordan.brown@scouting.org, and you will be entered for a bi-weekly drawing for either a $25 Visa gift card or a Camping Mystery Bag! The more forms you fill up, the more entries you'll have in the drawing!

The first drawing will be Wednesday, September 30th. Send in your forms by Tuesday, 9/29.
*Entries are not cumulative; a new pool of entries will be started every 2 weeks. Only completely filled order forms (paper OR electronic) will be accepted *
Kickoff Party of the Week

Troop 44 from West Milford had their outdoor kickoff party last week. Check out those popcorn glasses!!

All units can submit Kickoff photos to jordan.brown@scouting.org by 10/15/20 to receive commission credit, and possibly be featured in our newsletter! Photos must be from a 2020 kickoff.
WHO'S Poppin'?

Check back here NEXT week for our new segment: Who's Poppin'! This section of our newsletter will spotlight one of our top-selling Scouts each week. The featured Scout is encouraged to make a short video showing off their sales to date, giving some sales tips, and challenging others to take their place! Do YOU have what it takes??
Trail's End Online Directors Challenge
Important Dates

Orders Due: Saturday, September 12th
Distribution: October 1-3

*Distribution will take place at our council office in Oakland, NJ*

Take Order
Orders Due: Saturday, October 31st
Distribution: November 19-21

Email jordan.brown@scouting.org to schedule your unit's popcorn pickup
Free Shipping: Extended to 10/01/20

At NNJC we understand that this year presents many challenges, and the popcorn sale is a little different than usual. We want to do everything we can to support our loyal units and ensure their success.

To help our units get ahead in their sales, NNJC will continue to offer FREE SHIPPING on all Online Direct orders of $30 or more from Thursday, September 24th until Thursday, October 1st at 8:00 PM.

Keep an eye out for communications from Trail's End for more info and resources.
NNJC Popcorn Website

Our popcorn website is now live! Click below for resources, current sale info, and more!

2020 Unit Kernel Guide

The 2020 Unit Kernel Guide is an excellent resource for new and returning leaders, Scouts, and parents.
Coming Soon!
  • 2020 Popcorn Patches