BLUEPRINT -- May/June 2021
District Water Levels Rise
During March and April 2021, NRD staff measured roughly 500 observation wells throughout the district. The goal of these well measurements was to determine an average water level change for the district, based on a weighted change from each well. For spring 2021 water level measurements, the NRD has determined that the average groundwater level change shows an increase of 0.35 feet from last spring. The findings show that the spring 2021 average groundwater level is 9.13 feet above the “Allocation Trigger.” Thus, there will be no allocation restrictions for the 2022 irrigation season. More...
Incentive Program Helps Producers Add Conservation Practices to Acres
Producers in the Upper Big Blue and Central Platte NRDs, the Nebraska Soil Carbon Project is ready to enroll your acres! This project will provide greater financial incentives to producers who utilize key conservation practices in central Nebraska. Learn More...
What's Water Worth?
Do you know what your irrigation water is worth? Perhaps you know how much it costs to run your pivot, but new research looks at the return on that investment in different moisture scenarios. The findings might surprise you.
Water Quality Impairments Lead to Changed agricultural practices
When it comes to water quality, the facts are clear and the water is murky: Beaver Creek and Recharge Lake have chemical loads above the standard set by the state of Nebraska for optimum health. A group of producers is working to address these problems through partnerships with the Upper Big Blue NRD.
Soil Health Still GROWing at Demonstration Fields
Now in its fourth year, the Project GROW (Growing Rotational crops on Wellfield) demonstration fields on the City of York wellfield are trying something new: alfalfa and sorghum. See how this soil health initiative continues to develop.
Pediatric Cancer:
Study Looks at Possible Links to Water Quality in Nebraska
Why is the rate of cancer in children so high in Nebraska? The Upper Big Blue NRD is partnering with the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) to conduct a groundwater quality study on domestic wells to see if elevated levels of common agricultural contaminants may be linked to pediatric cancer.
Daily Irrigation Decisions Save Money & Water
There are no free refills for farmers relating to crop inputs, except for precipitation that replenishes the soil water. The problem is, just as with the alleged “free refills” of soft drinks and coffees at restaurants, we do not know when we will get them. Thus, irrigation scheduling almost becomes a daily decision.
Vadose Zone Study Examines What Lies Beneath
The soil under your feet can tell you a lot about the quality of the water hundreds of feet below. A new research collaboration between the Upper Big Blue NRD and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will focus on measuring indicators in the vadose zone across the district.
--Parting Shot--
Contented cattle graze rye cover crops at the Project GROW demonstration fields in York in October 2020. Grazing adds a secondary income stream for the property, as well as an opportunity for improvement to the soil. Incorporating livestock grazing with cover crops can be exceptionally beneficial to the soil system, as livestock fertilize the soil naturally.