Power of Inclusion Luncheon: Playing Inside or Out
April 12, 2023
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
$40 Chamber Members
$48 Non Members
Playing Inside or Out
Who’s team are you on? You’ve likely heard or thought of that phrase, rather on a field or not! It is an on-field and off-field description that’s often pondered when unfair activity is afoot. The power endowed in you as a teammate or leader allows for that display of in group/out group favoritism and fairness. Checking yourself is the thing that busts-up those biases. Let’s get to work to disrupt the bias!
Join the presenters of the Durham Chamber of Commerce as we feature Durham resident, Shantell Thomas. She brings 20+ years in the tech arena with RTP area companies as a marketer and D&I practitioner. She’s a trusted confidant of the C-suite, a Durham Business Owner of Eventually and a Conference Speaker. Now, the opportunity exists for you to snag a few tips from her toolbox and maybe even share a few of your own, in this workshop-style session.