Welcome to the Enews for January 23

The latest resources, news and more.

Click on headlines or pictures for more details.  

Contact enews@leeds.anglican.org with your news. 

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Give To Go Green success continues for more of our churches

All churches in the second round of the Give To Go Green have successfully completed their fundraising, raising some £80,000 for projects to help churches reduce their carbon footprint. The 11 churches all reached, or in some cases exceeded, their fundraising target, raising a total of £81,337 in six weeks of targeted fundraising. Read more here

Huddersfield folk join together for Epiphany service in Halifax Minster

A special Epiphany service to celebrate the faithful work and commitment of those in our Huddersfield Episcopal Area has taken place at Halifax Minster. Church banners were displayed as Archdeacon of Halifax, Ven Bill Braviner presided over a well-attended service, despite the snow, where the Rt Revd Smitha Prasadam, Bishop of Huddersfield preached a message of God’s presence in life, mission and ministry. Read more here

Revd Peter Gunstone appointed as Canon Precentor of Carlisle Cathedral

The Revd Peter Gunstone has been appointed as a Residentiary Canon and Precentor of Carlisle Cathedral, it has been announced. Revd Pete is currently serving as Minor Canon for Worship and Nurture at Bradford Cathedral, following a curacy at the Fountains Church, a new Resource Church in Bradford City Centre. In his new role, Revd Pete will be responsible for leading, overseeing and managing Worship, Liturgy and Congregational Life. Read more here

New webpage for women's ministry launched

The Diocese of Leeds has launched a new webpage to help support women’s ministry in our large and diverse diocese. As a large diocese, we have five Advisors for Women’s Ministry for our five episcopal areas, and this new page shares more about them, their work and the support they can offer. Read more here

St Mary's and St Cuthbert's Bolton Abbey gets Gold Eco Church Award

One of our Ripon area churches has become the 67th church in England and Wales to be awarded the A Rocha Gold Eco Church award. The Priory Church of St Mary and St Cuthbert, Bolton Abbey was given the award, reflecting their commitment to walk in step with nature and put creation care at the heart of what they do. Read more here

A wealth of Warm Welcomes, thanks to volunteers at St John's, Bradford

Amazing volunteers who give Warm Welcomes at St John’s, Thorpe Edge, Bradford have been praised for supporting their local community. St John’s runs a cafe from Tuesday to Friday 9am till 1.30pm that offers a warm space where anyone can come and get a breakfast or lunch at a minimal cost, plus a free warm drink. Read more here

Lunar New Year Market promises repeat success at Leeds Minster

A Lunar New Year market will be held in Leeds Minster, building on the success of last year’s ground-breaking event. Hundreds visited in 2024 for the chance to enjoy food and drink, Chinese calligraphy, tea tasting, games and music, and to buy from arts and crafts stalls. And the Minster’s warm welcome to all will be repeated on Saturday, February 1 from 11am to 2.30pm. Read more here

St George’s Crypt announces collaborative arts project

St George’s Crypt has launched the Lazarus Project, a public art project in collaboration with artists Pippa Hale and the Rt Revd David Hawkins, honorary assistant Bishop in our diocese. This project will co-create a public realm commission aimed at reshaping perceptions of homelessness, while nurturing the creative potential of individuals experiencing it. Read more here

For more diocesan and regional news, visit www.leeds.anglican.org

Living and Learning from the diocese

Thinking of becoming a Church Warden?

Thursday, February 20, 7pm – 9pm, online

If you are thinking of standing for election to become a Church Warden but are not sure what this might entail, then come along to this session to find out. We will cover what are the main duties of a Church Warden; what are your responsibilities and what support is available to help you in this role.

To book your place please contact your Archdeacon’s PA:

Bradford: Carmel Dylak

Huddersfield: Christine Bleasdale

Leeds: Helen Allison

Richmond and Craven: Chloe Drummond

Wakefield: Heather Ricks

Ministry with Children and Young People

Saturday, February 22, 9.45am – 1pm, Church House

Are you involved with your church's ministry with children and young people? This course is for you! Whether you have been working with children and young people for a long time or you are just starting out, this course is designed to help you develop and refresh skills and knowledge so you can serve children and young people well. Find out more here. To sign up for this session, please email childrenyouth@leeds.anglican.org.

Emergency First Aid Course - for employed and volunteer children and youth workers

Monday, February 24, 9am – 4.30pm, Church House

During this one-day course, learners will develop the skills and knowledge needed to deal with a range of emergency first aid situations, including: managing an unresponsive casualty, CPR, choking, shock, wounds and bleeding and minor injuries. Cost £56.92 per person. Booking information here.

Do you know someone who would make a good Licensed Lay Minister (Reader)? Maybe you?

Expressions of interest by Monday, March 3, 2025

Now is the time to start exploring a vocation to Lay Ministry with your incumbent, your Episcopal Area Warden of Readers and/or the diocesan Vocations Team. 

Expressions of interest are invited for LLM training with a start date of September 2025.

Eligibility criteria, discernment information and details of the application process together with an Expression of Interest form have been sent to all incumbents, chaplaincy team leaders, PCC Secretaries and Churchwardens in September 2024. A reminder will be sent in early January 2025. The deadline for an expression of interest is Monday, March 3, 2025. 

Application/sponsor/referee forms are only sent out after an expression of interest has been received.

Click here to find out more.

If you require any specific help or information, please contact the Ministerial Development Administrator at shuna.hartley@leeds.anglican.org.

Messy Church Training Event

Saturday, March 8, 10am - 2pm, St Thomas' Bradley

If you are involved in a Messy Church team then this training is for you! Join us, along with the National Messy Church Team as we explore Discipleship within Messy Church and Messy Church Goes Wild. The cost for the day is £5 (refreshments provided). Booking information here.

Lent Retreats in Episcopal Areas

Saturday, March 8 and Saturday, March 15

A time to pause and reflect on the rhythms of our lives. Each retreat will be led/hosted by one of our Area Bishops on the following dates:

  • Saturday, March 8 – Bradford, Huddersfield and Leeds
  • Saturday, March 15 – Ripon

For further details and booking information please click here for the individual events.

Saving Creation Silver: Parish Environment Officer

Starting Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - Tuesday, May 20, 2025 with a break for the Easter Holiday, online via Zoom

This Silver level course is for anyone wishing to:

  • Gain an understanding of various aspects of the environmental crisis including: climate change, biodiversity loss, implications for social justice, animal welfare issues, issues of waste and water.
  • Gain an understanding of the nature of Mission and how environmental mission fits within them
  • Gain an understanding of the role of lifestyle choices in both discipleship and effecting change
  • Gain an understanding of how to implement the Church of England Net Zero Target Strategy, and Eco-Church in a local parish context
  • Consider how the resources provided nationally and by the Diocese can be used in a parish context
  • Receive training in the skills required to be an effective Parish Environment Officer

Click here to find out more.

If you require any specific help or information, please do contact us at layministry@leeds.anglican.org.

What’s Next in Your Discipleship Journey?

Starting Sunday, March 23, 2025, The Trinity Centre, Bingley

Ever wondered what theology means and how to study it? Need some guidance on how to dig a bit deeper? Don’t know where to start? This free and updated course is for you! Don’t miss out - sign up now for a March start.

Introduction to Theology (ITT): A 12-session journey looking at the Christian faith, thinking about your own faith journey and developing theological skills. This is a great place to start when considering where God is calling you. Attending this course is a pre-requirement for Licensed Lay Ministry training in the diocese of Leeds and is also useful for those considering any of our other Lay Ministry pathways.

In recognition of travel and internet accessibility issues, we are introducing a new hybrid version of the course. It will take place in Leyburn and Gargrave in–person with a local host/facilitator and the teaching sessions will be via Zoom.

Click here to find out more about the in-person course.

Click here to find out more about the hybrid course.

Booking deadline for the in-person course is Sunday, March 9, 2025.

Booking deadline for the hybrid course is Sunday, February 9, 2025.

If you require any specific help or information, please contact the Ministerial Development Administrator at shuna.hartley@leeds.anglican.org.

Occasional Preachers Course – Spring 2025

March - June 2025, online

This diocesan Lay Ministry pathway is for lay people who are unable to commit to becoming Licensed Lay Ministers but still feel called to a preaching ministry on an occasional basis.

Preaching is an influential part of the Church’s ministry and a privilege not to be undertaken lightly. For this reason, the canons of the Church require a lay person to have the permission of the bishop to preach, either directly or through diocesan arrangements agreed by the bishop.

More details and booking information can be found here.

If you require any specific help or information, please do contact us at layministry@leeds.anglican.org.

Retreat for Carers and those who care

Friday, June 20 to Sunday, June 22, 4pm on Friday - 3pm on Sunday, Parcevall Hall

Led by Revd Henriette Howarth. This weekend offers rest and spiritual nourishment to those who live with or care for loved ones who struggle with physical and mental health challenges. You don’t need to be a ‘recognised’ carer to cone on this retreat. There will be space to rest and time to receive from God, learn from Scripture and other spiritual resources about divine compassion, and use music and creativity as tools to relax and experience God’s Spirit. Cost: £195. More information and booking details here.

For more Diocese of Leeds training visit the Digital Learning Platform

Other training opportunities

Harrogate School of Theology and Mission Lectures

Running on Saturdays, 10am, St Mark's Harrogate and online

Harrogate School of Theology and Mission are pleased to offer a new autumn programme of lectures, with speakers including Dr David Moffit, the Revd Dr Alan Garrow, the Rt Revd Arun Arora, Bishop of Leeds, and more. All lectures are offered in person, at St Mark’s Harrogate, starting promptly at 10am, but preceded by breakfast. The lectures are also available by live-stream (on Zoom) but you’ll have to make your own breakfast!

Find out more and book here.

Dayschool at Leeds School of Theology

Starting January 2025, St George's Leeds

Leeds School of Theology is offering in person teaching starting in January 2025 at St George's Leeds.

Our 2025 Dayschool offers accessible theology training over ten saturday sessions delivered in person in the centre of Leeds. In each session you will hear from our teaching team, discuss the content with other students, ask questions and form friendships.

Please click here to find out more.

Events across the diocese

Holocaust Memorial Service

Sunday, January 26, 3.30pm - 4.30pm, Bradford Cathedral

This Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi concentration camp complex, and the 30th anniversary of the genocide in Bosnia. All are invited to mark the occasion at a special service of Choral Evensong, led by the clergy and choir of the Cathedral. Click here to fine out more.

Company of Servers Spring Eucharist

Saturday, February 22, 11am, St Chad's Toller Lane

Guest Preacher: The Rt Revd Dr Toby Howarth, Bishop of Bradford.

Lunch will be provided.

Everyone is Welcome. Please bring your own robes. New members can be admitted during the Eucharist Service

For catering purposes, please let us know if your able to come by Thursday, February 13 2024, or if you need any further information contact Chapter Secretary, Sue Middleditch.

T: 0113 2643946 M: 07976 209127 E: middleditch@live.com.

Parish Pilgrimages at Ripon Cathedral

Saturday, March 22, Saturday, June 28 and Saturday, November 1, Ripon Cathedral

The pilgrimage around the Cathedral is called “Treasures Untold.” It is ideal for groups of up to 20 or so people. Teas and coffees will be served on arrival at 9.30am. Then the group will be led around the Cathedral to explore significant dimensions of its fabric and through them contemplate the activity of God in the world and in our lives. It is a prayerful progression around the building, seeking a real sense of God’s presence with us and his love for us. The pilgrimage will conclude in time for people to participate in the service of Holy Communion if they wish.

If anyone wishes to discuss the pilgrimage further before booking, please contact Canon Matthew Pollard on canonmatthew@riponcathedral.org.uk. Parishes are invited to book by contacting the Cathedral Administrator on cathedraladmin@riponcathedral.org.uk.

Follow Me: Wakefield area Quiet Day for Eastertide

Saturday, May 24, 10am - 3pm, Community of the Resurrection Mirfield

Led by the Revd Canon Philip Hobday, this will be a day for refreshment and guided reflection in the peaceful, meditative surroundings of Mirfield. All welcome. Tea and coffee provided, please bring your own lunch. Suggested donation of £10.

To book your place please email caroline.asquith@leeds.anglican.org.


The Diocese of Leeds has launched a new webpage to help support women’s ministry in our large and diverse diocese. As a large diocese, we have five Advisors for Women’s Ministry for our five episcopal areas, and this new page shares more about them, their work and the support they can offer. Find out more here.

Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence is the way in which the Diocese of Leeds wants to support churches to move forward in mission, ministry and sustainability, in a way that is prayerful, intentional and, within the grace of God, possible.

Barnabas offers every church resources and support at different levels, with a view to us all working towards the diocesan vision of Confident Christians, Growing Churches, Transforming Communities. Find out more here.

The Diocese of Leeds is committed to sharing and supporting Fairtrade, and has launched a refreshed website page with resources for parishes. The refreshed Fairtrade page has information and resources for parishes. The diocese aims to take steps to ensure that all deaneries, parishes and schools are encouraged in sourcing Fairtrade products, promoting Fairtrade principles and participating in Fairtrade campaigns. Find out more here.

Join us as we pray for our diocese, and for those in our overseas link dioceses. Our diocesan prayer diary prays for all parts of the diocese, and we also have prayers for our overseas links. Find out more here.


Parish Share 2025 - A message from Bishop Nick

Hear from the Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds, about parish share and how we are supporting parishes across the diocese.

Watch the video here

Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence is the way in which the Diocese of Leeds wants to support churches to move forward in mission, ministry and sustainability. Watch this video to hear more about what Barnabas is and how is can help.
...is the name of Bishop Nick's blog and his most recent entries can be viewed here.

Youth Ministry Lead - St Matts Leeds

We are seeking God’s guidance to find the right person to lead our youth ministry. We are seeking to employ a part-time Youth Minister because we care deeply about our young people growing as disciples of Jesus Christ and becoming disciples who make disciples. We believe that everyone matters to God and that God uses ordinary people like you and me to work with Him in this world. Find out more about this role here

Children and Youth Team Leader - St Paul's Ireland Wood

We are looking for someone to lead and inspire a growing children and youth ministry. As a thriving church community of over 200 members, with one-third being children and young people, St. Paul’s is deeply committed to nurturing faith and fostering connections within the community. This role offers the chance to make a meaningful impact by managing various church activities, supporting and leading a passionate volunteer team, and expanding outreach through local schools and community. Find out more about this role here

Useful Links & Information


For safeguarding issues, contact our advisers on:

safeguarding@leeds.anglican.org or call 0113 353 0257 

Juliette Mclellan - Head of Safeguarding

Jenny Leccardi - Safeguarding Adviser

Narinder Lyon - Safeguarding Adviser

Siobhan McNamara - Safeguarding Adviser

Margaret Mountain - Safeguarding Adviser

Sam McMorland - Assistant Safeguarding Adviser

Nicola Biasco - Safeguarding Administrator

Moves and Appointments

The Revd Peter Gunstone has been appointed as a Residentiary Canon and Precentor of Carlisle Cathedral

The Revd Frances Nunn, currently serving as Assistant Curate in the Benefice of St Helen in the Diocese of Liverpool, has been appointed as Priest in Charge of the Emmanuel Benefice (Newsome, Armitage Bridge and Netherton) in the Huddersfield area

The Revd Jennifer (Jen) Bradley, currently serving as Assistant Curate at Kairos Church, Harrogate has been appointed as Interim Rector of the Benefice of Walkingham Hill in the Ripon area

Contact us with your news

Please contact the Communications Team with your news for future editions. The Enews is published twice a month. The next edition will be sent out on February 6. All news stories to communications@leeds.anglican.org. Many thanks!

© Anglican Diocese of Leeds, 2025

Church House, 17-19 York Place, Leeds, LS1 2EX

 0113 200 0540

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