If you have not met Stitch, make sure you introduce yourself the next time you are at Silver Threads & Golden Needles. Mia keeps him dressed in style for every holiday and while he is looking quite festive in his Mardi Gras and Valentine attire, he is ready to move on to March and see what is new at STGN.
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This is the ultimate tool to inspire creativity when planning your colorwork knitting. We currently have five different Doodle Card Decks in stock. Each card deck allows you the flexibility to mix and match chart cards to design your colorwork pattern. Amy is offering a workshop on how to use your Doodle Card Deck to plan an original colorwork project. Check out our class listings for more information.
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Keep your stitches securely on your circular needles with these handy circular needle cord stops. This is the knitting notion you didn’t know you needed. Now you know!
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We are “muppeting” (don't check your dictionary, it's not there!) our way into March with the Muppet Shawl MKAL. Join us for the Muppet Shawl MKAL that’s Most Sensational, Inspirational, Celebrational, and Muppetational! See more information below. | |
- Every Wednesday
Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm
- Bring whatever project you are working on and get help, encouragement, and inspiration.
Instructor: Carol Martin
Class Fee: $10.00
- Click here for more details
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- Friday, March 1st
Time: 2:00-4:00pm
Designer: Cally Monster of Monster Knits
Materials: Two skeins of fingering/sock weight yarn (Barb used two skeins of Emma’s Super Silky Sock Yarn), Size 5 & 7 knitting needles
Instructor: Barb Carroll
Cost: $25.00 instruction fee – this covers all classes
- Click here for more details
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- Saturdays, March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th
How this works: It’s a knitting pattern for a generous shawl/ wrap/scarf. There will be five clues for the MKAL. First clue drops March 1st with additional clues dropping on all Fridays in March, but remember, we are meeting on Saturdays!
Time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Designer: Mary Annarella of Lyrical Knits
Materials: one Muppet Kit or two full skeins of fingering weight yarn (400 yds/skein) in a main color and 12 mini skeins (or 134 yds of each contrasting color), Size 5, 24 inch circular knitting needle; 2 stitch markers, a locking stitch marker, a tapestry needle and waste yarn.
Pattern: Muppet MKAL pattern is available on Ravelry for $8.99. If you purchase a Muppet MKAL kit, STGN will provide the pattern for you. We have kits for the Muppet MKAL available or come on in and let us help you choose your yarn.
Instructor: Barb Carroll
Cost: There is no cost to join the MKAL, but we do ask that you use yarn that you purchased from Silver Threads & Golden Needles. if you bring yarn purchased elsewhere, there will be a $15.00 class fee for each session.
- Click here for more details.
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- Tuesdays, February 27th, March 5th & 12th
Time: 11:00am-1:00pm
Designer: Natalie Meredith
Materials: DK weight, suggested yarn: Juniper Moon Farm Harriot, Acadia from The Fibre Co., DK Merino Superwash from Plymouth Yarn
Instructor: Barb Carroll
Cost: $45.00 for all three sessions, price includes pattern and instruction, yarn purchased separately
- Click here for more details
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- Friday, March 15th
Time: 2:00 - 4:00pm
Designer: Jamie Lomax
A fun workshop where you will use Doodle Deck Cards to create a color palette and plan your own colorwork chart.
Instructor: Amy Murphy
Cost: $65.00, includes pattern (hat, cowl, or scarf), choice of Doodle Deck Card and five mini skeins of yarn. STGN will provide instruction, doodle worksheet, markers, wine, and cheese.
- Click here for more details
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"Great for new knitters who know how to knit/purl.)
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Call 828-349-0515 to register for any or all of these classes.
Registration is limited for each class.
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Need help with a project? Dropped a stitch or having problems with a complicated lace project? We can help with that. Here is our store policy on helping customers:
- If you have a knitted or crocheted problem that will only take 15 minutes or less, please call first to make sure one our staff members can help. It is not always possible for us to help on a drop-in basis.
- If your knitting or crochet problem will take more than 15 minutes, please call us at 828-349-0515 to make an appointment with one of us.
Appointments/lessons can be booked for $25.00 an hour.
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