"We know more about the moon and the surface of Mars than we know about the deep ocean.  But increasing demand for rare metals and other valuable minerals could bring industrial-scale prospectors to seafloors off the Western U.S. before the consequences of ocean mining, let alone the nature of the ocean itself, are barely understood" - From Twin Harbors Waterkeeper website 

Dear DERT supporters,

DERT is hosting a community forum on Thursday, April 1st, from 6 to 7:30 PM. Twin Harbors Waterkeeper will give a presentation on seabed mining: how it works, why we should care, the impacts of seabed mining on ocean ecology & marine life, and how we can stop seabed mining operations from being started off the coast of Washington. You can find more information in the article linked below.

We hope that you can join us to learn about this critical environmental issue!

Why you should care about seabed mining

" What are we sacrificing by looking at the deep sea with dollar signs on the few tangible materials that we know are there? We haven't begun to truly explore the ocean before we have started aiming to exploit it."

Read more
DERT Community Forum
What's Up with Seabed Mining?
Date: Thursday, April 1st, from 6 PM to 7:30 PM

Sue Patnude is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: What's Up With Seabed Mining?
Time: Apr 1, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


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