We are all One...

Some time ago I was talking with some of my colleagues about our favorite seasons of the church year, and one of them said, “Oh, well I think Advent is my one of favorite seasons - like a lighter version of Lent, with little baby Jesus at the end.” Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, and then someone else said, “Yes, yes, Advent is good, but I really enjoy Christmas, especially the 12th day of Christmas when we gather all the Christmas trees and have a big bonfire (anathema here, but quite common in Mississippi).” Again, everyone agreed. Then someone else said, “Yes, those are good, but Lent, Lent and Holy Week, those are my favorites.” This was met with excited agreement, and people began talking over each other, saying how great the Easter Vigil was, and how they loved to chant the Exsultet (that wasn’t me), but then nearly in unison everyone said, “But oh, Easter morning!” A collective sigh went up from the group. Our joy was disrupted by one of the more pragmatic members of the group who said, “Well of course Easter is our favorite! Did you expect anyone here to say that they loved Proper 18? We are a people of the resurrection, come on y’all…” He shook his head and walked away, while I resisted the urge to say something rude and un-Jesus like. 

But he was right. After Lent and Holy Week, Easter is a welcome change, and the resolution we’ve been waiting for. It’s also the end of the busiest time in the church year, the finish line for all the people who worked to make the services what they are, Easter is the culmination of all that work. Claire, Joel, Mark, David and the Choir, Elaine, Susan, the Altar Guild and the A/V people can finally breathe a small sigh of relief come Monday morning; the big show is behind us, and we can relax for a moment.  
When the church is full of people there is a palpable sense of the Holy Spirit - it is electric. There is a sense of sharing our joy at the empty tomb with all the people around us - it’s one of those occasions it’s a comfort to have so many people around us. When you have that many voices together: singing, reaffirming our faith in the words of the Nicene Creed, saying the great AMEN before the Lord’s Prayer, it is a powerful, comforting feeling of community, love and grace, and a reminder that Christ is with us. It feeds my soul to see so many people joyfully celebrating the love of Christ; church, at its best, is a place where we are all ONE, where we put aside our differences and focus on our commonality, and God’s love for all people. I certainly felt that this year, and I hope and pray that our church is full not just on Easter, but also in the Sundays ahead, as we continue to focus on Christ’s love for us, and to daily work on our love for one another.  

Rector, St. Francis Episcopal Church
Rev. Jason's Week in Review...
March 30: Finished Holy Week editing; wrote e-news article; pastoral visit; admin tasks; showed another couple around the church grounds–they were looking for statues of St. Francis, of which we have many.

March 31: Sabbath time; sermon prep.  

April 1: Worked not to be fooled; finished unpacking and settling the guest room; sermon prep.  

April 2: Palm Sunday services! All Glory Laud and Honor and Sacred Head Sore Wounded all in one service makes for liturgical whiplash (but wonderful music).  

April 3: Prepared for Good Friday; pastoral meeting; met with Senior Warden; learned how Joel hangs up the cloth on the cross.

April 4: Renewal of ordination vows at the cathedral downtown - I gave Celeste unsolicited driving advice; met Bishop Taylor in person; saw the Hollywood Sign; took communion to a homebound parishioner; brought communion to people in assisted living facility.

April 5: began fine tuning services for Holy Week and Easter; sermon prep.

April 6: More prep for Holy Week and Easter. Pastoral visit. Maundy Thursday service.

April 7: Good Friday; In the Cross of Christ’s Glory, a meditative service from 12:00-3:00; Good Friday liturgy and portions of Faure’s requiem - the choir did an AMAZING job.  

April 8: Holy Saturday; sermon prep, time with family.

April 9: Easter Sunday! A full chapel and church for both services! The spirit was electric, and it was wonderful to see so many people together.  

April 10: Day off.

April 11: Pastoral visit; funeral prep for an out-of-state funeral; Wardens’ meeting

April 12: Lunch date with Jennifer; funeral planning for a non-parishioner; took care of admin tasks.

April 13: Spiritual guidance; pastoral visit; pastoral meeting to plan a different funeral for a different non-parishioner.

April 14: Celebrated funeral at Coastal Funeral Home and did the committal at Green Hills.  

April 15: Sabbath time; sermon prep.

April 16: Sunday services - we had good numbers for Low Sunday/Feast of the Evacuation (103 between two services).

April 17: Worked putting away books and such in my office; admin work; prepared for Wednesday’s vestry meeting.

April 18: Pastoral phone call; finished putting away books in my office; went to Peninsula Interfaith Fellowship meeting at the Canterbury Retirement center; pastoral meeting.

April 19: Staff meeting; vestry prep; prepared for talk at PV Peninsula High School comparative religion class; finance committee meeting; vestry meeting. 

It's easy to schedule a meeting with Rev. Jason!
Click on this link to schedule either an individual or group meeting with Jason+.
Memorial Service for Bob Pilmer
Saturday, April 29, 2023, 10:00am, Chapel

The memorial service for long term parishioner, Bob Pilmer will be held a week on Saturday in the Chapel. Reception to follow in the Parish Hall.

Rest eternal grant to him, O Lord: And let light perpetual shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Draw Neighbors to Our Community of Faith!
Saturday, June 17th "Doors Open Peninsula", 9am - 4:30pm

Palos Verdes Archivist Monique Sugimoto is organizing this event to mark the 100th Anniversary of the "Real Estate Rally" that took place in Malaga Cove on June 17th, 1923. 

The event will highlight several historical buildings in PV, and our St. Francis chapel is among those that will be featured. The morning will kick off at The Hub (the baseball field below our church) with the more-than-50 sites represented, where participants interested in visiting the various sites will receive a "passport" and in turn will receive a "stamp" from each of the locales as they are visited.

Of course this is a fantastic opportunity for St. Francis to not only share the history of our chapel, but to also highlight our community of faith, through what we have to offer present-day through our church services and various ministries! We have a team of people collecting and creating literature to distribute, refreshments to serve, and docents to share our Chapel's many stories. Watch our enews updates to learn more.
Antique Show!
Yes, it's Back!

Antique Show—Have you got theater or concert tickets, gift certificates to good restaurants, or access to a vacation cabin? Have you got some fine collectibles that you might wish to part with? The St. Francis Antique Show runs from June 1-3 with the always fabulous Opening Night Gala on May 31 and we need donations for the silent auction. So be creative and think of something wonderful you could donate! Contact Gayle Taylor at gaylentaylor@gmail.com with questions. 

Pickle-Making—May 2nd from 8am-2pm. All welcome. (Contact: Gloria Jones 310-415-8240)
Important Antiques Show Meeting
Come join us on Sunday, April 30th at 11:30am in the Boardroom to address discount post cards and Opening Night invitations to the 52nd Annual Palos Verdes Antiques Show & More June 1-3, with an Opening Night Party on Wednesday Evening, May 31. Our largest church fundraiser is only a month away and there are many opportunities for parishioners to get involved, have fun and help! Please consider placing an ad in the Program or volunteering for staffing assignments throughout the show. There is Advertising info and Merchant letters in the office on the volunteer desk. There will be a fun Pickle Making session in the Parish Kitchen. Contact Gayle Taylor if you want to donate your better items for a Curated Silent Auction: Restaurant Gift Cards, Sports Tickets, Vacation Home Getaways, Private Dinners, etc. All are welcome and we need your help!

Opening Night & Postcard Addressing: April 30, 11:30am
St. Francis welcomes the Welsh Choir of Southern California
(Cor Cymraeg De California)
An “Afternoon of Song”, Sunday, May 7 at 4 o’clock in the Chapel.
You’re in for a musical treat!
This is their first official performance post-pandemic. No admission fee. There will be a free-will offering. For more information, contact: Mary Abbott at (310) 988-9418

Sundays - Holy Communion
8:00 a.m. - Rite I in-person worship in the Chapel, with hymns. This service is not live-streamed.

10:00 a.m. - Rite II in-person worship in the main church with music. Live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube, and available for watching later.

Please contact Kristina Pelá to arrange for a Lay Eucharistic Minister to safely bring you communion.

Yoga with Jill!
Jill is recovering well from surgery—please continue to pray for her healing. She is currently teaching on Wednesdays in the Boardroom at 9:00, via Zoom.
A spiritual mind and body practice!
  • Mondays 11:15am - 1:00pm - Level 1/2 Hatha Yoga
  • Wednesdays 9:00-10:30am Level 1 Gentle Yoga
Parish Hall. No set fees - classes are free-will offering. Questions? Jill Fenske

Thursdays from 9:30-10:30am in our church sanctuary; masks optional. Please join us for meditation, followed by a time of conversation.
Contact - Susie Zimmerman
Coffee Hour Ministry
To volunteer to help one week, see the sign-up sheet at Sunday coffee hour.
Sunday School

Bring your children to Sunday School for our wonderful Montessori-based, Godly Play curriculum.
Godly Play makes meaning through story, wonder, and play. Nurturing spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children. You and your children will be blessed by these teachings.
Remember - the Parish Directory is Online
Need someone's email, or even map directions to their home?
The password is Romans12:4-5
Bookmark the link on your phone or computer and let your browser save the password and you will always be up to date with information!
In a later email we will tell you how to access the Member Portal so you can edit details of your own listing.
Need Help of Any Kind?
Physical, Spiritual, Psychological, or Material?

We are here to do our best to help you with whatever you may need. We know circumstances can be difficult at any time. For help of any kind, or just a phone call, please email or call Jason+.

Enews Submission Deadline: 3:00 pm Wednesdays
Enews is sent weekly on Thursday afternoons: email Susan with your requests.
Staff Directory
Office main line - 310 375 4617
The Rev. Jason Shelby 310-594-7984 - Rector
Mark Bennett 310-594-7416 - Director of Music
Claire Erbeznik 310-375-4617 - Office Administrator & Receptionist
Susan Marshall 310-594-8427 - Communications Specialist
Elaine Mistele 310-594-8268 - Business Manager

You are not interrupting our work - you ARE our work!