Welcome to the Enews for November 14

The latest resources, news and more.

Click on headlines or pictures for more details.  

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A statement by Bishop Nick on the Archbishop of Canterbury's resignation

The Rt Revd Nick Baines has issued a statement in response to the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby. Read more here

Remembrance Day marked in many ways across our diocese

Services and events to mark Remembrance Day have taken place across our diocese as communities paid their respects in a wide range of ways. Planning often begins months in advance, such as knitted and crocheted poppies created to form a poignant door display at St Chad’s Far Headingley. Read more here

Conference helps diocesan educators seek justice and embrace equity

Our Education Team recently hosted our annual School Leaders’ Conference, on the theme of ‘Seeking Justice, Embracing Equity’. The conference in Leeds on Friday, November 8, brought together people from schools across the whole diocese to hear from a range of speakers and exhibitors. Read more here

Bishop Nick visits Leeds pantry to encourage churches to get involved

The Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds, recently visited the InterAct Pantry in the Leeds area as part of a campaign for churches to consider opening food pantries, to strengthen their neighbourhoods and build local hope. InterAct Pantry in Meanwood is part of the Your Local Pantry network, and is run by a charity made up of Anglican, URC, Baptist and Methodist churches. Read more here

Conference hears of building God’s kingdom from the grassroots up

Holy Nativity Church, Mixenden held an inspiring day of conversations exploring how low income, low wealth communities can empower themselves in a world that focusses on what people lack, rather than the abundance to be found in every community, regardless of their financial resources. The 'Justice and the Economy' conference featured the Revd Mike Mather, from the USA and author of ‘Having Nothing, Possessing Everything.’ Read more here

Community cycling group makes interfaith visit to Bradford Cathedral

A two-wheeled interfaith visit happened recently when the Bolton Road Community Cycling Club of Bradford rode to the city’s cathedral for the first stop of their annual Yatra bike ride. Arriving just before 9am, the group the learned about the cathedral from the Revd Pete Gunstone and listened to organ music, played by visiting organist Dr Ed Jones. Read more here

Webinar to help churches raise up new interns

An upcoming webinar run by the diocese is looking to help churches find, raise up and nurture potential interns in their churches. The webinar, taking place on Tuesday, November 26, 1pm – 2pm, aims to help churches find and support the people in their congregations who would people be interested in spending a year growing in faith, Christian formation, discipleship and leadership. Read more here

Diocesan Vacancy in See committee nominations invited

Nominations are now being invited for 12 lay persons and 2 clergy persons to be members of the 2025 - 2027 Diocesan Vacancy in See committee. Every Church of England diocese has a permanent Vacancy in See committee which meets when the role of diocesan bishop becomes vacant. Read more here

Horsforth host new community food pantry

One of our Leeds area churches has been supporting their area by hosting a local food pantry. The Horsforth Community Pantry has opened its doors to members, based in a purpose-built shop and food store next to St James’ Woodside. Read more here

For more diocesan and regional news, visit
Living and Learning

Harrogate School of Theology and Mission Lectures

Running on Saturdays, 10am, St Mark's Harrogate and online

Harrogate School of Theology and Mission are pleased to offer a new autumn programme of lectures, with speakers including Dr David Moffit, the Revd Dr Alan Garrow, the Rt Revd Arun Arora, Bishop of Leeds, and more. All lectures are offered in person, at St Mark’s Harrogate, starting promptly at 10am, but preceded by breakfast. The lectures are also available by live-stream (on Zoom) but you’ll have to make your own breakfast!

Find out more and book here.

Ripon Cathedral Rural Ministry Forum

Monday, November 18, 10am - 3.30pm, Ripon Cathedral

The topic is 'Helping Rural Churches Thrive'. Includes Holy Communion. Please RSVP by Friday, November 1 with any dietary requirements.

Women in Governance Training

Starting Tuesday, November 19, 12pm - 3pm, Fountains Church Bradford

Your lived experience and expertise can make a difference to your local and wider community. After our very successful consultation events, where we consulted with over 100 women across Bradford District, we will now be delivering a course with four training sessions on Board Readiness.

These sessions take place on

  • Tuesday, November 19
  • Tuesday, November 26
  • Tuesday, December 3
  • Tuesday, December 12

Please note you are signing up to the full course (all four sessions). Lunch will be provided.

Click here to find out more and to book

Tender Conversations

Tuesday, November 19, 7pm - 9pm Online (via Zoom) or in person at St Matthew’s, Leyburn

Part of the Listening Well series of workshops

Some people call them 'difficult conversations' or 'uncomfortable conversations'.

They are usually conversations that we are avoiding. Moments when we need to be honest with others. In this workshop we will examine several case studies to help us better handle tender conversations - more honestly, more confidently and with less regret.

More details and booking information can be found here.

Places of Welcome - Learning Community

Monday, November 25, 9.30am - 12.30pm, Church House

We have established a learning community for Places of Welcome leaders in the West and North Yorkshire region to share best practice, learn from one another and from experienced guest speakers, explore new innovative ideas and increase our confidence in the work we are doing. New members are always welcome!

Coffee served from 9.30am for 10am start, finishing around 12.30am and followed by a light lunch – we will be getting to know each other and looking at what we can achieve as a learning community.

Please join us, bring a friend / colleague. It would be great to see you there! We believe it will be well worth your time – come and be encouraged, and your participation will be very welcome indeed.

Click here to find out more and to book

Spiritual Conversations Course

Tuesday, November 26, and Tuesday, December 3, 7pm - 9pm, online (via Zoom) or in person at St Matthew's, Leyburn

This course is part of the Listening Well series and serves as a taster course for anyone interested in the Lay Pastoral Worker pathway and anyone interested in the Spiritual Direction Training course.

In the level 1 Pastoral Conversations course , we explore how to move from a social conversation with a friend into a pastoral conversation with someone in need. In this Spiritual Conversations course, we continue to develop the the idea of moving from one kind of conversation to another, by reflecting on ways to recognise where God is at work in a situation, and open up a space for the person to share how their faith relates to their life circumstances. In other words, how to move from a pastoral conversation into a spiritual conversation.

More details and booking information can be found here.

Follow Me - Pre Advent Quiet Day

Saturday, November 30, 10am - 3pm, Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield

"Prayer in the Risen Lord: helps from scripture and the


Led by Br Philip Nichols, Prior. Before the busy-ness of December, this will be a day for refreshment and guided reflection in the peaceful, meditative surroundings of Mirfield. All most welcome.

Tea and coffee provided, bring your own lunch

Suggested donation: £10 (bring on the day)

To book your place email

Do you know someone who would make a good Licensed Lay Minister (Reader)? Maybe you?

Expressions of interest by Monday, March 3, 2025

Now is the time to start exploring a vocation to Lay Ministry with your incumbent, your Episcopal Area Warden of Readers and/or the diocesan Vocations Team. 

Expressions of interest are invited for LLM training with a start date of September 2025.

Eligibility criteria, discernment information and details of the application process together with an Expression of Interest form have been sent to all incumbents, chaplaincy team leaders, PCC Secretaries and Churchwardens in September 2024. A reminder will be sent in early January 2025. The deadline for an expression of interest is Monday, March 3, 2025. 

Application/sponsor/referee forms are only sent out after an expression of interest has been received.

Click here to find out more.

If you require any specific help or information, please contact the Ministerial Development Administrator at

What’s Next in Your Discipleship Journey?

Starting Sunday, March 23, 2025, The Trinity Centre, Bingley

Ever wondered what theology means and how to study it? Need some guidance on how to dig a bit deeper? Don’t know where to start? This free and updated course is for you! Don’t miss out - sign up now for a March start.

Introduction to Theology (ITT): A 12-session journey looking at the Christian faith, thinking about your own faith journey and developing theological skills. This is a great place to start when considering where God is calling you. Attending this course is a pre-requirement for Licensed Lay Ministry training in the diocese of Leeds and is also useful for those considering any of our other Lay Ministry pathways.

Click here to find out more.

Booking deadline is Sunday, March 9, 2025.

If you require any specific help or information, please contact the Ministerial Development Administrator at

For more Diocese of Leeds training visit the Digital Learning Platform
Events across the diocese

36th Joseph Winter Memorial Lecture

Thursday, November 14, 7.30pm, Sandal Methodist Church

Join us for the 36th Joseph Winter Memorial Lecture, part of a long-standing tradition of distinguished speakers engaging with the ecumenical community. Everyone is warmly invited to attend.

For further details, contact Deacon Ronnie Aitchison. Phone: 07940 110793


Company of Servers Diocese of Leeds Chapter Festival Eucharist and AGM

Saturday, November 16, 11am - 2pm, Leeds Minster

Annual Subscriptions will be due & payable on this day. Please bring your own lunch. Everyone is welcome!

Please bring your own robes. New members can be admitted during the Eucharist Service.

If you need any further information, please contact

Chapter Secretary: Sue Middleditch

T: 0113 2643946 M: 07976 209127


Nurturing Respect and Tolerance

Saturday, November 16, 10am - 4pm, Whitley Lower Community Centre

An invitation to a day nurturing respect and tolerance. The day will be led by Dr Chris Hewer, a Christian Theologian with a thorough understanding of Islam. He will give several talks about representative passages/verses from the Bible & the Quran that highlight to importance of respect & tolerance with other extracts which indicate the problems with disrespect & intolerance. Chris is an engaging & informative speaker who comes from a background in Christian theology, education, Islamic studies and inter-faith studies. He has worked in the field of Muslims in Britain and Christian-Muslim relations since 1986, including 6 years as Adviser on Inter-Faith Relations to the Bishop of Birmingham. The talks will be interspersed with personal testimonies from individuals & groups to demonstrate both good & bad behaviour that they have experienced. The day is free with a delicious buffet at lunchtime.

To book a place & your lunch email

Come and Sing Evensong

Sunday, November 17, 3pm, St Margaret's Ilkley

An invitation to enjoy singing wonderful traditional choral music in beautiful St Margaret's Church. Rehearsal at 3pm; refreshments at 4.15pm; evensong at 5pm. To book your place, contact Christopher Rathbone on, by Sunday, November 10. No experience needed!

The Great All Saints Auction

Saturday, November 23, 7pm - 9pm, All Saints Ilkley

Join us for a fun evening to raise funds for our redevelopment project. Visit our website at to take a look through our auction catalogue and for more information.

If you can't make it in person on November 23rd, then don't fear! We will take proxy bids by email ( - let us know the lot you'd like to bid for, your name, email and phone number, and your maximum proxy bid. We will then bid on your behalf, by the bid increment, up to your maximum.

Happy bidding!

All Things Come: Gareth Davies-Jones

Saturday, November 23, 7.30pm - 10pm, St Barnabas' Alwoodley

Gareth Davies-Jones - singer, songwriter, story-teller and producer has been writing, recording and performing as a professional musician for twenty years. From community halls to concert halls, from rural heartlands to the heart of the city he has travelled the length and breadth of the country armed with a rich distinctive voice and now two decades worth of perceptive and compelling songwriting spanning some sixteen albums and song-writing collaborations. Having garnered a loyal following on the independent roots/acoustic scene, his performances are known for gathering people together, inviting audiences to travel with him into a world of landscapes, history, characters and causes all underpinned with assured vocals and the warmth and vibrancy of a beautifully played array of stringed instruments.

From stories of heroism on the Irish Sea to gentle praise for a beguiling Loire Valley village, from insight into the lives of pitman painters to the moving response of nineteenth century Belfast women to deadly famine, “All Things Come” sets out to share a life in song-writing to warm the heart and soul.

Find out more here.

Lindley Band in Concert

Sunday, November 24, 2pm, St Philip's Birchencliffe Community Centre

St Philip's Church, Birchncliffe, Huddersfield are hosting a concert with Lindley Band, an afternoon of music you may know and love.

Tickets cost £9.00 including tea/coffee and cake, available from Karen Haigh, 07930657284 and Michael Smith, 07977059696.

Lindley is a friendly and well established band based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. They have been in existence since the mid -1800’s, making them one of the oldest bands in the UK. The band occupies a unique position within the community of Lindley. There are close bonds and traditions shared with other local organisations, churches and schools within the area.

Tea, Cake and Music

Sunday, November 24, 2.15pm, Holy Trinity Dacre Banks

With Philip Wilby on the organ. Highlights will include Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor and popular organ favourites.

Entry £5 Donation (Children Free)

Proceeds in aid of Holy Trinity Church, Dacre Banks.

The Puzzle of God

Wednesdays, 6.30pm, St Cuthbert's Pateley Bridge

A series of five lectures at St.Cuthberts Church, Pateley Bridge, HG3 on Wednesday evenings at 6.30 for 7.00pm between September and January.

  • Faith and Reason - Wednesday, December 11, 2024
  • What is Christianity? - Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Whilst booking is not essential, due to high demand it would help if anyone who wants to attend could advise the Revd Darry Hall on

Advent Meditation

Thursday, December 12, 8pm - 9pm, online

In the busyness leading up to Christmas, you are invited to find some peace and stillness. With the help of Scripture and other sources of inspiration, we journey deeper into advent. To book your place, please email

Click here to find out more


We have released the Autumn edition of Disability Matters, our newsletter that looks to work together to ensure Deaf and disabled people are full members of the church. Find out more here.

Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence is the way in which the Diocese of Leeds wants to support churches to move forward in mission, ministry and sustainability, in a way that is prayerful, intentional and, within the grace of God, possible.

Barnabas offers every church resources and support at different levels, with a view to us all working towards the diocesan vision of Confident Christians, Growing Churches, Transforming Communities. Find out more here.

We have produced our Leeds @ 10 Booklet, which marks our 10th anniversary by sharing stories from across our diocese, from our cathedrals and more, and looks to the future. It includes thoughts from Bishop Nick. Copies of the booklet are being distributed to every parish in the diocese. It is made of recycled paper and was kindly funded by an external donor. Find out more here.

Join us as we pray for our diocese, and for those in our overseas link dioceses. Our diocesan prayer diary prays for all parts of the diocese, and we also have prayers for our overseas links. Find out more here.


Parish Share 2025 - A message from Bishop Nick

Hear from the Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds, about parish share and how we are supporting parishes across the diocese.

Watch the video here

Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence is the way in which the Diocese of Leeds wants to support churches to move forward in mission, ministry and sustainability. Watch this video to hear more about what Barnabas is and how is can help. the name of Bishop Nick's blog and his most recent entries can be viewed here.

Youth Worker - Every Good Work

Every Good Work is a project growing new young disciples across the city of Wakefield. The Project involves the Diocese of Leeds is working in partnership with three local churches who have a strong track record of serving their local communities. National funding has been made available for us to work together with other local partners to engage with young people in schools and other settings, to work with them in developing social justice projects, and to develop new worshipping communities that are shaped by and ultimately led by young people. We are seeking a youthworker who will help us deliver this vision alongside committed church leaders and a broader support team. The youthworker will be based at a St George’s Church, Lupset and will work with the team to develop and deliver the project over five years. Find out more about this role here

Director of Education - Diocese of Leeds

The Diocese of Leeds is seeking to appoint a Director of Education to serve as the lead officer for the Diocesan Board of Education, fulfilling the statutory role of Diocesan Director of Education. The Director of Education should have significant experience of senior leadership in educational contexts with the ability to manage major organisational change. The postholder must have a thorough understanding of the national education agenda and how this impacts on church schools and academies. The Diocesan Board of Education has the responsibility for the learning of over 64,000 children within the 236 Church of England schools and academies, many of which are part of our 11 Church Academy Trusts. The post holder must have outstanding communication and negotiation skills with the ability to be sensitive to the different cultures and traditions within the schools. Find out more about this role here

Useful Links & Information


For safeguarding issues, contact our advisers on: or call 0113 353 0257 

Juliette Mclellan - Head of Safeguarding

Jenny Leccardi - Safeguarding Adviser

Narinder Lyon - Safeguarding Adviser

Siobhan McNamara - Safeguarding Adviser

Sam McMorland - Assistant Safeguarding Adviser

Nicola Biasco - Safeguarding Administrator

Click here for Safeguarding Training in 2024

Moves and Appointments

The Revd Nathanael Poole has been appointed to the full-time post of Priest in Charge of Farsley in the Leeds area

The Revd Philippa Slingsby-Lunn has been appointed at Priest in Charge of St Luke’s Eccleshill (0.5) in the Bradford area

Contact us with your news

Please contact the Communications Team with your news for future editions. The Enews is published twice a month. The next edition will be sent out on November 28. All news stories to Many thanks!

© Anglican Diocese of Leeds, 2024

Church House, 17-19 York Place, Leeds, LS1 2EX

 0113 200 0540

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