February 2023
Penquis Partners on Innovative Housing Solutions
Penquis is receiving $3.3 million to support a project that may transform housing construction methods in Maine and across the nation while addressing the state’s housing crisis.
The project, using UMaine's BioHome3D technology, is a collaborative effort involving Penquis, the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center, and MaineHousing. New materials and methods developed by UMaine will be used to create a first-in-the-nation bio-based 3D-printed neighborhood. The neighborhood will be located in the Greater Bangor area and consist of nine homes that will provide housing for individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness. 
The homes will be printed using a mix of recycled plastic and wood fiber waste from the Maine woods. Current onsite 3D-printing technology using concrete has limited construction seasons in colder climates and can only print the walls of the structure. The latest technology developed by UMaine can print the entire structure of a home including the walls, floors, and roof, and the homes can be fully recycled. 

The nine homes will be constructed in UMaine's planned Factory of the Future laboratory over four years in phases, allowing time to evaluate and modify the home’s design based on housing performance, cost and feedback from the homes’ occupants. The goal is to optimize the home’s design and minimize cost in order to make this new type of construction commercially viable. 
In addition to helping to address Maine’s housing crisis, the BioHome3D technology could help create an entirely new industry that will increase demand for locally-sourced materials, provide business opportunities for Maine forest-product suppliers and create new jobs in construction and manufacturing. 

The potential to address the housing crisis while spurring Maine’s natural resource economy is what earned the project seed capital from NeighborWorks America, a recent $300,000 grant award from KeyBank Foundation and $3 million in congressionally directed spending. Penquis thanks all of the project's public and private funding partners for supporting this important initiative. To read more, click here
Penquis Proud Sponsor of Sarah Dubay Award
Penquis was honored to sponsor the Sarah Dubay Professional Service Award at the Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce annual dinner. The award recognizes an individual who embodies Sarah's generous spirit, donating over an extended period of time his or her expertise to both the Chamber and the community at large. Congratulations to Kristen McAlpine for receiving this important award.
Shout Out to Our Fabulous Frontliners!
Kudos to our Reception team for answering 68,224 calls and greeting 12,735 visitors at our Penquis offices in 2022! It's been busy since we reopened our offices to the public last fall. Thanks to our Reception team for the wonderful job they do every day!
More Households are Eligible for Heating Assistance
As the cold months continue, Penquis is expanding its heating assistance with the receipt of $1,920,985 in funding from LD3, entitled “An Act to Establish the Winter Energy Relief Payment Program.” This funding, which is a part of the Winter Energy Relief Bill submitted by Governor Mills, will be used in Penobscot, Piscataquis, and Knox counties. Penquis will be able to distribute $800 directly to energy vendors on behalf of income-eligible households.

Who is eligible for the LD3-funded program? Households who were over the income guidelines for the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and are below the 300% federal poverty level (FPL). Households that have never applied for HEAP or households that applied for HEAP and have exhausted their HEAP and Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) benefit can complete a LD3 application. Households will be able to self-declare their gross household income over the telephone while completing the application with a staff person. The household income has to be less than or equal to 300% of the 2022–2023 FLP. For example, a household of 4 could have income up to $83,250 and be eligible for $800.

Another heating assistance program available this year is called Power Match for Versant Power customers. Versant Power will match donations to Power Match, up to $200,000 (visit www.penquis.org or see below for more information). The funds will be used to help households that are over the HEAP income guidelines but under the 250% FPL for a benefit of up to $500. A family of 4, for example, can earn up to $69,375.
Our Good Neighbor Fund is for households that are over the income guidelines but under the 250% FPL. These funds may also be used to provide assistance if someone is in a crisis and cannot complete the HEAP application. Donations to the Good Neighbor Fund are also accepted at www.penquis.org.
If you or anyone you know needs assistance, please reach out to the HEAP staff. You can make a HEAP appointment online or call 207-973-3630. For more information on Good Neighbor, LD3, or Power Match, can either Joanne Whitney at 207-802-3042 or Sheila Scully at 207-802-3012. 
Free Tax Preparation Begins
Penquis and Eastern Maine CA$H are once again providing free tax preparation services to eligible households at sites in Penobscot, Piscataquis, Waldo, Hancock, and Washington counties.
At the tax preparation sites, IRS-certified volunteers will work to help individuals understand their returns and tax filing responsibilities. The volunteers will also ensure that clients receive all of their eligible benefits, such as Earned Income Tax Credits, refunds, and stimulus payments.
In addition to tax preparation services, individuals may receive information about strategies to help meet their financial goals. Program representatives will be available to answer questions on a variety of financial topics, including paying bills, building emergency savings, paying down debt and improving credit, saving for retirement, and saving for other goals, such as home purchase, education, or vehicle purchase. Individuals will also receive information on available resources and programs such as the Maine Family Development Account Program, Rainy Day Savings Project, and other assistance programs.
Most households with an income of $60,000 or less will qualify. Visit cashmaine.org for the complete list of qualifications.
For more information on site locations, appointment times, and required paperwork, visit www.cashmaine.org/coalition/eastern-maine/ or email emcash@penquis.org. To schedule an appointment, call 207-973-3500. 
Thanks to First National Bank and First National Wealth Management for their sponsorship of our Opportunity Guides!
Learn with Us!
Did you know that Penquis offers free training opportunities? Financial empowerment, home ownership, business ownership, parenting, healthy relationships and more. For a list of winter training opportunities available for parents, youth, community members, and professionals, click here!
Community Matters More
Community Matters More voting has begun! We couldn’t be more excited to share that Penquis is on the ballot this year.
The nonprofits with the highest votes in each region will be awarded grants from the Bangor Savings Bank Foundation’s Community Matters More program. Penquis is listed on the ballot under Southern Penobscot. 

First-place grants: $5,000
Second-place grants: $4,000
Third place grants: $3,000
Fourth place grants: $1,000
You can submit one online ballot with up to 5 different nonprofit organizations. Votes can be for the organizations on the ballot, write-ins, or a combination. Cast your votes using the link below! Voting takes place through Feb. 28, 2023! 
Project HEAT helps Keep ME Warm
Thank you to all who donated to the 2023 Project Heat Telethon. This year, the telethon raised a total of $302,345 for the Keep ME Warm Fund, which will help 681 families receive 100 gallons of oil. We appreciate the generosity in helping Mainers stay warm this winter!
Foster Grandparent Program Seeks Volunteers
The Penquis Foster Grandparent Program provides income-eligible adults age 55+ with a stipend to volunteer 15-40 hours a week in schools, Head Start centers, and other sites to work with children with exceptional needs in 1:1 and small group settings. If you or someone you know is over the age of 55 and is interested in being a role model and tutor to children, please call 1-800-215-4942 to learn about the program or other volunteer opportunities at Penquis.
Like Driving & Meeting People?
Do you like to drive? Are you a safe, insured driver? If you, a friend, a family member, a neighbor, or someone you know wants to help us get people to where they need to be, apply online to become a volunteer driver for Penquis Transportation Services today! L
Power Match Donations Matched by Versant Power
We've partnered with Versant Power to help our friends and neighbors get the electricity bill assistance they need this winter. Donate to Power Match today and Versant Power will double your impact by matching your donation! For more information and for eligibility guidelines, call 207-973-3630 or email powermatch@penquis.org.
Penquis Continues to Collect Coats
If you are treating yourself to some new winter wear but your old coat still has plenty of life left, donate it to Coats of Kindness! Your donated coat will be cleaned for free by Gold Star Cleaners and given to an individual needing help staying warm this winter. If you don't have a coat to donate but still want to help, consider making a gift below. Your cash donation will be used to purchase new coats for people needing help staying warm this winter. Thank you!
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