ECE General Assembly Updates from Voices for VA's Children
Child Care Stabilization and True Cost of Quality SB1316 (McClellan)/HB2086 (McGuire)
- Authority for portable background checks beginning January 2022
- Creates a pilot to use federal/state funding for grants and contracts with programs rather than paying by child or attendance
Final Votes: UNANIMOUS in House and Senate Floor Votes and is headed to the Governor's desk!
Child Care Assistance Expanded Eligibility HB2206 (Filler-Corn)
This bill increases access to the child care assistance program using additional federal funds for a short period of time. These new eligibility requirements will be in place in approximately the next 30 days through Aug 1st.
Final Votes: UNANIMOUS in the Senate; 92-7 in the House and is headed to the Governor's desk!
Still Watching ECE Budget
We think that the House and Senate could reach a budget compromise today. Good news that the expansion of prenatal health insurance coverage for low-income immigrant women appears to be moving forward! We believe that early educator incentives and additional flexibility for VPI are in good shape and moving forward. We are waiting to see if the final budget will include a higher per pupil amount for VPI and the directive to “hit the gas” on implementing Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation.
Voices for VA's Children-
Feb. 22 update on the 2021 legislative session: trauma-informed and equity informed policy solutions