is now available online!
Read all about what our amazing Music & Art, Performing Arts , and LaGuardia alumni have been doing. Read how grateful the current students are for support from alumni like you, and enjoy pages filled with student artwork. Click here to read the 2019 Alumni Notes newsletter.
Do you have something to share? We would love to include your news in the next issue! Please send an email to
Yeou-Jey Vasconcelos, LaGuardia's
Interim Acting Principal
The LaGuardia school year is off to a great start!

Students were welcomed into the building at the first "Fiorello Friday" with a performance by Interim Acting Principal Yeou-Jey Vasconcelos on piano and LaGuardia senior and Alumni & Friends award recipient Giorgia Poma on cello!
LaGuardia Fall Calendar Highlights
Dates are tentative. Stay tuned for a more complete calendar later this fall.
October 18, 2019: Faculty Art Show
October 25, 2019: Senior Jazz/Symphonic Band Concert
November 15, 2019: Student Curated Art Exhibit
December 5-8 & 12-15, 2019: All School Musical - Cinderella
December 17, 2019: New Music Ensemble Concert
December 18, 2019: Gospel Choir Winter Concert
January 6-8, 2020: Winter Musicales
January 10-11, 2020: Semi-Annual Art Exhibit and Concert
January 17-19, 2020: Winter Dance Showcase
And many more ...
Alumni Emmy Nominations

It is Emmy season! Several alumni have been nominated, including industry veteran Glynn Turman (PA '65) and breakthrough star Jharrel Jerome (LaG '15) . Watch the Creative Arts Emmy Presentation on September 21st on FXX and the Primetime Emmy Awards on September 22nd on ABC, and cheer on alumni nominated for their achievements in front of and behind the cameras.
In the words of nominee Jharrel Jerome (LaG '15)
recipient of the 2015 Alumni & Friends Dr. Marjorie Dycke Memorial Drama Award
"For the past four years, I have found a perfect home at LaGuardia. I have been able to experience new things as well as take on many new challenges. I am now off to bigger things that will challenge who I am and what I have learned throughout high school. With help of LaGuardia students, faculty, families, and Alumni & Friends, I am now proud to say that I can overcome any challenges I must face. My dream is to come back in a few years and say, 'You have supported me all the way, I am back! Take some money!' Until then, I am so grateful for your support and love."

Show off your school pride and support LaGuardia's arts education

Be on the lookout - new merchandise coming soon!
A direct and compelling headline
above - LaGuardia Class of 2009 during the 2019 reunion
Reunion planning has begun for classes ending in "5" and "0." Check out reunion photos from our 2019 reunion ! Please update your contact information so we can mail you a formal invitation to the event in June 2020:
Interested in volunteering to help organize the reunion weekend? Please email .
If you aren’t a member of Alumni & Friends, become one today ! Your membership dues ($40 annually) help sustain this vibrant community and support the arts at LaGuardia. Members receive print newsletters in the mail, participate in our frequent ticket giveaways to LaGuardia performances as well as other cultural experiences, and receive discounts on reunions and merchandise. Please support LaGuardia and arts education by becoming a member today !