Weekly Newsletter



February 22, 2024

Weekly Schedule

Sunday, February 25

10 a.m. - Family Promise Training in the Fellowship Hall

Monday, February 26

10 a.m. - Staff Meeting

6 p.m. - DFC Meeting in the Office Conference Room

6 p.m. - Ladies Bible Study

7 p.m. - CSFC presents “Homicide at the Hillside Hunting Club”


Tuesday, February 27

7 a.m. - Men’s Prayer Breakfast

11 a.m. - JOY Choir Rehearsal

7 p.m. - CSFC presents “Homicide at the Hillside Hunting Club”

Wednesday, February 28

10 a.m. - AIM Fitness Classes

4:30 p.m. - Tree House Trades

6 p.m. - Financial Peace University Class

6 p.m. - $5 Youth Pizza

6:45 p.m. - Youth Worship and Bible Study

6:45 p.m. - Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, February 29

2 p.m. - Walking in the FLC

7 p.m. - CSFC presents “Homicide at the Hillside Hunting Club”

Friday, March 1

7 p.m. - CSFC presents “Homicide at the Hillside Hunting Club”


Saturday, March 2

7 p.m. - CSFC presents “Homicide at the Hillside Hunting Club”


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Then he began to teach them that the Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. He said all this quite openly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. – Mark 8:31-32

If you have ever spent any time studying the gospel of Mark, you will probably learn about what some call “the Messianic secret.” It seems that every time somebody is catching on to who Jesus actually is, he then commands them to keep quiet about it. It’s like Jesus doesn’t want the word getting out about who He is. If you’ve never read the entire gospel of Mark in one or two sittings, I want to encourage you to do that. It’s short, and it’s meant to be read like a short story. If you read it in its entirety, you’ll see what I mean. 

That’s why it’s fascinating to me that Mark says in these verses above, “He said all this quite openly.” And what was it that he said openly? That he would undergo great suffering.  That he would be rejected and killed. And that he would rise again. When it came to messages about how great Jesus was, “The One Who Is To Come,” or “The Holy One of God,” or “The Messiah,” Jesus shushed people. But he didn’t keep his voice down when it came to his suffering. His great suffering. 

Peter didn’t want to hear it, and he then decided it was time to shush Jesus. You can read on in Mark 8 to see how that went for Peter! 

For Lent, one of the things I have given up is the news. I love keeping up with local and national news, and news sites are certainly some of the most popular websites on my phone’s internet browser. So for Lent, I gave all that up. If I’m going to hear “the news,” somebody is going to have to tell me, because I’m not reading it online or in print. 

I’ve given up the news, in part because so much of it is bad news. What’s fascinating to me is that Jesus Christ comes to all of us as… NEWS. The word gospel literally means “good news.” Jesus was openly proclaiming what was in fact good news for all the world to hear, but Peter didn’t like it. He thought it sounded like bad news. Or maybe even fake news! 

Our world today is drowning in news. A lot of bad news, sad news, fake news, and old news. If you turn on the TV, you’re likely to see the chyron say, “BREAKING NEWS” when it’s not even news! For Lent, I decided to say “SHUSH” to “the news.” But I hope you’ll be in your place this Sunday to hear some Real News. It might sound like Bad News, but it’s not. It’s actually Good News. If you can believe it. 

Grace and Peace,


You Are Invited!

Questions for the Denomination Future Committee? Click here to email them at

From Our Denominational Future Committee

What Are The Core Beliefs of the Global Methodist Church (GMC)?

What Is the Global Methodist Church?

Donations for the Mission Trip to Honduras

We are collecting the following items for the Medical and Dental Clinic for our 2024 Mission Trip to Honduras. Help us serve others!

New Reading Glasses Toothbrushes

Children’s Vitamins

Adult Vitamins

Prenatal Vitamins


Benadryl Neosporin

Hydrocortisone cream Lysol/Clorox wipes Lysol aerosol spray Hand sanitizer

Bandaids (variety of sizes, both regular and children’s bandaids)

Tylenol/Advil (both adult/children’s–NO LIQUIDS)

All items can be dropped off in the church office. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

Family Promise Volunteer Training


We are hosting a Family Promise volunteer training in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, February 25th, at 10 am. This training is for anyone interested in serving dinner to Family Promise guests and who has not gone through the training before.

Family Promise is a 90-day program for homeless families, which helps care for them while they work to pay off debt and save up for their own housing. We host three times a year, during which we provide 3 dinners each host week to the guests in the program. We need volunteers who can help provide dinners and stay to eat with the families during our host weeks.

It’s such a simple way to serve by giving just an hour of your time to share a meal and God’s love with some new people! If you are interested or have any questions, please reach out to Katie at

We are in GREAT NEED of volunteers to help set up and/or work our Yard Sale for Missions! Every dollar we make will go to help someone in need!

We need volunteers to set up on Thursday, March 7 and to work on Friday, March 8 and Saturday, March 9! Anything you can do can help us!

This is a great opportunity for teens looking for volunteer hours!

Sign up here! Email Katie at or call the church office at 478-987-1852 with questions.

Clean Out Your House and Help Missions!

The deadline to donate is March 1, 2024

We are having a yard sale with Peaches to Beaches on March 8 and 9, 2024 in the FLC.

We need your item donations to make this event a success! As you declutter and do some early spring cleaning, bring us all your junk that will become someone else’s treasure! Please, NO CLOTHING. All the proceeds from the sale will go to missions. We will be collecting items until March 1, 2024.

Bring your small items to the church office or contact Katie at or the church office about dropping off larger items.

Serving with CenterStage is easy! Arrive at 5:30 p.m. at the Family Life Center. If you have some camo, wear some but it's not required! The serving of the meal starts at 6:30 p.m. and will be completed by 7:30 p.m. You are welcome to stay and watch the show that begins at 7:30 p.m. or you can leave! Call the church office if you have questions!

Click here to sign up to volunteer!

Prime Time Luncheon

Thursday, March 7, 2024 12 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall

$10 per person

The Two Professors are back for PrimeTime and now have their vehicles fixed! Drs. Gordon Johnston (Mercer University) and Matthew Jennings (Middle GA State University) will blend history, poetry, and prose in a celebration of Muscogee waterways and culture from Middle Georgia to Oklahoma and beyond.

We will have sandwiches catered by Yoders Sandwich Shoppe for lunch. Register by calling 478-987-1852 by Monday, March 4 at 12 p.m.  

Youth News

Click here to register for the Dominican Mission Trip

The Sanctuary Bells

The Sanctuary Bells attended a handbell festival at Memorial United Methodist Church on Amelia Island last weekend. They will ring music learned at the festival in worship on Sunday.

Happy Birthday to Sunshine Key!

Sunshine Key, widow of Rev. Billy Key, former pastor of Perry UMC is celebrating her 100th birthday. You may send her a birthday card to her at Sunshine Key 212 Fairview Park Drive Dublin, Ga 31021

Tree House Trades

It's not too late to submit a 2024 pledge of support to our church and its missions online, you may do so here.

We also have paper cards in the church office and in the narthex.

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Supporting the Ministries of Perry UMC