What's Up at the

Custom House?

It's January 12, 2025

Photo, above: super soft & cuddly seals from Steiff -- new in the Shop. $24.

Receive a 2025 Lighthouse calendar free with every $40 Shop purchase.

Download our 2024 ANNUAL APPEAL pdf.

The Custom House is Open Thurs.- Fri. 1-5 PM,

Sat. 10 AM-5 PM, Sun. 1-5 PM.

NLMS thanks our Donors, Friends,

Members, Shoppers, Sponsors & Volunteers!

& 3 cheers for our sponsors: Anthony and Elizabeth Enders Fund - Charter Oak Credit Union - Chelsea Groton Foundation - Community Foundation of Eastern CT - Dominion Energy - Frank Loomis Palmer Fund, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee - Kozmik Music Services - Ludwick Family Foundation - Maco Family Fund - Louise Novitch - Robinson+Cole - Veolia/NL Water Authority. Thank you!

This week at the Custom House

The doors have reopened at the Custom House following our brief winter recess.

It was cold, it snowed, and

on Saturday we hosted our first piano recital of 2025!Linda Hinz was back with a group of talented young pianists, who we've now watched develop over several years.

The Custom House is happy to host recitals and community events of all kinds. Just give us a call: 860-447-2501. --Susan

Saturdays, Sundays, & by appointment year-round

a popular destination for more than a century.

Visit Inside NL Harbor Pequot Light

Visit Long Island Sound's oldest and tallest lighthouse.

Photo: Ford Garrett. Ford noted that the air was so clear for this tour he could see all the way to Montauk Point, with binoculars.

Climb 116 steps up into the lighthouse lantern. We offer tours every Saturday & Sunday at noon. The views are spectacular!​ Tours for up-to five people take approximately 40 minutes. To book a tour at other times, send us an email.

Thanks to our friends at the Chelsea Groton Foundation, New London residents may visit inside New London Harbor Lighthouse with a $5 ticket, and admission to the Custom House is free through May. Don't miss this opportunity. Sign up today.

Sunday, January 26, 6-9 pm

Open Mic at the Museum

Co-hosted by Kenny 'Doc' Frazier and Christina Corcoran, our monthly open mic welcomes music, poetry, prose, stand-up, or just state what is on your mind. Show up at 5:45 and get on the list! Open to all ages and abilities for fun and camaraderie. It's a friendly crowd!

Sponsored by Kozmik Music Services Admission is by donation.

The evening is live streamed on the Open Mic at the Museum Facebook page. The page also posts many of the individual performances from past sessions.

Photo, above: December Open Mic.

The NL HarborCam now has 6.8M views! It's your 24/7 eye on the harbor.

Photo, above: across the harbor, January 9, 2025, 6:41 PM.

When the water is especially rough, the ferries stay closer to the shore.

Photo, below: the view at Harbor Light on Wednesday.

Have a Sparkling January!


The CUSTOM HOUSE MARITIME MUSEUM is open Thurs. 1 to 5 PM, Fri., 1 to 5 PM,

Sat. 1 0 AM to 5 PM, Sun. 1 to 5 PM.

150 Bank Street, New London, Connecticut 06430, USA

Visit us on social media and our website | Facebook | Instagram |NL HarborCam