Rector's Musings

Because of the cold snap last weekend, numbers were down – though still good for the conditions. Could I remind you all that we are collecting nonperishable food items for PICA and Camp Street food banks. We appreciate your help, and items can be left in the baskets at the back of the church.

Sunday is the parochial Annual Meeting at which we will be saying thank you and farewell to Missy
Bennett and Gordon Partington, who between them have over 100 years of service to St. Martin’s. I hope you will be able to join us for parish brunch and honoring of Missy and Gordon before moving onto the meeting agenda. We will also commission Gabe Alfieri as Choirs (adult and children’s) Director, and Steven Young as Church Organist. Remember, the Annual Meeting is the way we make ourselves accountable to one another for the good governance of the parish.

Looking ahead, on February 3 rd the adult forum will start up again with 5 forums on what I call Christian Essentials which is a more interesting approach to what otherwise covers the terrain of Episcopal 101. Essentials cover questions about the nature of God, Jesus, the Church, the Bible, Anglican-Episcopal history, worship and spirituality, and personal accountability. There is much more material than can be comfortably covered in 5 sessions, but we will make a start.

The 5 th week will take us up to Ash Wednesday and the start of the Lent Program which this year will run twice a week on Tuesday evenings and in Sunday morning’s forum slot. It is hoped that Sunday morning will fit better with the needs of families. Child minding will be provided while adults attend the program. Not all the details have yet been worked out, but we will focus in the area of a pastoral and theological engagement with the urgency of climate change.

I hope to see many of you, in church, this Sunday. Remember only one service at 9:30 am.


*Photo above: Mark became a US Citizen today!
(photo courtesy of David Brookhart)