Join us for worship at 10 AM this Sunday

in person or online (via Zoom).

This Sunday

Pastor Alissia is away, happily decompressing with family. Rev. Jeff Gill is the guest preacher this Sunday.

Meals for Jeff & Gretchen Burkett

Jeff Burkett had quadruple heart bypass surgery on 8/19 and will be recovering at home. Some help with meals for the first few weeks would be very nice. It will encourage him, help Gretchen, and will let them know we're all rooting for a great recovery.

Meal Train for Jeff Burkett
Direct Link to the Meal Train


Closed on Wednesdays

Closed on Labor Day, Monday, September 2


Centenary Methodist Church Meals On Wheels Program

Our Meals On Wheels Program prepares a sack lunch, a hot meal and a dessert five days a week and delivers them to our clients. If you know someone who lives in the Granville School District who needs assistance with meals one day a week to all five days, please contact: Centenary Church at: 740-587-0022.

What's Up with our Children & Youth

Nursery care is provided each Sunday in the UCG nursery.


Getting to Know You....Show and Tell with children's church!

The kids in children's church want to get to you know you better! Do you have something you can share? A collection, a talent, a story, something you love to do? It can be interactive, but doesn't have to be. If so, we would LOVE to have you as a guest speaker for children's church. We are looking for one person each month to join us so that we can grow in community together! Please contact Heather Long if you're interested! We can't wait to learn more about you!

The guest speaker is not a replacement for one of the two needed children's church volunteers! We still need two people with background checks (or who are willing to get one) each week with the kiddos, and are looking for a guest speaker as an enhancement.

Heather and the Christian Education Committee

Below is the Children's Church sign up for May through August!

We could use all the help we can get and the kids really love the volunteers!!


UCG Children's Church

Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!

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This Sunday at UCG

United Church of Granville 

Sunday Service

(10 AM)

In-person in our sanctuary

and online via Zoom

(Pre-service playlist begins at 9:30AM)

Click here on Sunday to join

Zoom Worship Service

Each week's services are also available for later access on the UCG Facebook page and on our website.

Make your Sunday offering donation securely online by clicking here or with the QR code at the bottom of the page. Your donations are deeply appreciated. 

This Sunday, Rev. Jeff Gill's message will be “A Beautiful Inheritance”

Thank you to this week's Worship Team:

Worship Leader: Cheryl McFarren

Tech: Tom Burkett

Zoom: Dina Miller

Click here for Sunday's order of worship.

COVID-19 update: As of May 11, 2023, both the WHO and USA ended their declarations of Covid-19 as a public health emergency. We continue to trust in the love and goodwill of this community to care for self and neighbor with health and safety in mind. As such, we continue to defer to each individual’s conscience regarding the use of masks at UCG and will maintain our ‘mask only’ seating in the Sanctuary. Should you have any questions or concerns about our practice, please contact the church office.

What's Going on at UCG!

A note from Columbia Gas: 7/17/2024



Luka here with Columbia Gas. Just reaching out to share updates on the Columbia Gas project taking place in Granville.


For the last several weeks crews have been working on the Denison part of this project to get work done by the time students come back for class. Crews will continue to work at Denison through the end of the month and try to wrap things up by the first week of August.


Once crews wrap up work on Denison, they will then transition back to the Village limits to pick up where we left off. There is still some main line install left on Shepardson Court. Otherwise, the main line install will mostly occur from Plum working east on Broadway and corresponding side streets.


Service line replacements will continue to follow behind where main line is installed.


Restoration has caught up from where work in the Village had previously occurred. If there’s any outstanding issues, just let me know.

Luka Papalko (he/him/his)

Public Affairs Manager, Columbia Gas of Ohio


Mobile: (614) 420-1376



290 W Nationwide Blvd, Columbus, OH, 43215

Ways to Connect with others at UCG


Open basketball has moved to


All are welcome to come join the fun!

Granville Zen Group

Wednesday, UCG Chapel, 7 PM 

(20 minute sit) followed by a discussion.

Daily sitting practice, over Zoom, M-F at 7:15 AM (30 minutes)  

Zoom link: 

Meeting ID: 724 605 3991  

Password: zen

For more information, contact Timothy O'Connor Fraser at

Spirituality Book Group

On summer hiatus.

For more information, contact:  

Granville Outdoor Hiking Club

Wednesdays, 5:00-7:00pm, Jack Wheeler will be hosting a community nature hike at various green spaces within 20 minutes of the United Church of Granville. This is a collaboration between the Granville Counseling Collective and the Granville Recreation District and is a free program open to anyone who wants to join. The purpose of the club is to build community through increased connection to self, neighbors, and nature. Weekly details can be found here.

What's Up in the Annex!

There's a lot going on at


Click on the link below to check out the many wonderful events,

such as Ukulele Club, Poetry Open Mic, The Art of Meditation and more!

Granville Center for the Arts Website

Great Circle Fellowship News and Event

We meet at the United Church of Granville, 115 West Broadway, Granville, OH 43023.

Much thanks to UCG for sharing their space with our fellowship!

Join Us for Fellowship Snacks and Discussion

6:00 pm Food and Fellowship

6:30-7:30 pm Service/Discussion

Every Last Sunday of Each Month. All Are Welcome!

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Visit our website
Send us an email

Use the QR Code or the link

below for online giving:

Donate here


Homeless Outreach donations can be left in the church office. Suggested items:

·       Ramen noodles, cans of food with pull tops (ravioli, spaghetti, sausages, etc.)

·       Dog food and snacks, Snack cups of fruit and pudding, meat sticks (for humans)

Shop at Kroger to benefit the UCG Youth Group--link your Kroger Card to the Community Rewards Program using Code QD995. You can sign up online at:.

Click here to sign up for our member-driven Google group, UCG Message Board--a place where we share community news and many more opportunities for learning & action!

UCG Staff:

Rev. Alissia J. Thompson, Pastor

Craig Showalter, Interim Administrator

Mathew McFarren, Property & Grounds Coordinator

Jackie Dawson, Accompanist


Church office hours:

9:00am to 3:00pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday


United Church of Granville

115 West Broadway

Granville, OH 43023

(740) 587-0336


Check out the latest news from these partner organizations:

American Baptist Churches, Rochester-Genesee Region

The United Church of Christ  

The Alliance of Baptists 

The Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America 

The American Baptist Churches, USA 

The Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists

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