Welcome to the Enews for November 9

The latest resources, news and more.

Click on headlines or pictures for more details.  

Contact enews@leeds.anglican.org with your news. 

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War memorial rededicated ahead of Remembrance Sunday

The rededication of a Second World War Memorial to the former employees of a Huddersfield chemical manufacturer, has been carried out by Revd Canon Rachel Firth, Vicar of Huddersfield ahead of Remembrance Sunday. The brass plaque lists those who gave their lives and the family of one of the fallen heroes, one of whom still works for the same company, were central to proceedings. Read more here

AMEN Conference emphasises that racial justice must be a core feature of Church

Members of the Anglican Ethnic Minority Network (AMEN), church leaders and supporters came together at St Matt’s Church, Leeds on Saturday, November 4 for their Living Well conference, in partnership with USPG (United Society Partners in the Gospel). Speakers for the event included the Rt Revd Arun Arora, Bishop of Kirkstall; Professor Kelly Brown Douglas; Revd Dr Evie Vernon; and A.D.A France-Williams. Read more here

Interfaith Week brings events to Diocese of Leeds

National Interfaith Week is an annual event that this year runs from Sunday, November 12 until Sunday. November 19. The Revd Canon Hilary Barber, Vicar of Halifax Minster and Co-Chair of the Interfaith Network for the UK, which leads on the week, said: "National Interfaith Week brings faith communities across our nation together as we celebrate the role that faith plays in our society today." Read more here

Living histories will feature in Remembrance Sunday services

A family moment of remembrance, like many across our diocese, will take place at St Wilfrid’s Burnsall, when a great granddaughter will lay a wreath in memory of fallen First World War soldier. Read more here

West Leeds United - three churches launch joint youth project

Three churches in West Leeds are excited to be pioneering a new collaborative youth group. St Peter’s Church in Bramley, Christ Church in Armley, and St John’s Church in Wortley and Farnley are launching a new youth group for the young people in their churches, to gather together for fun and games, to spend time building community over pizza, and to explore faith. Read more here

Yorkshire Air Cadets visit WW1 battlefields

A visit to First World War battlefields in France and Belgium by a contingent of Yorkshire Air Cadets culminated in them taking part in the traditional Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate memorial at Ypres, in Belgium. Read more here

Organ marathon for BBC Children in Need shines spotlight on church music

Keen organist Daniel Bezkorowajnyj is resting his fingers after a 36 hour marathon performance at one of our churches to raise money for BBC Children in Need. The non-stop session at St Lucius’s Church, Farnley Tyas, began on Monday, November 6 at 8am and was also to make people aware of his church, organ playing and the creative arts. Read more here

How churches support good mental health explored at Huddersfield area church

How a church can support those with mental health challenges has been being explored at one of our Huddersfield area churches. St James’ Slaithwaite has been running the Sanctuary Course, which looks to equip churches as they seek to become sanctuaries where people with mental health challenges feel safe, supported, and a sense of belonging. Read more here

Go digital for giving this festive season

As it gets closer to Christmas, the Diocese of Leeds is inviting churches to get Digital Giving in place for the festive season. Christmas is a time of generosity, and churches often welcome more visitors in their services, both in person and online. Read more here

Wellsprings Together and Clewer Initiative look to tackle slavery in Bradford

How we confront and deal with modern slavery in Bradford was the topic of a recent event. Last month, The Clewer Initiative and Wellsprings Together brought together dozens of frontline community workers and faith leaders, as well as representatives from the local authority, NHS and Police, to consider how to tackle modern slavery in Bradford and beyond. Read more here

New Lent book from Wakefield priest explores Genesis

One of our Wakefield priests has written a Lent book exploring Genesis to support the work of their church. The Revd Canon David Gerrard, Vicar of St Catherine’s Church, Belle Vue, and St Andrew’s Church, Wakefield, wrote the book to support the work of the St Catherine’s Community centre. Read more here

Ripon church praises with jazz

One of our Ripon area churches has been celebrating and praising with jazz at their church. The church of St Matthew's Leyburn was delighted to host Leyburn Jazz Festival at the end of October. Read more here

For more diocesan and regional news, visit www.leeds.anglican.org
Living and Learning

Get Digital Giving Ready for Christmas

Tuesday, November 14 at 7pm, online

Join the Stewardship team to discover how to get the best out of your digital giving devices for Advent and Christmas. We will demonstrate how to use Give A Little to create a Christmas fundraising campaign for your devices and online giving pages. Find out more here.

Wednesday, November 15, 10am - 12pm, Bradford Cathedral
Sharing findings from Suzanne Vernon-Yorke’s recent PHD research with interfaith practitioners in the UK, we will think about gender dynamics and inclusivity, as well as the impact of exclusion and the implications for interfaith practice. Open to all – to book a free place, please email Diocesan Interfaith Adviser, Jenny Ramsden, at jenny.ramsden@leeds.anglican.org. Find out more here.

Advent Meditation

Thursday, December 14, 8pm - 9pm, online

In the busyness leading up to Christmas, you are invited to find some peace and stillness. With the help of Scripture and other sources of inspiration, we journey deeper into advent. An opportunity to reflect, pray and discover the practice of christian meditation. Led by Henriette Howarth. To receive the Zoom link, please email charlie.scott@leeds.anglican.org. Find out more here.

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Licensed Lay Ministry (Reader) Training starting in September 2024

Now open for initial inquiries

Eligibility criteria, discernment information and an initial enquiry form have been sent to all incumbents, chaplaincy team leaders, PCC Secretaries and Churchwardens in September 2023. A reminder will be sent in early January 2024. The deadline for initial enquiry forms is 1 March 2024. Once an initial enquiry form has been received an application pack will be sent out.

More details and the Application Timeline can be found here.

If you require any specific help or information, please do contact the School of Ministry administrator at shuna.hartley@leeds.anglican.org.

Meditation Weekend – Down to Earth

Friday, April 12 - Sunday, April 14 2024, Scargill House

If you enjoy walking and want to practice Christian meditation/contemplation, this weekend is for you! We will be walking in the landscape of the Yorkshire Dales to become more deeply aware of ourselves, of God and of our place on the earth. Led by Henriette Howarth and Gabriela Todd. For more information and to register your interest to be notified when bookings open, please email henriette.howarth@leeds.anglican.org.

Find out more here.

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Introduction to Theology 

Spring 2024 weekly online and Summer 2024 monthly in-person at the Trinity Centre in Bingley

A 12 session journey looking at the Christian faith, your own faith journey and developing theological skills. All students will be encouraged to create a portfolio of your new skills. Potential LLM candidates need to submit their portfolio for review. This course is a pre-requirement for LLM training. 

Further information on dates and booking links can be found here: Spring-24 and Summer 2024. Portfolio submission deadlines for both courses are compatible with the 2024 application timeline for LLM applicants.

If you require any specific help or information, please do contact the School of Ministry administrator at shuna.hartley@leeds.anglican.org.

Carer's Retreat

Friday, June 7 - Sunday, June 9 2024, Parcevall Hall

This retreat is especially for those who live with or care for loved ones who struggle with physical or mental health challenges. There will be space to rest and time to receive from God, and opportunities to learn from Scripture and other spiritual resources about compassion and love for those who care deeply for others. Led by Henriette Howarth. For more information, please contact henriette.howarth@leeds.anglican.org. Find out more here.

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For more Diocese of Leeds training visit the Digital Learning Platform
Events across the diocese

The One and the Many: exploring the unity and diversity

of groupings within Islam and Christianity

Monday, November 13, Darul-ilm Education and Training Centre Thornhill

This day with Chris Hewer will explore unity and diversity within Christianity and Islam. Chris Hewer is a Christian who comes from a background in Christian theology, education, Islamic studies and inter-faith studies. He has worked in the field of Muslims in Britain and Christian-Muslim relations since 1986, including 6 years as Adviser on Inter-Faith Relations to the Bishop of Birmingham. His current work is to teach study days and residential courses, and to develop written and electronic resources. If you would like to attend or simply find out more details, please contact David Currie, Co-Chair of North Kirklees Interfaith at david@currie158.plus.com or nkinterfaith@gmail.com.

Fixing systems not just symptoms - a biblical call for justice

Saturday, November 25, 10am - 12pm St Mark's Leeds Road, Harrogate

Esther Swaffield, a leader with the International Justice Mission (IJM) will give a live and Zoom lecture on this global movement to end slavery and violent oppression. Find out more here

Give it Back, Mak!

Wednesday, November 29 at 7pm, St Wilfrid’s Church Lidget Green

With puppetry, hilarity and extraordinary story-telling, ‘Give It Back, Mak!’ is the quintessential ‘Riding Lights’ Theatre Company Christmas Experience, retelling the Navity story in a new and unique way. Find out more here

Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence is the way in which the Diocese of Leeds wants to support churches to move forward in mission, ministry and sustainability, in a way that is prayerful, intentional and, within the grace of God, possible. Barnabas offers every church resources and support at different levels, with a view to us all working towards the diocesan vision of Confident Christians, Growing Churches, Transforming Communities. Find out more here

A new pilot scheme is helping churches in our diocese double their money for carbon-cutting projects. Give To Go Green is a match-funding pilot project from the Church of England working with churches in the Dioceses of Leeds and Exeter to double locally raised donations, to allow for more work on reducing carbon emissions. Find out more here.

Parish Share requests have now gone out. Please click here to find out more, hear from Bishop Nick, and read our 2024 Parish Share Guide.

The latest edition of the Prayer Diary is now online to download. There are fresh prayers for Sudan as well as prayers for Tanzania. Download prayers here.

Parish Share - A Message From Bishop Nick

As we talk about Parish Share in 2023/24, hear a message from Bishop Nick giving a big thank you to all those who give their money generously, individually and through their parishes, which pays the Parish Share.

Watch the video here.

Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence is the way in which the Diocese of Leeds wants to support churches to move forward in mission, ministry and sustainability. Watch this video to hear more about what Barnabas is and how is can help.
...is the name of Bishop Nick's blog and his most recent entries can be viewed here.

General Administrator for the Bishop of Leeds' office - Diocese of Leeds

Are you someone who can provide excellent administration support and customer service and would love to work in a unique working location, be part of a close-knit team and have job satisfaction knowing that your role is contributing to a wider purpose? We have an opening for a full time General Administrator. The key aspect to this role will be to provide administrative support and hospitality support within the office of the Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds, working under the direction of the Bishop of Leeds PA and alongside the Administrative Secretary and Events Coordinator. Find out more about this role here

Useful Links & Information


For safeguarding issues, contact our advisers on:

safeguarding@leeds.anglican.org or call 0113 353 0257 

Sofia McGreavy - Head of Safeguarding

Jenny Leccardi - Safeguarding Adviser

Narinder Lyon - Safeguarding Adviser

Nikki Rose - Safeguarding Adviser

Click here for Safeguarding Training in 2023

Moves and Appointment

Revd Annie Naish to be Chaplain in the Scargill Community in the Ripon area

Revd Karen Nicholl been granted Permission to Officiate in the Diocese of Leeds

Revd Pete Watson been granted Permission to Officiate in the Diocese of Leeds

Ven Elizabeth Snowden to be Retired Clergy Officer for the Huddersfield area

The Revd Canon Kingsley Dowling to be Retired Clergy Officer for the Leeds area

Contact us with your news

Please contact the Communications Team with your news for future editions. The Enews is published twice a month. The next edition will be sent out on November 23. Area news stories to enews@leeds.anglican.org  

© Anglican Diocese of Leeds, 2023
Church House, 17-19 York Place, Leeds, LS1 2EX
 0113 200 0540

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