What's Happening at UMC Madison 11/22/22 | |
Sunday, November 27th is the 1st Sunday of Advent
10:00am - Family Worship Service
11:00 - Fellowship Hour
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For millennia, people have looked to the stars for inspiration, navigation, and meaning. Stargazers have used the light from these ancient balls of energy to understand life. As people of faith, we look to sacred stories for inspiration as we navigate the meaning of life’s toughest questions. During the season of Advent we will retell the stories that illuminated the birth of Christ and explore how they connect with one another. | |
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours
From Rev. Mark Schol and the staff of
The United Methodist Church in Madison
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Angel Tree Sign Up
Please sign up to help our friends at Family Promise and local families enjoy a Merry Christmas! You may sign up at the link below to buy gift cards.
All cards must be delivered to Church Office by December 7th.
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The Sarah Circle will be meeting Tuesday, December 6, in the Asbury Room at Chatham UMC at 10:00 a.m. The program will be singing of Christmas carols, led by Angela Notari with Marion Williams at the piano. Light refreshments will be served. Everyone is asked to bring a non-perishable item for the Chatham area food distribution which takes place every Wednesday at CUMC. Eileen Ruggiero, the secretary who coordinates donations, will talk briefly about the history/scope of this community endeavor. Madison ladies and guests are invited to attend. Laurie Hagerich will be glad to provide further information or transportation. | | |
It's that time of year again! Rehearsals for our annual Christmas Pageant will be on Sundays after Church. Children of all ages are welcome to participate! Contact Peggy Merrick, Nori Tadano, or Daniel Leguizamon for more information. | |
We’re excited to begin the Handbell Choir with our elementary school children on Sundays! We will have 30-minute weekly sessions after the service. If you have any questions please email Daniel at music@umcmadison.org or call him at (917) 562-0961. We would need a parent to help us supervise the session. | |
Winter Coat Drive
We are still in need of the following sizes:
Coat for men
Coat for women
1 Four-year-old girl’s coat
We will be collecting new or gently used winter coats and clothing for our Drew students. Six children and one baby are included in the collection. You may leave your donations in the barrels at the church side entrance.
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UMC Combined Youth Group
This Coming Advent Season the UMC of Summit Youth Group is Hosting a Stocking Stuffer Event & Christmas Party on Sunday, December 4th from 6:00 - 8:00pm. The UMC Youth Collective will be coming together to prepare gifts of toys & fixings for Family Promise Families. Please join us in our cause!
Please contact Pastor Woo at assistantpastor@umcmadison.org if you have any questions.
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We have a smart, reliable Drew Student who is looking for affordable housing in town. Do you or someone you know have a spare room for rent? If so, contact the church office to set up a meeting with the student.
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- Monday, November 21, 2022:
Semi-continuous: Psalm 117; Jeremiah 30:1-17; Revelation 21:5-27
Complementary: Psalm 24; Jeremiah 46:18-28; Revelation 21:5-27
- Tuesday, November 22, 2022:
Semi-continuous: Psalm 117; Jeremiah 30:18-24; Revelation 22:8-21
Complementary: Psalm 24; Isaiah 33:17-22; Revelation 22:8-21
- Wednesday, November 23, 2022:
Semi-continuous: Psalm 117; Jeremiah 31:1-6; Luke 1:1-4
Complementary: Psalm 24; Isaiah 60:8-16; Luke 1:1-4
Thursday, November 24, 2022: Thanksgiving Day, USA
Thursday, November 24, 2022: Psalm 122; Daniel 9:15-19; James 4:1-10
Friday, November 25, 2022: Psalm 122; Genesis 6:1-10; Hebrews 11:1-7
Saturday, November 26, 2022: Psalm 122; Genesis 6:11-22; Matthew 24:1-22
Sunday, November 27, 2022: First Sunday of Advent
Attribution: Christ and the Miracle of the Loaves and Fish, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. https://diglib.library.vanderbilt.edu/act-imagelink.pl?RC=51995 [retrieved November 18, 2022]. Original source: Prof. Patout J. Burns and Prof. Robin M. Jensen, rjensen3@nd.edu.
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Ted Lasso Watch Party
Join us in the Church Library on Tuesdays at 10:00am to watch selected episodes of Ted Lasso.
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Join us for food and fellowship on Thursdays at 7am
We'll be meeting at the Nautilus Diner
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We have resumed our choir rehearsals on Thursdays at 8:00 PM. We're now planning our holiday season and would love to have church or community members that are able to join us during the month of December Please email Daniel at music@umcmadison.org or call/text him at 917-562-0961. | |
Our Oikos group meets on Sundays at 4pm in the church library. Anyone interested in joining, please feel free to contact Nori, Karen, or Pastor Woo.
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Prayer Gathering
Join with Drew Students for a brief weekly prayer gathering on Saturdays at 7pm in the Sanctuary. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Woo or Hedwige Mutwale.
Zoom link
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Family Promise needs
Kynishah, a single mom of three children in our shelter program, just got a job as a teacher’s assistant. She is super excited and we are so happy for her. The dress code for her position is business casual and she is in high need of some attire.
Will you please put the word out to your congregation and ask if anyone has some clothing they wouldn’t mind passing along to Kynishah? Below are her sizes.
Shirt/blouse: Large
Pants: 14
Jackets/blazer: XL
Shoes: 8-8 ½
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Please sign up to read Scripture or the Call to Worship during our services.
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Ushers are responsible for greeting people and handing out bulletins, passing out the offering and guiding people to communion on the first Sunday of the month.
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UMC: Who We Are & What We Believe
The United Methodist Church is a worldwide connection - we are the person next door, the church on the other side of the country, and the worshiping community across the globe. We are more than 12 million members in Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States. Together, we share a legacy of living as disciples of Jesus Christ, sharing God's love both in what we say and how we serve our neighbors.
We are present in more than 100 countries, speaking many languages and representing diverse cultures, but our 43,000 local congregations all share:
- A 238-year, history that has been hope, healing and salvation for millions,
- A mission and ministry that is heart inspired and hands on,
- A commitment to show up when there is a disaster and pray for one another in our daily challenges,
- And a passion for following Jesus through worship, prayer, service and the study of Scripture.
Read more here
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Acorn Academy is hiring! When we say this is a great place to start, we’re not just talking about children preparing for elementary school. It’s also about our employees. When you join our staff, you’ll discover the joy of learning, as you grow and develop in your career, alongside the children in your care. As you inspire them to achieve, you’ll be inventing your future too.
-Competitive wages
-Health Insurance offered
-Supportive, working environment
Email Kareena Salo, Director of Acorn Academy:
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Acorn Academy hosting Book Drive
Acorn Academy is partnering with the Education Department and Connect for Kids Club on Drew campus
The Teacher Education department in collaboration with Connect with Kids is holding a book drive for children and teens. Bring gently used or new books to the church to help us build this year's holiday book tree! All books will be donated.
Acorn will take over all the books that we collect on the 30th.
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- Nicole, in hospital with a brain aneurysm
- Dave, having cancer surgery
- Lynn, caretaker for her parents
- Helen Johnstone, suffering with Parkinson's Disease
- Joe Balwierczak, recupering after hip replacement surgery
- K.A., needs prayers for peace and healing, also support to make good decisions
- Lisa, had lung transplant - prayers for the family of her donor also
- Thanks for donations to Interfaith Food Pantry for Thanksgiving
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- Two colleagues of Vic's - one nearing the end
- Loretta and Paul, both with cancer
- Judy, having melanoma surgery
- Families of the football players at UVA that were killed and injured - also for students dealing with the tragedy
- Church members with Covid
- Prayers to stop gun violence
- Traveling mercies for Thanksgiving travel
- Prayers for people looking for something to be thankful for
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Church Office Hours
Office will be closed November 24-25 for Thanksgiving
Tuesday - Friday
9am - 4pm
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If you have any news or announcements you would like to go into this weekly email, please contact Lisa in the church office at
973-377-1231 or church@umcmadison.org
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