The Community Standard
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A Message from Principal Ledesma

Good afternoon, families,

We have had a wonderful time in our first full week. While we continue to experience some delays due to technology, we are working through these.

The following includes some updates:
  • Bus cards and IDs continue to be printed. Unfortunately, we have just one machine and each ID takes several minutes to print. We continue to work our way through our lists. As they get printed, they are delivered to the student's third-hour class.
  • Infinite Campus is slowly coming online. Parent Portal will be open on Monday with more information. If you have not been able to set up an account, a new email will be sent to you in the next few days. If you have been prompted to request an Activation Key, please email me at
  • Student portal is active. Please see the details below.
Our first Flex Lunch with club time today was a success! Student engaged in all types of activities of interest to them while enjoying a a slower pace mid-day. Students, remember that you can go to club first and have lunch after. The cafeteria is open all hour from 11:50am-12:50pm.

Next week is homecoming week! Please see the theme days in the flyer today. You can also find out about our Slime-a-thon fundraiser in the video here.

Finally, at the beginning of the year I spoke with staff about our collective resolve to see "each student as distinct and irreplaceable." Please know that we will continue to use that lens in all we do - from answering phones, to setting up parent meetings, to celebrating our students.

I hope that as we enage in our work this year, you get to share in our celebration of your student.

Have a wodnerful weekend,

Christian Alberto Ledesma
Buenas tardes, familias,

Hemos tenido un tiempo maravilloso en nuestra primera semana completa. Si bien continuamos experimentando algunos retrasos debido a la tecnología, estamos trabajando en estos. 

Lo siguiente incluye algunas actualizaciones:
  • Las tarjetas de autobús y las identificaciones continúan imprimiéndose. Desafortunadamente, solo tenemos una máquina y cada identificación tarda varios minutos en imprimirse. Continuamos trabajando en nuestras listas. A medida que se imprimen, se entregan a la clase de tercera hora del estudiante.
  • Infinite Campus se está poniendo en línea lentamente. El portal para padres estará abierto el lunes con más información. Si no ha podido configurar una cuenta, se le enviará un nuevo correo electrónico en los próximos días. Si se le ha solicitado que solicite una clave de activación, envíeme un correo electrónico a
  • El portal del estudiante está activo. Consulte los detalles a continuación.
¡Nuestro primer Flex Lunch con horario de club hoy fue un éxito! Los estudiantes participaron en todo tipo de actividades de su interés mientras disfrutaban de un ritmo más lento al mediodía. Estudiantes, recuerden que pueden ir primero al club y luego almorzar. La cafetería está abierta todas las horas de 11:50 a. m. a 12:50 p. m.

¡La próxima semana es la semana de Homecoming! Consulte los días temáticos en la informacion siguiente. También pueden obtener más información sobre nuestra recaudación de fondos Slime-a-thon en el vídeo aquí.

Finalmente, a principios de año hablé con el personal sobre nuestra determinación colectiva de ver "a cada estudiante como distinto e irremplazable". Tenga en cuenta que continuaremos usando esa lente en todo lo que hagamos, desde contestar teléfonos hasta organizar reuniones de padres y celebrar a nuestros estudiantes.

Espero que a medida que participemos en nuestro trabajo este año, usted pueda compartir nuestra celebración de su estudiante.

Que tengan un maravilloso fin de semana,

Christian Alberto Ledesma
Galab wanaagsan, qoysas,

Waxaan helnay wakhti cajiib ah usbuucagii ugu horreeyay oo dhan. In kasta oo aan sii wadno in aan la kulanno xoogaa dib u dhac ah oo ay sababto tignoolajiyada, waxaan ka shaqeyneynaa kuwan.

Kuwa soo socda waxaa ku jira qaar ka mid ah cusbooneysiinta:
  • Kaararka baska iyo aqoonsiga waa la sii daabacayaa. Nasiib darro, waxaan haynaa hal mashiin oo aqoonsi kastaa wuxuu qaataa dhowr daqiiqo in la daabaco. Waxaan sii wadeynaa inaan ka shaqeyno habkayaga liisaskayada. Marka la daabaco, waxaa la geeyaa fasalka saddexaad ee ardayga.
  • Infinite Campus ayaa si tartiib tartiib ah u soo galaysa khadka. Xariirka Waalidku waxa uu furmi doonaa isniinta oo ay la socdaan macluumaad dheeraad ah. Haddii aadan awoodin inaad sameysato akoon, iimayl cusub ayaa laguu soo diri doonaa maalmaha soo socda. Haddii lagugu soo jeediyay inaad codsato Furaha Dhaqdhaqaaqa, fadlan iimayl iigu soo dir
  • Xariirka ardaydu waa firfircoon yahay. Fadlan hoos ka eeg faahfaahinta
Qadadayada Flex ugu horeysay ee wakhtiga naadiga maanta waxay ahayd guul! Ardaygu waxa uu ku hawlan yahay dhammaan noocyada hawlaha ay xiiseeyaan isaga oo ku raaxaysanaya xawli gaabis ah maalinta dhexdeeda. Ardeyda, xasuusnoow inaad marka hore aadi karto naadiga oo aad qadayn karto ka dib. Maqaaxidu waxay furan tahay saacad kasta laga bilaabo 11:50 subaxnimo-12:50 galabnimo.

Toddobaadka soo socda waa usbuuca guriga! Fadlan ka eeg maalmaha dulucda ee xaashida maanta. Waxa kale oo aad ka heli kartaa wax ku saabsan lacag ururinteena Slime-a-thon fiidyaha halkan.

Ugu dambeyntii, bilowgii sanadka waxaan kala hadlay shaqaalaha go'aankeena wadajirka ah si aan u aragno "arday kastaa mid gaar ah oo aan la bedeli karin." Fadlan ogow inaan sii wadi doono isticmaalka muraayadaas wax kasta oo aan samayno - laga bilaabo ka jawaabista telefoonada, samaynta shirarka waalidka, ilaa dabaaldega ardaydeena.

Waxaan rajeynayaa in marka aan ku dadaaleyno shaqadayada sanadkan, aad ka qaybqaadato dabaaldegga ardaygaaga.

Toddobaad aad u wanaagsan,

Christian Alberto Ledesma

All families should complete the application for Educational Benefits every year.

If you have already completed thank you! Completion or decline needs to happen before we print a student’s ID card. We have 350 families remaining, help us be the first school to be done!!!

The information from the application generates millions of dollars in funding for public schools, at Roosevelt we were able to have 5-10 support staff and teachers. The application also determines benefits for students and families such as free bus cards, free/reduced fee for PSAT and IB tests, discounted internet service, and more.

To decline benefits, email with your student’s name, grade and student ID #. 

Visit the LINQ Connect website to complete your application, school is Minneapolis Public Schools.

Parent Portal ?’s
Thanks for your patience and understanding as we navigate a new system! Please see below for updated information. Also, if you have yet to set up your portal an email will be forthcoming next week to begin the process to obtain your portal.
Campus Portal: Feature Enhancements will begin September 18th
Effective September 18th, Campus Portal (Guardians and Students) will include visibility 
  1. Attendance 
  2. Assignments 
  3. Grades 
Campus Portal: Translations 
Effective September 18, 2023, Campus Portal will include the following language options for MPS: 
English, Hmong, and Spanish. Somali will be available soon after. 
Student Portal Active 
The Campus Student Portal is now available for students. How to log-in: 
  1. Go to and select ‘Campus Student’. 
  2. On the next screen, select ‘Staff/Student Sign On’. 
  3. If they are already logged into their MPS account on their device, they’ll have immediate access. 
  4. If they are not logged on to their account or are using a personal device, they will enter their email address as their username and their corresponding password. 

Game is 6pm on Friday, Sept 22

Dance is in the main gym from 7-11pm on
Saturday, Sept 23
The moment Farah and Sophia saw themselves in the middle of Times Square. Our 2 amazing Teddies went to NYC last weekend for an amazing event hosted by the National Down Syndrome Society. 138 generous donors helped get Farah’s family to there. Thank you all for your support in making this unforgettable memory. 
Counseling/Career & College Center News

Up to date information on Career & College opportunities can always be found at: CCC Corner

Please check out the RHS College and Career September NewsletterWe are looking to forward to supporting you all this year! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your counseling and CCC Team

The RHS Counseling Team:
Janessa Brackett, Counselor of Record for Last Names A-D, Office #: 612-668-4811
Mark Heymans, Counselor of Record for Last Names E-Le, Google Voice #: 612-405-3801, Office #: 612-668-4855
Salado Hasan, Counselor of Record for Last Names Li-P, Office #: 612-668-4813
Sandra Kroger, Counselor of Record for Last Names Q-Z, Google Voice #: 612-460-7325, Office #: 612-668-4812
Eric Rodgers, Career & College Center Coordinator, Google Voice #: 612-567-6897, CCC #: 612-668-4822
Mae Yang, Career & College Center Coordinator, Google Voice #: 612-208-7412, CCC #: 612-668-4822
Nuts and Bolts
 Welcome to our Community Standard. This newsletter will be sent to you twice per month and highlight both what has happened and what is coming up.

Our calendar at is always up to date with the latest information and our FB page is updated at least once per day, please click on the link below to check it out!

If you have questions, please contact 
EVERY FRIDAY IS SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY! Wear your Teddy Gear or Maroon and Gold!!

Upcoming Events
Sept 9..11th Annual RHS Golf Tournament
Sept 11..Picture Day
Sept 13..SENIOR NIGHT..Boys Soccer
Sept 15..Cafe con Christian
Sept 18..Fast Testing 9th grade
Sept 18..Comfy Day
Sept 19..Country vs Country Club
Sept 19..9th grade FAST testing
Sept 20..TWINS..Twins gear or twin with a friend
Sept 21..Jersey Shore or Just a Jersey
Sept 22..Class color day..Freshman, white, Sophomore, Black, Junior, gold, Senior, Maroon
Sept 22..ACTIVITY SCHEDULE..ALL senior class photo at 1:30pm
Sept 22..Homecoming Game against Richfield 6pm..PINK OUT!
Sept 23..Super Soccer Saturday Homecoming Games
Sept 23..Homecoming Dance..I need volunteers
Sept 24..Girls Soccer Car Wash
Sept 25..No school
Sept 26..IB Junior Orientation
Sept 26..Site Council Meeting
Oct 4.. National College Fair
Oct 4.. Girls Soccer Chipotle Fundraiser
Oct 4..College Knowledge Night
Oct 10..Site Council Meeting
Oct 11..IB DP Group 4 Science
Oct 12..PSAT Test
Oct 17..Picture Re-take Day
Oct 17..Conferences
Oct 18-20..No School for students
Oct 18..Conferences
20 hours of Service Per year is expected of every student, every year. 
Check out this site for volunteering opportunities..
Check out these websites to come up with another idea.
(You can search by word, so if you are looking for an "art" based volunteering opportunity, or a "children" based opportunity, "senior citizen", etc.

If you have questions or need to turn hours in, please email

If your student is doing their hours OUTSIDE of the school, please have them send in a paper that is signed, dated and phone number listed for the organization or person that they helped.