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What's Happening at UMC Madison 6/27/22


Sunday, July 3rd is the 4th Sunday after Pentecost

and Rev. Mark Schol's first service with us

10:00am - Family Worship Service

11:00 - Fellowship Hour welcoming Rev. Schol and his family


Attribution: Hooch, Pieter de. Mother Nursing her Child, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved June 24, 2022]. Original source:


We are still collecting a Love Offering for Pastor Kate to help show our appreciation for all she has done. Please be sure to note "Pastor Kate Love Offering" when making your donation by check, or on our website.

Meet Rev. Mark Schol

Small group gatherings have been scheduled to meet with Rev. Schol.

Signups will be available at coffee hour,

on Signup Genius,

or email Maria Meo at

[email protected] 


Please join us to hear Pastor Mark preach his first sermon to our congregation. Since this is a holiday weekend, we decided to postpone the luncheon to welcome Pastor Mark and his family until Rally Sunday. However, we are planning to have an expanded coffee hour so those in attendance will have an opportunity to gather and get to know Pastor Mark and his family.

Dear All-

The Save Drew Forest yard signs are everywhere, but do people know what it’s all about? The Friends of the Drew Forest would appreciate your help to publicize an upcoming event being held at the Madison Arts Center on June 29th at 7:30pm.  Could you please share the email invitation below with your friends and neighbors in Madison? How about bringing a friend to the event? You may RSVP at Any questions, please contact Lydia at [email protected]



Dear __________,

 Please join me at a great community event on June 29th at 7:30pm at the Madison Community Arts Center.

 Sample home-baked cookies and…

 --Watch two short, powerful Forest videos and learn how they were made.

* Bill Lynch, of Florham Park, is a documentary filmmaker who will talk about his short video, a 3-minute tribute to the Legacy of the Drew Forest.

*  Paul Morgan, of Madison, is a drone videographer who has captured a literal bird’s eye view of the Forest. How did he do it? Come with questions.


--Learn why the Forest is a regional treasure.

* A Drew alum will be on hand to share what has gone into the 14-year restoration of the Forest and how the Forest has shaped her career choices.

* Friends of the Drew Forest will explain how a conservation land sale works and why it’s a win-win for the Forest.

 At the end, there will be time to break into small groups and figure out what each of us can do, whether it’s talking to neighbors, tabling at an event or networking with contacts.

 Hope to see you there. Please RSVP so we know how many cookies to bake.



PS There will be excellent swag—Save the Drew Forest tee shirts, magnets and stickers.

"The St. Vincent's website is ready to accept donations for Family Promise. We are emphasizing Promising Solutions, the new collaborative program for single women in Morris County.

- The website for donations can be accessed via St Vincent Martyr home page:

- Or by going directly to the Family Promise ministry webpage for information and donations:

Many thanks for your continued support of Family Promise and its families. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Laurie Hagerich (073-377-9407) email: [email protected]

Acorn Academy is hiring! When we say this is a great place to start, we’re not just talking about children preparing for elementary school. It’s also about our employees. When you join our staff, you’ll discover the joy of learning, as you grow and develop in your career, alongside the children in your care. As you inspire them to achieve, you’ll be inventing your future too.

-Competitive wages

-Health Insurance offered

-Supportive, working environment

Email Kareena Salo, Director of Acorn Academy: 

[email protected]

Acorn T-Shirts are on sale!

Help support Acorn Academy by purchasing a T-Shirt to show your support.

Profits will go to tuition assistance and classroom supplies.

Contact Kareena Salo at [email protected].


  • Prayers for our leaders to act on gun violence
  • Prayers for the family of Guy Warnken, who passed after several years of health issues
  • Jeanne's neighbor Susan, who will have brain surgery for an aneurysm
  • Celebration for Pastor Woo and his girlfriend, visiting from South Africa
  • Prayers for Estelle in rehab, and Don whose health and strength make it difficult to visit her

  • Little Leo recovering from pneumonia
  • Carolyn is doing better and back at Chatham Hills
  • Celebration for Pastor Woo and his girlfriend, visiting from South Africa
  • Best wishes to Dick and Kerstin on their move back to New Hampshire
  • Danny, making great recovery from a strok

If you have a prayer request, please contact Lisa at [email protected]

Click here to give

Church Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00am - 3pm

Summer office hours will begin in July

Tuesday - Friday

10am - 2pm

If you have any news or announcements you would like to go into this weekly email, please contact Lisa in the church office at

 973-377-1231 or [email protected]

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